WWE Monday Night RAW: Live coverage and results - August 11, 2014

WWE Monday Night Raw

Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to our live coverage and analysis of Monday Night Raw. We are live from the Moda Center in Portland and for the next two hours, we will take you folks through the go home episode match by match as we build up to SummerSlam next Sunday. It is also a special occasion as WWE celebrates the birthday of “The Immortal” Hulk Hogan.

Stay tuned for more updates.

Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler and JBL welcomes us as Monday Night Raw opens up with a glimpse at all the presents for the birthday boy Hulk Hogan.

Paul Heyman cuts a promo

Paul Heyman comes out with Brock Lesnar and cuts a promo on WWE World Heavyweight champion John Cena. He says that Lesnar will be the new champion after 6 days and he will be his advocate. He reminds the fans that they will not see Cena anymore after SummerSlam. Stills of The Undertaker and Lesnar at Wrestlemania 30 are displayed on the giant screen after which Heyman talks about how Lesnar has also defeated The Rock and Hulk Hogan. Another still of Lesnar beating Cena at Extreme Rules in 2012.

Heyman goes on and has a rap of his own about Cena and SummerSlam. Heyman says this is Brock’s house now and he’s taking the man of the house out to dinner. He teases Cena and Hogan for later on.

Later, John Cena will appear to respond to Heyman and Lesnar. Hulk Hogan is wished happy birthday by rapper Florida and Wierd Al Yankovic via videos. Roman Reigns is shown backstage and we got to a break.

Roman Reigns vs Rybaxel

Back from the commercial and Roman Reigns comes out to a huge ovation. Kane enters next as the Director Of Operations and introduces Reigns’ opponents Ryback and Curtis Axel. Axel and Reigns start off as Reigns takes him out with a punch after Axel talks trash. Ryback is tagged in and he too is taken out by a Clothesline after he talks more trash. Reigns delivered another big Clothesline to Ryback. Ryback Powerbombs Reigns as we go into the commercial.

Back from the break and Reigns fights off Ryback and Axel. Reigns knocks Axel off the apron and Rybackthrough the ropes. He follows and Axel grabs him from behind. Reigns fights him off but Ryback hits him from behind. Ryback throws Reigns into the ring post. Axel does the same and the referee warns them. They both grab Reigns and throw him into the ring post for the disqualification.

Winner: Roman Reigns via DQ

Rybaxel bring him into the ring as they start their post-match assault on the black clad superstar. But Reigns comes back with a Superman Punch on both of them. Ryback receives the Spear first.The crowd is hot and Reigns asks them if it looks like he’s ready for Orton. Reigns admits Orton left him laying two weeks ago. Reigns says he’s never stolen anything from Orton but is going to take everything from him on Sunday. Reigns asks what a Viper is when it has its teeth knocked down its throat? A worthless little worm. Reigns says to believe that and hits the turnbuckles.

Backstage, Randy Orton tells Kane that he will finish Reigns at SummerSlam as Rybaxel weren’t able to do the job. Kane announces that The Viper will be facing Sheamus just to make sure he is ready for the PPV on Sunday.

Rob Van Dam vs Seth Rollins

Rob Van Dam comes out and we go to commercial. We are back and Seth Rollins comes out as the match kicks off.

RVD hits a standing moonsault for a 2 count. Rollins turns it around in the corner and beats RVD down. Rollins keeps RVD grounded on the mat. RVD comes back with a kick. Rollins rolls to the floor to regroup. RVD kicks him into the barrier. RVD drops Rollins on top of the barrier. RVD goes to the apron and goes for a big kick but Rollins moves and RVD lands hard on the barrier. We go to commercial.

We come back and RVD is making another comeback. RVD with clotheslines and a scoop slam. RVD hits Rolling Thunder for a 2 count. RVD with a kick to the face and a split-legged moonsault for another 2 count. More back and forth. Rollins takes control and hits the curb stomp for the win.

Winner: Seth Rollins

A very aware Rollins limps off to the stage with his briefcase and watches his back for Dean Ambrose. Just as he gets suspicious of Ambrose hiding inside the big packaged presents for Hulk Hogan, Ambrose bursts out from one of the large ones and attacks Rollins. Rollins manages to escape and Ambrose tells him that there will be no running from the Lumberjacks at SummerSlam.

Stephanie McMahon comes out and calls out Bryan’s therapist who frames him for cheating

Stephanie comes out to the ring after the break as we get a glimpse of last week’s closing segment.

Stephanie brings out the woman that has been helping Bryan, physical therapist Megan Miller. We see a photo of Megan and Bryan doing PT on the big screen. Megan is in the audience and comes to the ring.

Stephanie tells Megan to confess what she has to say as she has been a victim. Megan says she has had acquaintance with Brie and Bryan and they’re good people. Megan and her boyfriend have had dinner with them. She’s tried hard to get Bryan back in the ring. The crowd gives her the “what?” treatment. Stephanie tells her to go on. Megan says she’s ashamed. Her boyfriend left her because of this. She says she can’t be Bryan’s physical therapist anymore. Stephanie asks why. She says it all happened so innocently. The woman says she has been having an affair with Bryan.

Brie Bella rushes out and gets in Megan’s face. Stephanie eggs them on. Brie ends up slapping Megan and spearing Stephanie before putting her in the Yes Lock. They’re broken up and Stephanie says they’re not going to wait until SummerSlam.

Michael Cole’s interview with Jericho and Bray Wyatt still to come.

Jack Swagger vs Cesaro

Cesaro awaits Swagger as he heads into the ring with Zeb Colter. They lock and the bout starts. In a hard hitting bout, Cesaro catches Swagger with an uppercut and scores a nearfall. Cesaro stomps on Swagger but Swagger grabs his ankle for the Patriot Lock. Cesaro quickly gets to the ropes. Cesaro with a big shot to the jaw. Cesaro goes to the top but Swagger runs up and brings him to the mat. Swagger with the Patriot Lock for the win.

Winner: Jack Swagger

Colter cuts a promo on Rusev and Lana but that is cut short as the Ravishing Russian enters with the Belgian Brute who waves his Russian Flag on the stage as both the parties engage in a staredown.

Michael Cole interview with Bray Wyatt and Y2J

Michael Cole is immediately sent away by Bray Wyatt as we prepared for a Wyatt vs Jericho sit down interview. Bray says that Jericho is a disappointment to his father and he can’t even save himself before saving others. Wyatt tells him that his smile is the last view Jericho will ever get. Jericho replies by telling Bray that after 15 years in the company, he is not a savoiur but a survivor. And at SummerSlam, Wyatt doesn’t know which side of Jericho he will see but he promises to follow the buzzards and shove them down Bray’s throat.

AJ Lee vs Eva Marie

The Divas champion makes her way into the ring as we go into a commercial. We are back and Eva is waiting in the ring. A flashback of AJ thrown off the stage by Paige is shown. AJ quickly takes down Eva with a headlock. Out comes Paige skipping along with the music.

Paige’s distraction allows Eva to win with a roll up.

Winner: Eva Marie

Paige tells AJ that she has got a punchable face and recites a poem on throwing her off the stage. Then she reminds Paige that she is going to skip out of SummerSlam as WWE Divas champion. AJ unleashes a post-match assault on Eva at ringside before she grabs her belt and skips out of the arena.

John Cena is shown heading towards the ring backstage as we go into a break.

John Cena’s reply to Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar

We return from the commercial and Cena comes out and mocks Heyman, introducing himself and says that he is to be conquered at SummerSlam. He says that Lesnar is the biggest s.o.b in the business and he is a self-centered individual who does not deserve the title. As you can’t wrestle chants emerge from the crowd, Cena promises that at SummerSlam, the WWE universe will see a side of him that they haven’t before. He calls out Lesnar after stating that this is not his house but our house. Cena then concludes by saying that at SummerSlam, he will be the one to beat the one and he will conquer the conquerer. Cena grabs his titles and yells this Sunday, the champ is here. Cena poses at the top of the stage.

Larry King and Florida Georgia Line send happy birthday messages to Hogan through a video.

Brie Bella vs. Stephanie McMahon

We go to the ring and out comes Brie Bella. Stephanie McMahon comes out next and she’s not dressed to wrestle. Stephanie says she would have loved to beat Brie tonight but they have to wait until SummerSlam after all, that is if Brie makes it to SummerSlam. We get a replay of the segment withDaniel Bryan’s physical therapist. Stephanie says Megan Miller is pressing charges on Brie for assaulting her. Police officers come over and cuff her. Brie gets read her rights and starts crying as Stephanie taunts her. Stephanie says if Brie makes bail, she’ll see her at SummerSlam. We go to commercial.

Dolph Ziggler vs Heath Slater

Ziggler comes out to a huge pop as he makes his way into the ring to face Heath Slater. The IC champion Miz is at the commentator’s table as both the superstars engage themselves in the battle. After delivering a Dropkick to Slater, Ziggler chases out Miz at ringside but fails to get back in time to the ring thus counting himself out and giving Slater the win

Winner: Heath Slater

Ziggler offers some sportsmanship after the match as he tries to shake hands with Slater. But Slater went for the kick which Ziggler caught and hits him with the Zig Zag.

Randy Orton vs Sheamus

Randy Orton comes out first followed by Sheamus. They lock up and we have a hard hitting bout. Sheamus slams Orton. He delivers a big knee drop for a nearfall. Orton retreats to the apron but Sheamus grabs him. He slides out of the ring and we go into the commercial.

Back from the commercial and Sheamus is sent into the timekeeper’s area. Sheamus comes back with a rolling senton but scores a 2-count. Orton ducks a Brogue Kick. Sheamus blocks the RKO. Sheamus goes shoulder first into the corner.Sheamus counters and pulls himself to the top. Sheamus comes off the top with a flying clothesline but Orton catches him in a nice RKO for the win.

Winner: Randy Orton

Hulk Hogan’s birthday celebration

We are back from the commercial as the entire roster is out on the stage to celebrate Hogan’s birthday. We get a look at Brock Lesnar vs John Cena for SummerSlam.

In the ring, we have Gene Okerlund and Jimmy Hart as Gene introduces Hulk Hogan who comes out to a big ovation. A tribute video showcasing Hogan’s life and career in the WWE is shown and it ends with the crowd applauding for the Hulkster. Hogan tells that the video has left him speechless. But he can muster up something in Portland and then we have an old school “Mean Gene” promo. Hogan thanks the crew that works so hard in the back, the Superstars, even Pat Patterson. Hogan thanks the WWE Universe and all his Hulkamaniacs. Hogan says when you turn 61, you start to reflect on things. He says Hulkamania is a 2-way street and he hopes he’s touched lives just a little bit compared to how the fans have touched his life. Hogan says he loves his Hulkamaniacs and the WWE Universe. Ric Flair’s music hits and out he comes to celebrate.

After Flair, one of Hogan’s past rivals, “Mr. Wonderful” Paul Orndorff comes out. Roddy Piper follows as he enters to a huge pop. And then it’s time for the much anticipated nWo as Scott Hall and Kevin Nash come to a big pop. Hall flicks his toothpick on the camera and heads into the ring. Hall takes the mic and asks the WWE universe whether they want to see Hogan in his sweet red and yellow or in his black and white of the nWo. The crowd cheers for nWo as Hogan rips his shirt off to reveal an nWo shirt underneath. Nash grabs the mic and starts to sing Happy Birthday, but that celebration is interrupted by the Beast, Lesnar.

Lesnar and Heyman step into the ring and Lesnar stares down at all those legends before Heyman asks Hogan What you gonna do brother. Lesnar tells Hogan that the party is over grandpa. Out comes Cena into the ring and takes his shirt off ready to fight. Lesnar thinks about it and steps out of the ring as he retreats. Cena shouts this is our house and Lesnar shouts that he is a mercenary as Raw goes off the air.