WWE Fastlane 2016 - 5 stars who could shine at the PPV

Reigns is widely expected to win the main event

Fastlane graces us with its second edition on February 21st. That means that the upcoming episode of Raw will be the go-home show for the Pay Per View. The company’s already announced 4 matches for the event.Charlotte faces Brie Bella for the Divas Championship, Lynch and Banks play reluctant partners to overcome what’s remaining of Team B.A.D, Alberto Del Rio takes on Kalisto in an otherwise lukewarm program and finally the main event will determine who Triple H’s opponent will be at Wrestlemania.WWE has made the most of events that don’t really look all that great on paper and it’s safe to assume something like that for Fastlane.Here are the 5 stars who could shine at the PPV-

#5 Roman Reigns

Reigns is widely expected to win the main event

What hurts him most is the predictability of his victory. The fact that Dean Ambrose, a much-loved babyface, plays his brother whom he protects a lot is a great enough characteristic. With this main event what The Authority may be aims to do is to crack and break the relationship between the two brothers and get him mauled at the hands of Lesnar. And just like last year, he will overcome the odds and just like last year with his match against Daniel Bryan, he just may steal the show.

#4 Charlotte

Charlotte looks towards going into WrestleMania as champion

Charlotte faces Brie Bella at Fastlane. Brie Bella has been one of the most lukewarm acts in the Divas Division which has regained some momentum following her sister’s surgery and more after Daniel Bryan’s retirement announcement.

Brie looks to make her husband and sister proud by winning the title and this week on Raw the writers may focus on that aspect much more. This gives Charlotte a lot of material to gain heat from. And if all of it is well executed she may just become the biggest heel in the Divas Divison.

#3 Becky Lynch

Lynch teams up with Sasha Banks at Fastlane

The company, as speculation goes, is trying to build Lynch into the biggest babyface of the Divas division and that is very well deserved given how awesome Lynch has been. Lynch is being written better on the main roster than she was on NXT and that is a huge statement in itself.

The Lasskicker will be a reluctant tag team partner to Sasha Banks and both of them, it seems, are having a filler feud with Team B.A.D until they face Charlotte at Wrestlemania.

If they are looking at Lynch as the biggest babyface then Fastlane may be a pivotal moment for her.

#2 Brock Lesnar

The Beast Incarnate always shines

If Brock Lesnar is present at any event he is obviously there to make a huge mark. He’ll shine despite there being a high possibility that he won’t win. He’s an anomaly and given how his match with Reigns was last year and given how fresh the combination of him and Ambrose is, the main event is expected to be a slobberknocker.

He’ll take both the brothers to Suplex City, he’ll maul them and throw them around like you’ve never thrown your toy figures around and it may all be too much for comfort to witness but that’s how he rolls and all that will still be must- see.

#1 Dean Ambrose

The wild, wild card

Ambrose may well be the guy to take the pin in the main event. The company may not have Lesnar be pinned by Roman Reigns, who is the predicted winner. But throughout the road to Fastlane the main event program has been the most well-executed story especially for how Dean Ambrose has been portrayed as the unhinged, fearless, wild card.

So have no doubts that it’s quite intriguing at how Ambrose will handle Lesnar and vice versa. What happens when you are actually in the same ring as The Beast for longer than a few minutes and what happens to the beast when his prey welcomes the punishment and he’s unable to kill said prey as easy as he thought?

Also, his interaction with Reigns will be interesting as well.