WWE Main Event Results - 8/5/2015

This weeks WWE Main Event featured two important matches

This week’s WWE Main Event is in Sacramento, California and Rich Brennan and Jerry Lawler are in announcing duties. The show kicks off with a graphic paying tribute to recently departed Roddy Piper. Big Show makes his way out and cuts a promo.

Show looks back and says he had two goals when he entered into this business over twenty years ago. First, he wanted to be the best giant this business ever saw. Second, he wanted to make all the money he could. It is funny because he has made certain choices to provide for himself and his family but you call him a sell out. Show wants to know how did he sell out when he made the best decision possible for him and his family. He says anyone would have taken the decision he took, but it is he who’s blamed as a sell out. He goes on to compare himself with Andre The Giant, saying he has won more championships than Andre The Giant. He reiterated the fact that he held almost every championship offered in this business. Everyone in the locker room is beneath him. All of we are beneath him and aspire to be someone like him.

Big Show then talks trash about Ryback saying no matter how hard Ryback trains, or how fast he comes back. Ryback will have to deal with a seven foot tall, four hundred fifty pound wall that will knock him out with a smile. Then he will win back his Intercontinental Title. Jack Swagger comes out and challenges Show to a match.

Match One: Big Show vs Jack Swagger:

The match sways to and fro between the two men. Show grabs Swagger and hits a choke slam for a near fall. Show argues with the referee about his count. The straps are down for Show and he hits the KO punch on Swagger for the three count.

The Ascencion are in the ring and they express their intent to go after the Prime Time Players after they are done with the Lucha Dragons.

Match Two: Konnor and Viktor versus Kalisto and Sin Cara

The Ascencion dominates for most of the match but in the end Cara hits the Dragon Bomb on Konnor for the three count.

We go to credits.