5 heels that even the smarks hate

NXT is known for its smarky crowds.

In the WWE, smarks are everywhere, from the crowds to the people watching at home and the people associated with the IWC (Internet Wrestling Community).

Their voices can be heard from all angles of WWE programming with some of their responses being the loudest and boldest from any kind of fan who watches wrestling. Some say it was because of the smark fans that Daniel Bryan got his big push in the business and why all the new talent from the indie scenes have been allowed to flourish in WWE now.

The smark fan base has had a history with cheering heels even when they are supposed to be booed (I’m looking at you Kevin Owens), but there have been certain heel superstars throughout history who are just simply hated by the smark fan base too.

Here are 5 of the most hated heels even by smarks in WWE history.

#5 Sheamus


Sheamus is a professional wrestler who has had a lot of success in the WWE lately. Sheamus has been the WWE Heavyweight Champion three times, the World Heavyweight Champion one time, the United States Champion two times, and the list continues.

Despite the above achievements and success, Sheamus is still one of the most hated WWE heel superstars by the smarks we have seen in a long time. The majority of the reasoning behind this is that he is seen as a bully, his signature moves have the most ridiculous names, his character can be a bit stale at times, and he is boring to watch whether he is fighting in the ring or just talking on the mic.

With all of these elements mixed together, it’s not hard to see why this particular heel isn’t well liked.

#4 The Great Khali

A giant among men

The Great Khali’s inclusion in this list has a great deal to do with how far he has fallen since his glory days. The great Khali became the WWE World Heavyweight Champion in 2007, and he had a good run back then. However, his performance later on left a lot to be desired, as there was hardly ever a “wow” moment while watching this 7 foot giant in the ring.

The Great Khali lacked the agility displayed by other wrestlers his size, and he was not as lovable as most of the other wrestlers were. His poor communication with the fans and his lack of the entertainment factor make him a deserved member of this list. Smarks have made it known of their dislike of this wrestler through the years and have been very vocal about it.

#3 The Big Show

The 7-foot tall giant, The Big Show

Within the first few years of The Big Show signing with WWE, he had beaten big names like Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, Triple H and The Undertaker. This didn’t sit well with many smarks in the WWE Universe. Many believed it was a push he didn’t deserve.

Also, what led to the Big Shows downfall was the fact for a while, it seemed as if The Big Show was fast becoming the greatest superstar in the WWE with some pretty decent performances in the ring, which was until he started his latest string of poor performances. We can all agree that WWE smarks are shouting at him to retire because this giant does not come off as lazy in the ring, he flip flops from face to heel on a whim, and he thinks that his size gives him the right to get away with anything.

It’s probably time for the Big Show to call it a day and say goodbye the fans of the WWE.

#2 The Miz

He believes he is “Awesome!”, It’s the Miz

The Miz happens to be one of the most successful wrestlers that we have in the WWE today. Currently the Intercontinental Champion for the fifth time, this superstar has won 14 WWE Championships, starred in the main-event in several pay-per-view events.

His success does not keep him from being hated by smarks because of the many opportunities he gives them to hate him. The fact that he is a reality TV star seems like it’s enough reason to hate him, in addition to the notion that he has had it easy compared to other wrestlers who have worked so hard for their titles.

Many of the smarks and any member of the WWE fan base for that matter also cannot stand the fact he won the WWE championship and was able to main event WrestleMania 27 against John Cena and win.

The Miz rubs everyone off the wrong way and it’s just a fact that many of the smarks out there dislike him.

#1 Eva Marie

All red everything

Where do we start with this one?

Eva has attracted a lot of hate from the smarks of WWE. Just watch any of her matches on NXT and most of the fans in attendance can be heard chanting the likes of “you can’t wrestle,” and “boring.”

The smarks of the WWE dislike her for her evident lack of wrestling ability and believe she is just another pretty face WWE are trying to push on them to like. Not only do the fans dislike her for her wrestling ability, her mic skills are also in need of some serious improvements if she ever wants to be a top women’s wrestler.

With all that said, Eva has been making some improvements to her work. It’s not as though she is sitting at home doing nothing about her abilities. She is actually trying to improve her work in the ring training with names such as Brian Kendrick.

For now, she will always be a much-hated women’s wrestler but if she does put in the hard work, it might just pay off for her. You never know.