WWE 205 Live Results: February 7, 2018


Tonight's WWE 205 Live kicked off with the announce team quickly giving praise to the job new GM Drake Maverick did last week before immediately going into another Round One match in the Cruiserweight Championship Tournament with Kalisto going one-on-one with Lince Dorado.

During Kalisto's entrance, we saw a "selfie" type promos, the first from Kalisto saying Lince Dorado is his boy and may the best man win.

Kalisto vs Lince Dorado

Well, the match started with a sporting handshake and embrace, but neither men wanted to let go and both turned to face the WrestleMania sign for a nod before the action got underway.

The action got underway with some holds and rest moves before Kalisto perched himself in a standing position on the Puerto Rican's shoulders, with both men bringing some fast paced moves out very quickly - including a tope suicida from Kalisto.

We saw Drake Maverick watching backstage on a screen too as the action continued in the ring, but not for long. After Kalisto ended up outside, Lince flipped onto him over the top rope to gain momentum.

Dorado dragged Kalisto back into the ring and tried to pin him multiple times before locking in a chinlock and flipping the former Cruiserweight Champion back to the outside - getting very aggressive with the former Cruiserweight Champion.

Both men ended up on the top - in a move that resulted in a Super-rana from the top on Kalisto, but flooring both men. The momentum seemed to shift from man-to-man in a very quick-paced match with both men going to the top again, Kalisto caught Dorado with a kick and delivered an incredibly innovative move to take Dorado down again, but only managed a two count.

Kalisto got to his feet first and went for a Salida Del Sol, but Lince Dorado countered and managed a handspring stunner. After going to the top and hitting a Shooting Star Press that looked to end the match, Kalisto showed great ring awareness to roll to the outside.

Kalisto managed to hit a Salida Del Sol on Lince Dorado to seal the match, but Dorado got a hand on the rope immediately before the referee could hit the three.

After a Lince Dorado backslides, Kalisto countered with an incredible reverse hurricanerana off the ropes which sprung Dorado off the mat and to his feet, and immediately into another Salida Del Sol.

Kalisto seals his place in Round Two after an absolutely incredible match to kick off 205 Live.

Ahead of his match later in the night, we were shown a video package on Roderick Strong detailing his upbringing. Going from the NXT man speaking about his perfect upbringing to admitting his parents' problems with drugs and alcohol, and showing a news clipping saying his mother shot his father in the chest.

The video then shows Strong in-ring with him saying he is leaving it all in the ring and is willing to risk it all because he isn't just doing it for him, he's doing it for his family.

We then saw TJP talk about his win last week and "doing what he had to and doing it for him" in a serious sit-down interview.

A match is announced for next week as Akira Tozawa faces off against 205 Live debutant Mark Andrews.

To hype the match, we then saw video package introducing the Welshman showing highlights from his United Kingdom Championship Tournament action, and a clip of Andrews saying he's an underdog who will put Wales on the map.

We then see a clip of Akira Tozawa's reaction, as you can see below.

After a break, Drake Maverick invited Drew Gulak and Tony Neese into his office. He slates Drew Gulak for losing his rough edges and becoming a "goof" before addressing Neese, "I don't know what you're laughing at, Muscles" before saying Neese is the most naturally gifted man on the roster but doesn't use it. "We get it, you've got abs!" Being the quote of the night.

Another match is then confirmed for next week, Tony Neese will face Drew Gulak in another round one match!

Hideo Itami vs Roderick Strong

Well, the match started as expected, the former and current NXT Superstars exchanged some impressive holds and submission moves, peppered with stare-downs.

There were some great striking exchanges with Nigel McGuinness saying Itami has a great kickboxing background while Strong's cardio is second to none.

If Dean Malenko was the man of 1000 holds, this was the match of 1000 holds with both men putting on an incredible technical showing early on - but there were strikes aplenty too with aggression being probably the key word to describe this clash.

Itami hung Strong on the middle rope before going up top and driving his knees into the back of the NXT man.

This was an incredibly tough match, the polar opposite of the opening match with a much slower pace and some wonderful storytelling.

Strong pulled off an incredibly innovative gutbuster off the ropes too. It all looks good for the 34-year-old.

Roderick Strong delivered a pumphandle backbreaker which Nigel McGuinness compares to The Bitter End - Pete Dunne's finisher - but it doesn't finish Itami with the Japanese star kicking out at two.

The pair exchange strikes before Strong hits a perfect standing dropkick. Every move here seems incredibly innovative. It's all either hard-hitting strikes or wonderful reversals as Itami pulls off an incredible DDT.

Strong pulls out an Angle Slam, but only manages a two-count. However, it isn't long before we see yet more aggression.

Both men end up back in the ring, their chests both burning red from some very stiff chops, and Itami hooks the armbar. It looks all over!

But Strong grabs the rope and gets some respite. In true traditional Japanese style, we see the pair exchange more aggressive strikes before Strong delivers a gutbuster followed by Cloud 9, but Itami kicks out again.

Itami hits a Super Falcon Arrow to seemingly end the match...

But Strong incredibly kicks out! Both men gave everything and, while Itami hit yet more stiff strikes and almost hit the GTS, Strong blocked and hit the Strong Breaker to finally win it.

And an impressive debut from Strong sees him shock the world to advance in the tournament!

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