WWE 205 Live Results (November 13th, 2020): Winners, Grades, and Video Highlights

The next generation of 205 Live sure is bright
The next generation of 205 Live sure is bright

Tonight was a pretty important night for 205 Live. Not only was it the 205th episode for the Purple Brand, but tonight meant a lot regarding the NXT Cruiserweight Championship. We would find out Santos Escobar's next challenger in a Fatal-5-Way match.

Curt Stallion and August Gray recently made their way to 205 Live this summer, while Ashante "Thee" Adonis began to build up a strong series of wins thanks to the mentorship of Brian Kendrick. However, they've run afoul of 205 Live OGs Tony Nese and Ariya Daivari. Who would emerge as the next No. 1 Contender to the NXT Cruiserweight Champion?

205 Live Fatal-5-Way: Ashante "Thee" Adonis vs Tony Nese vs Ariya Daivari vs Curt Stallion vs August Gray

Three competitors fell to the floor while Curt Stallion and August Gray battled for their biggest opportunity on 205 Live. Tony Nese and Ariya Daivari broke them up, and Ashante "Thee" Adonis took out the 205 Live OG's with a pair of spinebusters.

After a short shmoz, August Gray and Curt Stallion were again the only two left in the ring. Gray took out Stallion but was taken out with a picture-perfect dropkick from Adonis. Stallion ran in, knocking Adonis on his back for a leaping double stomp. The 205 Live OGs broke up the pin.

The Premier Athlete and Daivari Dinero finally took over here, taking time battering all three competitors. August Gray turned things around with a series of kicks on both men. A backdrop planted Nese for a two-count, but Daivari broke it up. When Gray dumped Daivari to the floor, Nese caught him with the hang up on the top rope. However, he missed the triangle moonsault.

Gray moved down to focus more on Daivari, but a baseball slide from the former Cruiserweight Champion took out Gray. The 205 Live OGs followed up with a double facebuster on the table. Daivari then gouged the eyes of Stallion while Nese worked over Gray in the ring.

Nese tried to go for a cover when Adonis pulled Daivari to the floor, but couldn't get the win. Adonis caught Nese with a sleeper, but couldn't take the Premier Athlete down. He sent Nese to the floor and met the same fate as Daivari. Stallion spiked Daivari with a German suplex, and hit a running knee strike and leaping dropkick in the corner.

The corner foot trapped DDT spiked Daivari, but Nese broke the pin-up. The 205 Live OGs were sent to the floor, and Gray spiked his friend with a rope hung twisting butterfly DDT. Adonis prevented the pinfall and planted Gray with an over the shoulder facebuster.

Daivari hit the Persian Splash on Gray, but couldn't get the win. Stallion hit a dive on Daivari as well, but a 450 Splash from the 205 Live veterans Tony Nese landed perfectly on "Lone Star" Stallion. Nese set up for the Running Nese, but a superkick from August Gray stopped him.

Before he could get the win The Bollywood Boys ran in, stomping out one of the newest 205 Live stars. Adonis ran in to make the save, and he and Gray got rid of them. However, they were stopped by Ever-Rise. Apparently, the 205 Live OGs had talked Ever-Rise and The Bollywood Boys into helping them win tonight.

Stallion headbutted Matt Martell, and Chase Parker was left to be bounced back and forth like a pinball between Stallion, Gray, and Adonis. We saw Daivari wrap a gold chain around his fist, and he knocked Adonis out cold with it. Still, Gray leaped through the ropes to break up the pin.

A double underhook spinning backdrop nearly got the win. Nese set up for the sunset driver but failed to connect. Still, his spinning back kicks nearly decapitated Gray. Stallion brought Nese up top, setting him up for a turnbuckle trapped headbutt.

At the end of the night, "Lone Star" Curt Stallion was able to pull out a massive win over Tony Nese and 205 Live's best stars with an avalanche reverse Spanish Fly.

Results: Curt Stallion defeated Tony Nese via pinfall on 205 Live.

Grade: A

This felt like a callback to older episodes of 205 Live. The best the brand had to offer to pull off some incredible maneuvers, battling for just a shot, one chance at the Cruiserweight Champion. Hopefully, this is a good sign of things to come for the Purple Brand. Can Stallion be the one to end Legado Del Fantasma's reign of terror in the cruiserweight division? Only time will tell.