205 Live Results: Incredible end to main event; Veteran suffers shock loss

Jake Alas and Tony Nese delivered a great 205 Live main event
Jake Alas and Tony Nese delivered a great 205 Live main event

205 Live and the cruiserweight division as a whole has been shaken up thanks to the return of Jordan Devlin. The Irish Ace was the true NXT Cruiserweight Champion. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, he was stuck in the UK for several months, leading to a tournament that saw Santos Escobar emerge as the new champion. At TakeOver: Stand & Deliver, we'll see these two battle to unify the titles.

What's that mean for 205 Live? Well, hopefully, both Escobar and Devlin will be on the brand more often going forward. It looks like 205 Live may be heading in that direction, or at least they're going away from the same feuds we've been seeing for the past two-three months.

We kicked off 205 Live with Ariya Daivari, who lost to August Grey last week. He hoped to build up some momentum again this week and faced Ashante "Thee" Adonis.

Ariya Daivari vs Ashante "Thee" Adonis on 205 Live

The 205 Live OG took out his frustrations on Ashante "Thee" Adonis tonight. However, Adonis was no slouch, and quickly wore down Daivari's arm with a nasty arm wrench.

A big running shoulder thrust into the gut hurt Daivari, but he avoided a second one that sent Adonis into the ring post.

Ashante picked up some steam with a dropkick and a flapjack, rocking the 205 Live veteran. Daivari avoided a Death Valley Driver but was taken out by a beautiful flying crossbody from the top. However, Daivari kicked out at the last moment. A rolling spinebuster planted Daivari for another close call.

Daivari turned Ashante inside out with the Hammerlock lariat but decided that it wasn't good enough. The Persian Lion Splash connected, but a lazy pinfall allowed Adonis to roll him up with a crucifix pin for the win.

Results: Ashante "Thee" Adonis defeated Ariya Daivari via pinfall on 205 Live.

Grade: B-

The Persian Prince has been pinned twice in back-to-back weeks.

Can the other 205 Live OG pick up a win this week?
Can the other 205 Live OG pick up a win this week?

Jake Atlas vs Tony Nese on 205 Live

The other member of the 205 Live OGs had a match tonight as well, as he went face-to-face with rising star, Jake Atlas. Tony Nese was surprised by Atlas, getting taken down to the mat first, and quite easily. He worked over the left arm of the former Cruiserweight Champion.

Every time Nese got up, he'd be brought right back down with an arm drag, with Atlas holding onto and trying to twist the arm out of the socket. Nese took a cheap shot to the throat, allowing him to hang the young star over the top rope.

The Premier Athlete of 205 Live focused on the midsection, driving Atlas into the apron and locking in somebody scissors in the ring. Atlas broke away and launched Nese over the ropes, sending him face-first into the apron. Somehow, Tony was able to recover quickly took out his opponent with a hellacious clothesline.

Nese planted Atlas with a high-angle belly-to-back suplex. Nese blocked the Tornado DDT, sending Atlas into the mat and rocked him with a superkick.

Atlas kicked out but was immediately trapped in a bear hug. Nese transitioned into a Torture Rack, but couldn't keep Atlas in it for long.

The 205 Live Veteran was spiked with a brainbuster, giving Atlas some much-needed reprieve from Nese. Atlas blocked an attack on the apron but was caught with a vicious knee as he attempted a sunset flip. Nese caught him with the springboard moonsault but still couldn't secure the win.

Atlas fired up again, hitting a great German suplex and followed it up with a discus clothesline. Atlas managed to spike Nese with the cartwheel DDT for the victory.

Results: Jake Atlas defeated Tony Nese via pinfall on 205 Live.

Grade: A-

The 205 Live OGs went 0-2 tonight. With the main event win under Jake Atlas' belt, we'll hopefully get to see more from him in the near future.