WWE 205 Live Results (December 18th, 2020): Winners, Grades, and Video Highlights 

Santos Escobar has another incredible challenger lurking on 205 Live
Santos Escobar has another incredible challenger lurking on 205 Live

205 Live's top dog, NXT Cruiserweight Champion Santos Escobar, has run through every challenger that's come his way, thanks in part to Legado del Fantasma. While Curt Stallion is poised to be the next challenger, another cruiserweight that's been building up some major steam is Jake Atlas.

A 205 Live and NXT newcomer, having come to WWE last summer, Atlas really came into his own after a devastating mini-feud with Tommaso Ciampa. He came back stronger and more aggressive, and that's served to push him deep into the cruiserweight division. Now, Jake Atlas is well on his way to a shot at Santos Escobar. Tonight, he'd face 205 Live OG Tony Nese in the main event, and those two would deliver one of the best WWE matches this week.

We kicked off the night with the two 205 Live tag teams not named Legado Del Fantasma, Ever-Rise, and The Bollywood Boyz. They've been feuding for a few months now and hoped to emerge tonight as THE team on the Purple Brand.

Tornado Tag Match: Ever-Rise vs The Bollywood Boyz on 205 Live

The Bollywood Boyz took the fight to Ever-Rise early, sending Matt Martel to the floor and nearly getting a win over Chase Parker with a diving bulldog. Sunil Singh removed a turnbuckle pad, but Matt Martel saved his partner from being forced into the uncovered turnbuckle.

A double clothesline took out the Singhs, and Martel hung Samir up on the top for a lariat, knocking him to the floor. Martel focused on Sunil then, and Ever-Rise hit a backbreaker/running knee combination for a two-count.

Ever-Rise found themselves on the floor where Samir hit an incredible springboard dive, knocking Martel and Parker off their feet. Back inside, Sunil set up for the Bollywood Blast Parker took Samir to the floor, but found himself caught on the top rope. Samir dropped Parker with a superplex. Sunil hit a diving elbow drop for a two-count.

A camera to the back of Martell's head nearly ended the match, but Parker was able to break things up. After sending Sunil to the floor, Ever-Rise hit the Sweet Taste on the exposed turnbuckle, knocking Samir out cold.

Results: Ever-Rise defeated The Bollywood Boyz via pinfall on 205 Live.

Grade: B-

Atlas and Nese clash again in an epic 205 Live main event
Atlas and Nese clash again in an epic 205 Live main event

Tony Nese vs Jake Atlas on 205 Live

In the 205 Live main event, Jake Atlas looked to build up more momentum as he hoped to soon capture the NXT Cruiserweight Championship. If he could defeat the former champion, 205 Live OG Tony Nese again, Atlas would go a long way in accomplishing that goal.

Atlas avoided a running elbow drop and turned Nese inside out with a running hurricanrana. He tried to slow things down with a side headlock, but a back suplex planted him for a two-count. After some more punishment, Atlas blocked a diving dropkick and sent the Premier Athlete of 205 Live into the post with a slingshot.

Nese rebounded with a running forearm that nearly decleated Atlas. Another two-count. Atlas was planted with another back suplex but again kicked out. Nese then dropped Atlas over the top rope before hitting the triangle moonsault. Still, the former Cruiserweight Champion couldn't put away Jake Atlas.

Atlas finally got some offense in on the 205 Live veteran. A discus clothesline, snap German suplex, and rolling forearm laid Nese out for a close call. Atlas escaped the Sunset Driver attempt and hit a leaping jawbreaker. As Atlas moved up for his Cartwheel DDT, Nese knocked him off the ropes. A big Cactus Clothesline took both men over to the floor.

Nese distracted the ref, holding a chair while his 205 Live OG partner Ariya Daivari ran in to send Atlas into the ring post. Nese then hit the 450, but Atlas just barely got his foot on the bottom rope. Atlas avoided the Running Nese and hit another leaping jawbreaker. The Cartwheel DDT spiked Nese for the three-count.

Results: Jake Atlas defeated Tony Nese via pinfall on 205 Live.

Grade: A