WWE 205 Live Results (October 25th, 2019): Lio Rush returns; Isaiah "Swerve" Scott in action 

The Premier Athlete looked to one-up the Cruiserweight Champion
The Premier Athlete looked to one-up the Cruiserweight Champion

Last week, Tony Nese found himself worthy of title contention once again. Defeating both Ariya Daivari and Oney Lorcan in Triple Threat action. Ever since the Premier Athlete flipped the switch over the summer, the former Cruiserweight Champion has become even more aggressive, making him a dangerous challenger.

One man from last week's main event would get a shot at Rush tonight, non-title of course. Lio Rush earned his opportunity at the Cruiserweight Championship by knocking off Oney Lorcan last month on NXT. Now, Lorcan looks to redeem himself against the newly crowned champ.

Lio Rush vs Oney Lorcan

Lorcan called for a test of strength with Rush, bringing the Man of the Hour to his knees. Rush quickly took over, outmaneuvering the Star Destroyer. However, all it took for Lorcan to get back in control was a knee to the gut.

Lorcan brought Rush to the ground with a side headlock. Rush made it to his feet and avoided several attacks from Lorcan, taking out his opponent with a series of kicks. Rush avoided a second-rope blockbuster, but was doubled over by a knee to the gut. Lorcan trapped the champ in body scissors, but Rush easily escaped, countering it into a pin attempt.

Lorcan kicked out and was sent to the apron, where a handspring kick sent him into the table. Rush hit a suicide dive and rolled Lorcan inside for the Final Hour. Lorcan rolled out of harm's way and dropped Rush with the running blockbuster. Rush broke out and escaped a Half-and-Half attempt, but an uppercut in the corner left him dazed.

Rush was placed up top where he was in danger of being planted with a super Half-and-Half. However, he fought off the Boston Brawler, sending him back to the ground. Lorcan caught him going for a hurricanrana, but as he looked to counter with a powerbomb, Rush spiked him with a DDT.

Lorcan withstood a barrage of strikes, but a springboard hurricanrana gave Rush what he needed to kick start his comeback. The Come Up connected and Rush finished Lorcan with the Final Hour.

Results: Lio Rush defeated Oney Lorcan via pinfall.

Don't worry about Oney, though. He's alright. '

Following the match, Tony Nese confronted the champion. However, he wasn't looking to throw hands with the champ, instead offering him a chance to see what he's worth when Nese faced Raul Mendoza.

The Champion of the Hour liked what he saw tonight
The Champion of the Hour liked what he saw tonight

Tony Nese vs Raul Mendoza

Nese started the match out by showing off his muscles. Lio Rush responded on commentary by saying his pecs weren't real.

Mendoza was knocked to the mat with a shoulder tackle, but leaped back to his feet, never backing down from the Premier Athlete. After the two flew around each other, Mendoza caught Nese with a springboard arm drag. A springboard hurricanrana sent Nese outside.

Nese was hit by a corkscrew plancha from Mendoza. When Mendoza rolled him in and went up top, Nese rolled to the other side of the ring and out to commentary. Mendoza launched himself through the ropes with a suicide dive. However, a second attempt allowed Nese to rush back in for a leaping elbow. Nese had heavy control here, trapping Mendoza on the mat and pelting him with strikes any chance he got.

Mendoza took a lot of punishment but was able to roll away from a moonsault attempt, leaving Nese grasping at his sternum. As Nese turned around, he ran into an elbow strike and a big boot. Mendoza followed up with right hands and chops, firing up before hitting a great standing dropkick.

Nese chased Mendoza into the corner, where Mendoza slipped through the ropes for a springboard dropkick. A spinning suplex and a springboard moonsault gave Mendoza a near fall. Nese managed to land on his feet after escaping a German suplex and hit a standing double stomp on the face of his opponent. Mendoza kicked out at two.

A running elbow smash in the corner rocked Mendoza. Though he escaped to the apron for a second, Nese followed up with a leg sweep, setting up for the Fosbury Flop. Rush distracted Nese as he re-entered the ring, allowing Mendoza to roll him up for the three.

Results: Raul Mendoza defeated Tony Nese via pinfall.

Swerve is in the building
Swerve is in the building

Brian Kendrick silenced the commentary team before standing on top of the desk with a mic. He ran down certain WWE Superstars who were given the title of "professional wrestler." Kendrick said there used to be a protocol to, not only becoming a wrestler but earning the right of using a locker room.

Kendrick insulted Drake Maverick, who was still looking for the Bollywood Boyz in hopes of reclaiming the 24/7 Championship. He finished up by saying that he'll be here this week and every week coming up until the 205 Live GM addresses him.

Isaiah "Swerve" Scott vs Ariya Daivari

Daivari kicked Scott in the gut and sent him into the corner. Scott rebounded, taking Daivari down with a headscissors takedown and a kicking combination finishing off with a dropkick to the head. Daivari was sent outside.

Scott followed, faking a dive and catching Daivari with a kick to the jaw as he landed on the floor, seemingly impressed with his own ability. Back inside, a shot to the throat left Scott gasping. Daivari sent him out near commentary, bouncing him off the steps and barricade. Back inside, he was launched face first into the second turnbuckle.

Daivari followed Scott up top, sending him crashing to the floor with a belly-to-belly. Scott turned the match around with a rope twisting moonsault , following up with an uppercut to the back of the neck. Daivari dumped him on the apron, but he landed on his feet. Scott leaped back inside and connected with a German suplex and a flatliner. Daivari kicked out.

Scott was caught by a uranage from the Persian Lion. Daivari talked some trash, leading to a few chops from Swerve. A rolling elbow sent Scott outside. Scott came in for a springboard maneuver but was caught with a superkick instead.

Daivari looked for the hammerlock lariat, but Scott ducked, sending him to the mat and connecting with his leaping back kick to the back of Daivari's head.

Results: Isaiah "Swerve" Scott defeated Ariya Daivari via pinfall.