WWE 205 Live Results (October 23rd, 2020): Winners, Grades, and Video Highlights

Mansoor's winning streak vs Brian Kendrick's losing streak
Mansoor's winning streak vs Brian Kendrick's losing streak

The 205 Live Superstars had some interesting moments this week, especially when it came to NXT. Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch, two 205 Live stars, captured the NXT Tag Team Championships this Wednesday.

Speaking of titles, we got a message from the current Cruiserweight Champion on 205 Live and no, it wasn't Santos Escobar. Jordan Devlin sent a message to the entire 205 Live locker room, letting them know that he was still the top dog.

Our main event featured Curt Stallion, making his return to 205 Live in an attempt to knock off the Premier Athlete, Tony Nese. The former Cruiserweight Champion cost Stallion a match, and $10,000, last week against Ariya Daivari. Tonight, he wanted revenge.

We kicked off the night with The Brian Kendrick, who was at the beginning of a losing streak.

The Brian Kendrick vs Mansoor on 205 Live

With two back-to-back losses on 205 Live, Brian Kendrick needed a win tonight. Unfortunately, he was going against the WWE Superstar with the longest winning streak on 205 Live, Mansoor.

Mansoor dizzied Kendrick with a few spinning arm drags, followed by a dropkick. A diving bulldog gave him a two-count on Kendrick. Finally, Kendrick got in some offense after catching Mansoor slingshotting over the ropes. A knee to the head rocked him, and Kendrick began wearing down Mansoor.

The 205 Live veteran worked to keep the expert high-flyer grounded, trapping him with a heel hook/hammerlock combination. Mansoor escaped, but was knocked to the mat with an elbow to the jaw. After disrespecting him, though, Kendrick felt the wrath of Mansoor. A series of strikes and the inverted atomic drop/spinebuster connected.

The former 205 Live Cruiserweight Champion was dropped with a pair of suplexes and a falcon arrow, but kicked out. Kendrick rolled away from Mansoor's moonsault, but was caught with a sit-out powerbomb. Again, he couldn't put Kendrick away.

Kendrick avoided an electric chair maneuver, dropping Mansoor with a three-quarter facelock into a facebuster to the knee. Mansoor was taken to the top, as Kendrick hit the avalanche butterfly suplex. Kendrick's pin failed, as Mansoor countered it into one of his own.

Results: Mansoor defeated The Brian Kendrick via pinfall on 205 Live.

Grade: B+

Another excellent win added to Mansoor's 205 Live undefeated streak. Sadly, it's also the third loss for Kendrick in a row. Kendrick raised the hand of Mansoor, but this was now his third consecutive loss against 205 newcomers.

We got a vignette from Jordan Devlin, who captured the NXT Cruiserweight Championship. The 205 Live/NXT UK star was furious that he'd been forgotten about by NXT. Santos Escobar may be the champion recognized by 205 Live and NXT, but Devlin still holds the original title, and sooner or later he'll come back to reclaim what's his.

The Bollywood Boyz return to 205 Live

The Bollywood Boyz made their long-awaited return to 205 Live tonight, also making their debut in the newly dubbed Capitol Wrestling Center.

They stated that they were here to bring charisma back to 205 Live. We'll see. Nigel McGuinness, at least, was happy.

Tony Nese vs Curt Stallion on 205 Live

Last week, Anthony Greene and Curt Stallion attempted to beat Ariya Daivari on 205 Live. This week, Greene was seen on NXT taking on Timothy Thatcher, and now Stallion attempted to get some much-needed revenge on Tony Nese.

Ariya Daivari came to ringside, distracting Stallion and allowing Nese to get a cheap shot in. Stallion responded with a nasty forearm and an over the shoulder neckbreaker to the knee. As he moved up top, though, Stallion was stopped with a rolling uppercut by Tony Nese.

Nese followed up with a punt to the gut and a backbreaker. The triangle moonsault gave Nese a near fall. The Torture Rack was locked in, and Stallion broke away with elbows to the jaw. Nese attempted a pump handle slam, but was caught with a snap German instead.

Nese was set up in the corner, and the 205 Live original met the delayed dropkick followed by a foot trapped DDT. On the floor, a big moonsault took out Nese. However, a distraction from Daivari, again, allowed Nese to take over. A headbutt from Stallion knocked out Daivari, but as he went back inside, Nese ran through Stallion with a Running Nese.

Results: Tony Nese defeated Curt Stallion via pinfall on 205 Live.

Grade: B