WWE 205 Live Results (September 18th, 2020): Winners, Grades, and Video Highlights

The Premier Athlete showed out on 205 Live
The Premier Athlete showed out on 205 Live

Tonight's 205 Live featured a rematch from several weeks ago. Tony Nese and Danny Burch put on a great showing, but a distraction by the returning Ariya Daivari would end up costing Nese the match, though that probably wasn't Daivari Dinero's plan. This time, The Premier Athlete and the Guvnor of 205 Live will look to put an end to this short feud with a decisive victory.

For a while now, Vic Joseph has been joined on commentary by former Cruiserweight Champion Drew Gulak. However, the legendary Nigel McGuinness has returned and will be back full time with The Purple Brand.

Ariya Daivari started the night off. He'd recently made a challenge to the 205 Live roster, claiming that he'd put up $10,000 of his own money in a gauntlet match. Whoever defeated him would get the cash.

Of course, three actual roster members back-to-back-to-back would be nearly impossible. Luckily for Daivari, his opponents for tonight were a little underdeveloped.

Ariya Daivari vs Eli Knight on 205 Live

Ariya Daivari planted Eli Knight with a Belly-to-back suplex and took him to the corner for a boxing combination and a mudhole stomping. A leaping leg lariat laid out Knight.

Set up in the tree of woe, Knight was rocked with a delayed dropkick. The Hammerlock Lariat connected, knocking out Knight.

Results: Ariya Daivari defeated Eli Knight via pinfall on 205 Live.

Ariya Daivari vs Bobby Flacko on 205 Live

Daivari laid out Flacko with a big clothesline and a series of kicks. Flacko got launched into the second rope neck first before getting dumped to the floor. Daivari carried Flacko to the table and bounced his head off of it.

Flacko moved to the top rope but missed a diving crossbody. Daivari walked off Samoa Joe style and taunted Flacko before hitting the Hammerlock Lariat again.

Results: Ariya Daivari defeated Bobby Flacko via pinfall on 205 Live.

Ariya Daivari vs Jason Cade on 205 Live

Jason Cade caught Daivari sleeping with a running dropkick and sent him overhead with a running hurricanrana. Daivari mometarily struggled with Cade's speed, but planted him with a Uranage Side Slam for a two-count. Cade countered a suplex with an inside cradle, nearly getting the win.

Another pinfall saw Cade get close. He escaped a back suplex, but was rocked with a superkick. The Hammerlock Lariat connected a final time.

Results: Ariya Daivari defeated Jason Cade on 205 Live.

Grade: C

This is what they call a slobber knocker
This is what they call a slobber knocker

Danny Burch vs Tony Nese on 205 Live

The Premier Athlete of 205 Live worked to match Danny Burch on his mat game but was quickly taken down and brought into a crossface. Tony Nese had to rush to the ropes.

Danny Burch lost control when he tried to go for the power game, something that Tony Nese just, easily, had the upper hand in. They traded places, jockeying for position. Burch caught Nese out of mid-air with the ankle pick. Before he could continue the match, Ariya Daivari came down to distract the Guvnor of 205 Live.

Unlike their match weeks ago, when Burch was distracted, Nese took advantage, laying him out. Daivari moved to the 205 Live commentary desk while Nese continued to wear down the veteran.

A running forearm laid out Burch for a near fall. The former Cruiserweight Champion hit a pinpoint dropkick right on the mouth of Burch, getting another close fall. Burch managed to get a few shots in and set up for his Bret's Rope missile dropkick but was dragged off after a rolling palm strike.

As Nese went for the power slam, Burch escaped and connected with a headbutt. Nese charged in but was met with a series of right haymakers and uppercuts. The back body drop sent Nese to the corner, and Burch managed to hit his missile dropkick for a two-count.

Nese's triangle moonsault missed as Burch rolled away, and a German suplex spiked him. Burch followed up with a nasty lariat for yet another two-count. A springboard moonsault missed, and Burch caught Nese with the crossface once again. Nese just barely reached the ropes in time.

The Guvnor of 205 Live was caught with a Pump handle sit out slam late in the match but broke the pin. However, he found himself in the way of Nese's Running Nese. Burch pulled himself up by the ropes and tackled Nese to the floor.

As Ariya Daivari stood up from the 205 Live commentary desk, he distracted Burch, allowing Nese to catch him with the Running Nese in between the ropes.

Results: Tony Nese defeated Danny Burch via pinfall on 205 Live.

Grade: A