205 Live Results: OGs stumble; New class continues to dominate

The newest additions to 205 Live run wild
The newest additions to 205 Live run wild

Recently, 205 Live has witnessed the addition of several new talents to its roster. The 205 Live OGs, Tony Nese and Ariya Daivari have been the gatekeepers of the brand for years.

Lately, though, the duo has struggled more than usual against the new class of cruiserweight stars. Two names that left a major impression on fans of the brand, Asher Hale and Ari Sterling, faced off against Nese and Daivari tonight.

Sterling took on Daivari Dinero in tonight's main event. Before getting there though, things kicked off with The Premier Athlete, Tony Nese. The 205 Live veteran took on the exciting Asher Hale in a fantastic opener.

Asher Hale vs Tony Nese on 205 Live

The 205 Live OG Tony Nese looked set to get revenge on the man who defeated his tag team partner a few weeks ago. Could Hale take out the former Cruiserweight Champion as well?

Hale brought Nese down to the mat early on, surprising both Tony and the NXT/205 Live crowd. Nese managed to stop Hale's momentum with a belly-to-back suplex... momentarily. Asher responded with a striking combination and a half-hatch suplex for a near fall.

The Premier Athlete of 205 Live caught Hale with a shot to the throat and followed with a top-rope guillotine. Hale stayed on his feet and pelted Nese with some uppercuts and roundhouse kicks.

Tony Nese bounced Hale off the ropes for a flying forearm smash, following it up with a splash for a two-count. Nese's spinning back kicks to the jaw laid out Hale for another near fall. Hale blocked the Running Nese and sent the former Cruiserweight Champion into the middle turnbuckle with a flatliner.

As Hale moved up top,Tony caught him with a rolling palm strike. The brawl moved to the floor when Asher and Nese crashed over the top ropes onto the ground below.

Back in the ring, Hale caught Nese's spinning kick and hammered the 205 Live OG with a series of heavy kicks. A step-up enzuiguiri and a snap German suplex set Nese up for the roundhouse to the jaw. A 1-2 was not enough to keep Nese down.

Hale avoided Nese's springboard moonsault and eventually brought Nese down with the Captain's Hook.

Results: Asher Hale defeated Tony Nese via submission on 205 Live.

Grade: A-

The 205 Live OGs have been struggling for weeks against the newcomers. Ariya Daivari himself was facing another recent signee, Ari Sterling, in the main event.

Ariya Daivari vs Ari Sterling on 205 Live

Since joining 205 Live, Ari Sterling has lost just one match, and that was against Tony Nese. However, he'd beaten Asher Hale, the man who had just beaten the former Cruiserweight Champion in the previous bout. A win tonight could shoot him to the top of the cruiserweight division.

205 Live's Daivari Dinero went after Sterling's leg, chopping him down on the apron and hitting a chop block on the floor. Back in the ring, he hit Sterling with a series of leg breakers. Ari managed to break away from Ariya Daivari's clutches momentarily but was dropped face-first on the top turnbuckle.

Daivari doubled down on that leg damage, launching the left leg into the ring post and steel steps. Inside the ring, Sterling was locked in a Figure-4 Leglock. The newcomer pulled himself close to the ropes, but Daivari rolled him back to the center of the ring. Sterling rocked 205 Live's resident brawler with some big right hands before finally breaking away.

On one leg, Sterling hit a series of flying kicks on Daivari, including a fantastic Pele kick. A leg trip and rolling ax kick dropped Daivari. However, the damaged knee kept Sterling from pinning the 205 Live veteran

Daivari sat up top only to be launched to the mat with a leaping hurricanrana. Again, the injured leg left him unable to secure a good pinfall attempt. Sterling moved up but was cut off by Daivari, who chopped that left leg out from under him. It was time for another Figure-4 Leglock.

Sterling broke away and hit the MoonSauce, one leg and all. However, as they moved back inside the ring, Daivari caught him in between the ropes with a leg drop to the knee. A single leg Boston Crab in the middle of the ring left Sterling in agony. Would he tap out in the 205 Live main event?

Not likely. Sterling scratched and crawled to the bottom ropes, finally breaking the hold. They moved to the top once again, this time with Sterling sending Daivari careening to the mat. Sterling hit the Spiral Tap, picking up a major win, giving him three wins on 205 Live.

Results: Ari Sterling defeated Ariya Daivari via pinfall on 205 Live.

Grade: A

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