WWE Extreme Rules 2014: Predictions for Every Champion

Extreme Rules is just around the corner and as usual the title holders have started to feel the pay-per-view pressure. The last time WWE put up a pay-per-view we only saw one title change hands while some didnt have the luxury of being defended.Thing are looking a bit better this time around as WWE has already made a handful of championship matches.It might not be a PPV which the fans will be eager to watch like WrestleMania, but Extreme Rules is certainly a credible one where we could see title changes. So here is a look at the champions and their chances to still have the gold with their waist after Extreme Rules.

#5 United States Championship Keeps

Arguably the easiest one to predict as the title is not up for grabs at Extreme Rules. The company is literally wasting it on Dean Ambrose.

Ambrose is someone who could get over without any title and he is also part of Shield which makes it difficult for WWE to make him drop it.

The only way that WWE could let him drop it at the moment would be to let the Evolution screw him.

And even if that happen, the new champion is highly unlikely to lose it at Extreme Rules. However, Ambrose dropping to any midcarder is an exciting prospect since it could give life to some people like Dolph Ziggler, Alberto Del Rio or even give a push to Alexandre Rusev.

#4 Tag Team Championship Keeps

The Usos most probably will face Rybaxel at Extreme Rules due to the lack of heel challengers in the tag team division.

WWE didn’t do a good job building up the feud as well since they randomly threw in a team as challengers. Rybaxel got some momentum on the road with some wins but doesn’t seem fit to be champions at the moment.

Usos has only held the title for like 2 months as well which makes it a bad decision to drop the title at Extreme Rules.

The Usos needs to be champions till the WWE gets the Ascension into the mix since the face team would be necessary to enhance the NXT Tag Team Champions.

#3 Divas Title- Keeps

Paige winning the Divas title was something revolutionary. We all wanted Paige to feud with AJ Lee after that but AJ apparently took some time off leaving Tamina in the mix.

WWE also built up Paige as an underdog who survives to win the match. And facing a power house like Tamina is going to suit that image. However, the chances of Tamina taking away the title from Paige are slim.

Paige has a lot more to give to the title. We’ve only seen a tip of the iceberg now as she could go to places after breaking out of this underdog image.

A returning AJ needs Paige as the champion which makes it sure that she won’t drop the title at Extreme Rules.

#2 The WWE World Heavyweight championship Keeps

Daniel Bryan won the title at WrestleMania after a yearlong struggle and has Kane as his first challenger. The two has a lot of history between them and after Kane took out Bryan on Raw, things just got personal.

The match is surely going to be a cracker but Kane winning the title is clearly not happening.

WWE wants to give Bryan a credible title run and this is going to be a start of things. Kane will also get a limelight that he deserves. Losing against Daniel Bryan is going to do nothing bad for the big red monster while it could help Bryan get a win under his belt as the champion. WWE could also rubberstamp the ending of Bryan – Authority feud and use Bryan for feuds revolving the title.

#1 The Intercontinental Title Drops

The only possible title that could change hands at Extreme Rules is the Intercontinental title. Surprisingly it wasn’t defended at WrestleMania which was actually a shame for such a prestigious championship.

But WWE seemed destined to get the credibility of the title back when they launched a tournament to determine the No.1 contender. Some great matches and superstars fighting it out made the title look more worthy as well.

Bad News Barrett and Rob Van Dam are the possible contenders left at the moment, and from that Barrett clearly has the upper hand. And He is very much over with the fans even though he is a heel.

Langston doesn’t have anything more and is slipping down the momentum bar. A new heel champion or a nostalgic title reign for Van Dam is sure to be kicked off at Extreme Rules which is a bad news for Big E.