WWE 205 Live Results (27th March 2020): Tony Nese in a grudge match, Isaiah Scott continues to dominate 

Who's House? Swerve's House!
Who's House? Swerve's House!

With the Cruiserweight Championship currently overseas, the stars of 205 Live continue to battle one another in hopes of getting a shot when Jordan Devlin returns. After the 205/NXT ten-man tag match a few weeks back, Isaiah "Swerve" Scott looked like the next man in line.

However, 205 Live has a roster full of potential champions. Joaquin Wilde, Oney Lorcan, Jack Gallagher, Tony Nese, Ariya Daivari, there's a lot of talent that could take the belt away from Devlin in the near future.

Tonight we saw four of those Superstars face off in an effort to prove why they should be next up for a shot at the NXT Cruiserweight Championship.

Isaiah "Swerve" Scott vs Joaquin Wilde

Wilde dropped Scott to the mat, working to keep Scott off his feet as long as possible. Scott was rolled up wit a sunset flip. Kicking out at two, he was taken back down with an arm drag. Scott was eventually able to get cooking as he and Wilde traded some attempted, but wiffed, kicks. Scott sent Wilde overhead with a headscissors takedown.

Wilde responded in kind, but when he tried to follow Scott to the floor, Scott lifted up the ring skirt ala Fit Finlay, trapping Wilde for a nasty kick to the face. On the inside, Wilde kicked out at two. The DJ was mounted and met with a series of punches and elbows before getting locked in a modified armbar with body scissors.

Scott adjusted, locking Wilde in a Gory Stretch while further bending his shoulders back, setting up his armbreaker. At the turnbuckle, Scott looked for a superplex. Wilde fought him off for a bouncing hurricanrana, sending Scott outside again. He leapt of the apron for a wheelbarrow armdrag that launched Scott spine first into the announcer's desk.

Back inside, however, Scott held onto the ropes when Wilde went for a slingshot DDT. Both Superstars rocked one another with uppercuts, leading to a kneeling jawbreaker from Wilde. A reverse rana spiked Scott, but he was able to shake it off and connect with the House Call. Wilde kicked out at two.

Scott caught Wilde in a pop-up Michinoku Driver to put away Wilde after a rather impressive showing for both men.

Results: Isaiah "Swerve" Scott defeated Joaquin Wilde via pinfall.

Have some Nese abs
Have some Nese abs

We got some highlights of the NXT Cruiserweight Championship match between Travis Banks and the champion Jordan Devlin from NXT UK. Devlin narrowly escaped with the belt after using the ropes to get a dirty pin on the Kiwi Buzzsaw.

Tony Nese vs Oney Lorcan

Oney Lorcan brought Tony Nese to the mat but quickly lost control to the Premier Athlete. However, Lorcan managed to overpower Nese in order to work over his arm and wrist in some nasty examples of joint manipulation.

The Star Destroyer tore into Nese's arm, forcing the former Cruiserweight Champion to work his way to the ropes. Back standing, the two began trading strikes, with Lorcan mashing Nese with a series of chops to the chest. However, a sunset flip was countered, as Nese rolled through into a spinning back kick to the jaw.

Nese trapped Lorcan in the middle of the mat with a body scissors wrapped around his abdomen. Lorcan fought out, literally, chopping Nese and battering him with punches. A running uppercut left Nese in a daze. The running blockbuster gave Lorcan a nearfall.

Lorcan was hung up on the ropes, though, allowing Nese to hit the triangle moonsault. The Running Nese was set up, but Lorcan stood straight up. Nese avoided the Half-and-Half before throwing Lorcan head first into the turnbuckle with a German suplex. The Running Nese finally connected, giving the Premier Athlete a win.

Results: Tony Nese defeated Oney Lorcan via pinfall.