WWE 205 Live Results (January 24th, 2019): Lio Rush and Tony Nese put up a MOTY contender; A new alliance formed

You're gonna wanna watch this main event for yourself!
You're gonna wanna watch this main event for yourself!

At Worlds Collide, Angel Garza will defend his Cruiserweight Championship against Isaiah "Swerve" Scott, Travis Banks, and Jordan Devlin. Before that, though, the 205 Live roster put on an incredible go-home show.

Our main event featured two former Cruiserweight Champions. Tony Nese and Lio Rush would face off, looking to get back into title contention after Worlds Collide. We'd also get an exciting contest between the Guvnor Danny Burch and The Brian Kendrick.

We kicked off the night, though, with Dinero Daivari, Ariya Daivari. The Persian Lion battled the 205 Live newcomer, Prince Pretty. Tyler Breeze has been on a roll since joining the Purple Brand, currently sitting at 2-0.

Ariya Daivari vs Tyler Breeze

Would the Prince go 3-0?
Would the Prince go 3-0?

A picture-perfect dropkick sent Daivari to the corner. Daivari responded quickly, though, smashing his face into the top pad, but was stunned by with an enziguri. Daivari caught Breeze going for a shoulder tackle on the apron, sending him to the floor with a knee.

Daivari pelted Breeze with chops and strikes before draining the air from his lungs with a rear headlock. Breeze would eventually shake him off, managing to send Daivari to the floor with a back body drop over the ropes.

Back inside, a backslide earned Breeze a two-count. A double cross body left tem both on the mat struggling to regain their breath. As he got to his feet, Daivari was met by a kick to the gut and a dropkick to the side of the jaw. A lariat earned Breeze a near fall.

Daivari managed to fight out of the Unprettier, but was sent into the turnbuckle via catapult. Daivari tried to respond with a dive but was met by the Supermodel Kick. Two-count only. The Unprettier connected as well, but thanks to the ropes, Daivari escaped the pinfall.

Daivari ducked the Beauty Shot and set up for the Hammerlock Lariat. Breeze ducked and rolled up Daivari for the win.

Results: Tyler Breeze defeated Ariya Daivari via pinfall.

Both competitors were looking for much-needed redemption
Both competitors were looking for much-needed redemption

Prior to his match, The Brian Kendrick met Ariya Daivari backstage. He hinted at a partnership, claiming that they both seemed to need a friend. He then reminded Daivari that it was time to scratch the former champion's back.

The Brian Kendrick vs Danny Burch

Danny Burch rushed in with a dropkick, sending Brian Kendrick into the turnbuckle. The Guvnor slammed Kendrick's face repeatedly into the four corners of the ring before battering him with punches and kicks.

Uppercuts and haymakers left Kendrick dazed in the ropes. Burch cut off a comeback with an elbow smash to the face. Kendrick was unable to get out of the starting gate for several minutes. A flying forearm was countered by Burch with a heel hook. Kendrick went out to bait a smash into the steel steps, but Burch again saw it coming, responding in kind.

A side Russian legsweep drove Burch into the steps. Inside the ring, Kendrick locked in the Captain's Hook. Burch fought out of not one, but two Captain's Hooks, and leveled Kendrick with a series of European uppercuts. A middle rope dropkick took the former champ to the mat, but Kendrick kicked out.

A German suplex and a headbutt would've ended the match, but Kendrick made it to the ropes. A rake to the eyes affected Burch, as did a crescent moon kick, but Burch rolled out of the Sliced Bread No. 2.

Daivari rushed the ring to distract Burch, allowing Kendrick to roll-up Burch and use Daivari as leverage to secure the pin.

Results: The Brian Kendrick defeated Danny Burch via pinfall.

With Tony Nese & Lio Rush...we might be getting back to peak 205 Live!
With Tony Nese & Lio Rush...we might be getting back to peak 205 Live!

Lio Rush vs Tony Nese

Prior to the match, Tony Nese claimed that he never got an opportunity at Worlds Collide, and should be in that Fatal-4-Way tomorrow night.

Lio Rush and Nese jaw jacked a bit, leading to Rush getting the better of Nese with his speed. A back kick rocked Nese in the jaw as Rush moved to the corner. Nese kicked the ropes and pulled Rush off the ropes, seeing the former champion crashing to the floor.

Nese moved for the 450 Splash but the man of the Hour rolled to the apron. Baiting Nese, Rush rocked him with a handspring mule kick and a suicide dive. Nese was driven headfirst into the announcer's desk. Back inside, Nese was nearly rolled up by a sunset flip. A spinning back kick from the Premier Athlete nearly took Rush's head off.

Rush broke away from a body scissors and stunned Nese with a jawbreaker. A lightning fast combination set up for the crossbody. Nese caught him, but was rolled up. Another kick was avoided by Rush, who was able to secure the Come Up! Nese kicked out!

Nese hung Rush up off the top rope, but Rush managed to avoid the triangle moonsault. He couldn't, however, get away from the pumphandle driver. He did manage to kick out at two-and-a-half. Nese's patented kicking combination with a sweep set up for the 450. Rush kicked the rope and connected with a wheel kick to the jaw.

Before he could jump off for the Final Hour, Rush was knocked for a loop with Nese's rolling uppercut. With both men stuck at the top, they attempted to send each other crashing to the mat, but instead crashed, slamming into the apron before bouncing to the floor.

Nese was able to walk away with a victory after sending Rush over the table and rolling inside before the ten count.

Results: Tony Nese defeated Lio Rush via countout.