205 Live Results: Former Cruiserweight Champion interferes in main event; Bad luck continues for Ever-Rise and Bollywood Boyz

August Grey-faced Ariya Daivari in a serious grudge match
August Grey-faced Ariya Daivari in a serious grudge match

Welcome to another edition of 205 Live. The 205 Live OGs continued to run roughshod on the Purple Brand recently, leading to the main event tonight. Tony Nese sat at the commentary desk while Ariya Daivari battled against August Grey, who had stolen Daivari Dinero's chains the week prior.

We kicked the night off with an eight-man tag team match. BollyRise, the supergroup of 205 Live duos Ever-Rise and The Bollywood Boyz, faced off against Mansoor, Jake Atlas, Ashante "Thee" Adonis, and Curt Stallion.

BollyRise vs Mansoor, Curt Stallion, Jake Atlas, and Ashante "Thee" Adonis on 205 Live

Mansoor, the only undefeated WWE Superstar on 205 Live, kicked the match off with Matt Martel. Mansoor handled the combined fury of BollyRise very well, as did Ashante "Thee" Adonis who dumped Martel repeatedly on his head with some nice hip tosses.

Jake Atlas tagged in for a double jump springboard arm drag and brought in the former No.1 contender, Curt Stallion. Martel managed to break away, finally, but his partner, Chase Parker, had a rough time with the Lone Star of 205 Live. A boot dazed Parker, and Adonis tagged in only to be taken out by the numbers game.

A distraction of the ref by Martel allowed Sunil Singh to rush in, giving Parker the chance to tag out and bring the heavy-hitting Martel into the fray. Ever-Rise hit their drop toe hold/step-up elbow drop for a two-count. The Singhs, not to be outdone by the only other 205 Live tag team, followed up with an assisted diving back elbow.

When the teams tried to work together, though, they lost control. Jake Atlas ran in like a house of fire and managed to take out all four opponents. Atlas took Ever-Rise over with a top rope arm drag/head scissor takedown. Atlas tagged out to Adonis and Mansoor, with the former setting the latter up for the Death Valley Driver onto Parker.

Martel broke the pinfall and tagged in the Bollywood Boyz for the Power and Glory superplex/splash combo. Mansoor somehow kicked out. Mansoor managed to tag out to Curt Stallion, who rocked Sunil Singh with his running headbutt for the victory.

Results: Curt Stallion defeated Sunil Singh via pinfall on 205 Live.

Grade: C

Another week, another 205 Live for BollyRise. Like McGuinness said tonight, four maybe a crowd.

Next up was the 205 Live main event, as August Grey battled against the 205 Live OG Ariya Daivari.

Ariya Daivari vs August Grey on 205 Live

August Grey rushed the bruiser of 205 Live, which turned out to be a poor mistake. Ariya Daivari rocked Grey with a running knee, pointing to his 205 Live OG partner Tony Nese who was at the commentary desk with Vic Joseph and Nigel McGuinness.

Grey responded by sending Daivari to the floor and pelting him around ringside. Back in the ring, a back suplex planted Daivari flat for a two-count. A neck breaker dropped Daivari for another close call.

Grey struck Daivari with some rights and lefts but was caught in a sleeper hold by the 205 Live Veteran. A uranage spiked Grey for a near fall. The Hammerlock Lariat was ducked, and Grey caught Daivari on the jaw with the superkick.

Daivari struggled to get away from the wrath of Grey, who rocked him with rights, chops, and a clothesline leading to a big lifting slam. A clothesline on the apron took Daivari to the floor, and Grey followed up with a suicide dive.

The former top dog of 205 Live, Tony Nese, stood up and distracted Grey long enough to give Daivari an opportunity to hit a running dropkick. In the ring, the Hammerlock Lariat turned Grey inside out.

Results: Ariya Daivari defeated August Grey via pinfall on 205 Live.

Grade: B