WWE 205 Live Results: May 14th, 2019

The Cruiserweight Champion was in action in tonight's main event
The Cruiserweight Champion was in action in tonight's main event

The Cruiserweights invaded the UK this week, prompting a pair of NXT UK-205 Live dream matches.

Tonight, we began with a Fatal 4-Way match. Humberto Carrillo and his former mentor Jack Gallagher represented the Purple Brand, while NXT UK Tag Team Champion James Drake and former 205 Live member Mark Andrews represented their brand.

The Cruiserweight Champion was also in action tonight. Tony Nese faced off against NXT UK's masked man Ligero in the main event. With only a few days left until a title defense against Ariya Daivari at Money in the Bank, could Nese continue his rolling train of momentum against the UK Sensation?

Fatal 4-Way: Jack Gallagher vs Mark Andrews vs James Drake vs Humberto Carrillo

Mr. Mayhem is here
Mr. Mayhem is here

Drake bailed early, leaving the three other competitors in the ring. The three men locked eachother up in a triple headlock. Gallagher escaped, leading all three men to trade shots with dropkicks and elbows. James Drake attempted to sneak a roll-up pin.

Gallagher broke out, forcing Drake to go outside again. Gallagher and Carrillo chased after him, sending him back into the educated feet of Andrews. Carrillo took out Andrews with a springboard arm drag and Gallagher with a springboard crossbody. Drake dropped Andrews onto the apron with a modified facebuster and came in to catch Carrillo with a cheap shot.

A spinning heel kick leveled Carrillo, but he managed to kick out of a pinfall attempt. Drake left Carrillo in the corner before accepting the aggressive chants of the UK crowd. Drake beat down Carrillo, then cut off Gallagher when he attempted to get back in the ring. A snap suplex to Carrillo nearly gave him the win.

Drake locked in a side headlock in the middle of the ring. He wore down the luchador for a while, but Gallagher finally broke it up when he again made it back to the apron. Drake traded shots with Gallagher and eventually sent him back to the floor. However, Carrillo had enough time to recover, connecting with several spinning kicks to Drake.

A spinning back kick to the head left Drake retreating to the outside. However, a tope con hilo from Carrillo kept the attack going on Drake. Andrews came in at this point, taking out Carrillo with a diving assault from the steps. Drake made it back to his feet and caught Andrews, who went for a moonsault from the barricade, but the Frontman countered into a tilt-a-whirl DDT on the ground.

Jack Gallagher brought out his old umbrella William and dove onto all three men. Back inside, Andrews kicked out at two. Gallagher brought Andrews up and held him in a stalling suplex for nearly thirty seconds, finally bringing him crashing down to the mat with an applause from the crowd. As he climbed the turnbuckle, James Drake returned to the fray, stopping Gallagher. An enziguri from Carrillo stunned Drake, and a top rope reverse hurricanrana spiked Drake.

Gallagher dove onto Drake with an elbow and Carrillo followed up with a corkscrew senton. Andrews and Gallagher broke up the pin. Drake rolled out while all three men traded chops. A Stundog Millionaire from Andrews nearly put Carrillo away. A double pele kick brought Gallagher and Carrillo down. However, as Andrews ran into the ropes, he was met with a headbutt by Gallagher.

Carrillo rolled Gallagher up following the headbutt for the pinfall.

Results: Humberto Carrillo defeated Jack Gallagher via pinfall.

A pre-recorded video was sent from Ariya Daivari, who taunted Tony Nese, insulting him for competing just five days before a championship match. Nese responded in a backstage interview, saying that it's tradition for the best of 205 Live to mix it up with the best of NXT UK.

The Premier Athlete takes on the English Luchador
The Premier Athlete takes on the English Luchador

Next week, the Singh Brothers will take on Lucha House Party's Lince Dorado & Gran Metalik in tag team action.

Ligero vs Tony Nese

Tony Nese tried to keep the high flying Ligero on the ground
Tony Nese tried to keep the high flying Ligero on the ground

Ligero and Nese locked up, with Ligero going for a wristlock. Nese broke out with a kick to the arm, sending him onto his back with an arm drag. Nese attacked Ligero's arm, but the UK star escaped as well.

Ligero goaded Nese in for a roll-up. Both men jockeyed for position, trading a dozen one-falls. Nese and Ligero shook hands, then shook the hand of referee Charles Robinson for keeping up. Ligero shot Nese off into the ropes but was met with a shoulder block. Nese rolled him into a cover for a two-count, and a cradle for another two-count. Ligero sent him on his back with a running hurricanrana.

Ligero took him to the corner, where the two men traded chops. Nese avoided an attack from his opponent and took him down with his patented combination, finishing up with a leg sweep. Ligero rolled to the outside. Nese was baited into a dive, but caught himself on the apron. Ligero countered a kick and responded with a boot to the face, followed by head scissors. Back inside, a dive was cut off when Nese rushed the ring for a running forearm smash.

Nese held Ligero to the mat with body scissors. Ligero broke out, but he was left in the corner for the Running Nese. Nese went for it, but Ligero met him on his feet, only to be dropped back into the body scissors again.

Ligero tried to catch Nese with a pinfall while in the hold, but Nese was too strong. The Champion pelted him with several shots to the chest while keeping him in the hold. Ligero finally escaped and countered a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker into a crossbody. Several kicks left Nese on all fours. Ligero followed up with an inverted Death Valley Driver.

Nese broke out of the pin and stunned Ligero with a facebuster to the knee and a spinning heel kick. He went for the springboard moonsault, but Ligero escaped. Ligero dodged a second attempt and connected with a springboard splash. Nese kicked out at two.

Ligero knocked Nese outside with a boot and took him down with a diving senton over the ropes. Back inside, the Premier Athlete stopped a top rope maneuver with a rolling palm strike to the jaw followed by a super hurricanrana. Ligero kicked out and chased Nese up top. Nese fought Ligero of twice and connected with a 450 Splash. Ligero kicked out.

Ligero escaped the German suplex into the corner and rolled up the champion. Nese kicked out but was met with a superkick. Nese countered the C4L into a roll-up.

Instead of pinning him, Nese powerbombed Ligero into the corner and finally connected with the Running Nese.

Results: Tony Nese defeated Ligero via pinfall.

Nese and Ligero showed each other respect, but before the show ended, Ariya Daivari attacked Ligero and sent him into the stairs. He then launched Nese into the corner shoulder first. Daivari rocked him with a Hammerlock Lariat, then ended the night draping the Cruiserweight Championship across the nearly unconscious body of its holder.