WWE 205 Live Results (February 28th, 2020): Tony Nese vs Lio Rush in a Captain's Challenge, returning Superstar makes a huge statement

Who will join Tony Nese & Lio Rush in an epic NXT/205 Live match?
Who will join Tony Nese & Lio Rush in an epic NXT/205 Live match?

In two weeks, NXT and 205 Live will face off in an incredible ten-man tag team elimination match. The two brands have been at war for some time now, with 205 Superstars feeling that the NXT talents are invading their home. Led by Tony Nese, the "205 Live Originals" plan on sending the members of the Black & Gold brand back to Wednesday nights.

While we don't know who will join Tony Nese & Lio Rush in two weeks, we'll see the two captains face off in tonight's main event in a Captain's Challenge.

We kicked off this week's 205 with the third match in the series between Raul Mendoza and Joaquin Wilde. Wilde won the first bout with the Wilde Thing, but Mendoza got a victory over him last week with a shining wizard. Who will pick up the decisive win tonight?

Joaquin Wilde vs Raul Mendoza

What a fantastic finish to the series
What a fantastic finish to the series

Wilde was caught off-guard by Mendoza, who rushed him for a shotgun dropkick into the corner. A basement dropkick caught Wilde in the head. Mendoza trapped him in the middle of the ring with a chin lock.

Mendoza wasn't able to keep Wilde down long, and the former DJ dropped Mendoza with a powerbomb off the turnbuckle. Following up, he caught Mendoza with a hurricanrana off the apron, sending his opponent crashing to the floor below.

Back on the inside, a double boot to the chest and a rolling lungblower earned Wilde a near fall. Both men made it to the top rope, where Mendoza set up for a fireman's carry. Wilde turned it into a hurricanrana, again launching Mendoza, who managed to get his foot on the ropes.

Mendoza counters the Wilde Thing with a roll-up. Wilde kicks out and gets caught in a standing Spanish Fly. Wilde kicks out again. Mendoza drops Wilde with yet another big move, a pumphandle driver. Still, Wilde refused to give up.

Mendoza escaped a second Wilde Thing attempt and rocked Wilde with a penalty kick. However, as he went for a springboard moonsault, Wilde put his knees up, blocking and setting up for the Wilde Thing, which finally connected.

Results: Joaquin Wilde defeated Raul Mendoza via pinfall.

In two weeks, 205 Live and NXT go to war
In two weeks, 205 Live and NXT go to war

The teams for NXT and 205 Live have been revealed. On the side of the Black & Gold brand, Tyler Breeze, Isaiah "Swerve" Scott, Oney Lorcan, and Danny Burch being led by Lio Rush. On the opposing side, Tony Nese will bring Ariya Daivari, Jack Gallagher, Brian Kendrick, and Mike Kanellis to fend off the NXT Superstars.

Ahead of that epic ten-man elimination tag in two weeks, we've got a Captain's Challenge to main event tonight.

Tony Nese w/Mike Kanellis vs Lio Rush

Nese overpowered Rush early on, but the Man of the Hour refused to back down, going strike for strike with the Premier Athlete. A springboard hurricanrana kickstarted the momentum for Rush. An enziguri rocked Nese, but he managed to counter a roll-up with a spinning back kick that nearly shut Rush's lights out.

Rush managed to get back in it with a phoenix splash to the outside. However, as Rush looked to follow up, Kanellis distracted him. Nese rolled in with an uppercut that stunned Nese on the top ropes. Following up with a gutbuster, Nese earned a two-count. Continuing the pressure on the ribs, Nese locked in body scissors around Rush's abdomen.

It didn't last long, as Rush escaped the hold. Nese stayed in the match with a throat thrust. Hanging Rush's neck up on the top rope, Nese connected with a triangle moonsault. He took Rush to the top rope for a superplex, leading to a struggle between the two men. Rush knocked Nese off the top and connected with a high-angle crossbody.

A tilt-a-whirl DDT spiked Nese, who kicked out at two. Nese came back with a kicking combination, ending with a wheel kick that folded Rush like an accordion. A northern lights suplex into a Boston crab left Rush crying out in pain, with no ropes insight.

Rush was able to reverse the crab and rocked Nese with a double kick to the jaw. The spinning back kick stunned Nese, but thanks to a distraction from Kanellis, he nearly got a roll-up victory.

Rush dropped Nese with the Come Up but was attacked by Kanellis before he could secure the win.

Results: Lio Rush defeated Tony Nese via DQ.

As Nese and Kanellis battered Rush, they were stopped by One-Two, the team of Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch. The brutal brawlers of the Black & Gold brand battered Nese and Kanellis from ringside to the back. Just as Rush made it to his feet, he was met by a single leg dropkick in the corner from the returning Jack Gallagher. The Gentleman, sporting new tattoos and a beard, dropped the former champion with a headbutt.