WWE Fastlane 2019: Sasha Banks and Bayley vs Nia Jax and Tamina, results, video highlights and analysis

Nia Jax and Tamina made quite the statement at Fastlane
Nia Jax and Tamina made quite the statement at Fastlane

The Women's Tag Team Championships are on the line for the first time at Fastlane as Bayley and Sasha Banks defend against Nia Jax and Tamina in what is expected to be a hard-hitting match between four women who really don't like each other.

Beth Phoenix joined the commentary panel for the history-making match was the Women's Tag Team Championships were defended in Cleveland.

Tamina and Bayley kicked off the match before Sasha Banks quickly tagged in when she was unable to overcome the strength advantage. Jax came in and used Banks as a battering ram against her own partner for the first pin attempt of the match.

Tamina nailed a solid clothesline on Bayley for another near fall attempt before both teams started to take advantage of the frequent tags. Jax hit a powerbomb on Bayley before Tamina looked for the pin, but The Hugger was too fresh to stay down for three.

Tamina and Jax looked to keep Bayley away from her partner as they began wearing her down, but Tamina was hung up in the corner and Bayley found an opening to tag in her partner.

Banks was able to push her team back on top but Jax tagged in and killed the momentum with a Samoan Drop. Bayley tagged in and sent Tamina to the outside before she was picked out of the air by Jax, but she fought out and sent Jax into the ring post.

Banks and Bayley double teamed Jax from the top rope before Banks took out Tamina and Jax on the outside and Bayley double ensured with a suicide diva of her own.

Tamina saved Jax from the pin following an elbow from the top rope, but when Jax went for a powerbomb on Bayley, the Champion was able to roll through with a hurricanrana and pin the former Women's Champion.

Result: Sasha Banks & Bayley defeat Nia Jax & Tamina

After the match, Tamina and Jax attacked Bayley and Sasha Banks until Beth Phoenix stepped up and stopped the assault only to be attached by Nia Jax from behind. The two women assaulted Beth until Nattie made the save but was also beaten down by the Samoan Dynasty.