WWE 205 Live Results: Losing streak ends

Draco Anthony picked up his first win on 205 Live
Draco Anthony picked up his first win on 205 Live

This week's edition of WWE 205 Live featured three matches.

The show kicked off with Lash Legend in action against Fallon Henley.

Draco Anthony battled Javier Bernal looking for his first win on the purple brand.

James Drake of the Grizzled Young Veterans went toe-to-toe against Bodhi Hayward in the main event of the show. The former NXT UK Tag Team Champions will battle Andre Chase and Bodhi Hayward in the first Dusty Rhodes Classic Tag Team Tournament on the upcoming edition of NXT 2.0.

Lash Legend vs. Fallon Henley on 205 Live

Both the superstars traded headlocks and armlocks before Lash landed a stiff right hand.

She hit multiple kicks on her opponent, followed by an overhead suplex for a two count. She then put her in a headlock.

Henley fought back briefly but Lash regained control with a fallaway slam followed by an elbow drop.

Henley blocked a running attack with her elbow and hit a running crossbody, followed by multiple strikes.

However, Lash put her in a Torture Rack for the submission win.

Result: Lash Legend defeated Fallon Henley via Submission

Grade: B

Draco Anthony vs. Javier Bernal on 205 Live

Javier got the upper hand early on in a collar and elbow tie-up contest. He put Anthony down using a side headlock takeover.

Anthony used his power to slam Javier on the mat.

Anthony stomped on Javier multiple times, followed by elbow strikes to his back. He put him in an arm lock but Javier countered it by rolling through and launching a flurry of uppercuts before Anthony landed the final blow for the win.

Result: Draco Anthony defeated Javier Bernal via Pinfall

Grade: C

Bodhi Hayward vs. James Drake on 205 Live

Drake puts Hayward in a side headlock. The latter fought back with a powerslam followed by a few splashes.

Drake hit an elbow to regain control but spent too much time mocking Chase & Hayward which allowed the latter to fight back.

Hayward hit a side slam followed by a couple of takedowns and a clothesline forcing Drake to the outside. He then landed a jumping axehandle on him.

Taking advantage of a distraction, Drake hit a devastating running dropkick into the corner for the win.

Result: James Drake defeated Bodhi Hayward via Pinfall

Grade: B