WWE 205 Live Results (December 13th, 2019): NXT Superstar makes debut, Cruiserweights begin countdown to 2020

Danny Burch took on Tony Nese in an incredible main event match
Danny Burch took on Tony Nese in an incredible main event match

On this week's NXT, Angel Garza faced Lio Rush once again for the NXT Cruiserweight Championship. It was yet another classic between two of the best cruiserweights in the world.

Recently, Garza had gotten into the head of the Man of the Hour, flirting with Rush's wife on several occasions. Thanks to that, he was able to knock off Rush, becoming the new NXT Cruiserweight Champion.

Tonight, several Superstars were looking to move up the ladder in hopes of challenging the new champ. We kicked off the night with Ariya Daivari taking on Raul Mendoza, a man that's been under the wing of Rush in recent weeks.

Ariya Daivari vs Raul Mendoza

Raul Mendoza looked to pick up another impressive win against a 205 Live vet
Raul Mendoza looked to pick up another impressive win against a 205 Live vet

Mendoza stayed on top of Daivari early on, but chasing him outside proved to be a poor decision. Daivari sent him face first into the ring post, taking over from there. Back inside, Daivari kept Mendoza on the ground, wearing him down with boots, fists, and chin locks.

A jawbreaker gave Mendoza some room to breathe, and a flying kick turned Daivari inside out. With momentum now on his side, and a shot that nearly left the Persian Lion unconscious, Mendoza battered his opponent with a series of short jabs.

Another flying kick in the corner set Mendoza up for his springboard missile dropkick. Daivari was sent to the outside where a corkscrew splash off the top brought him to the ground. Back on the inside, a spinning suplex gave Mendoza a nearfall.

Divari Dinero kicked out, and caught Mendoza with a superkick as he ran into the corner. 205's veteran brawler dumped Mendoza with a double arm drag from the top rope.

The Persian Lion Splash gave Daivari a two-count. As Daivari moved up for another dive, Mendoza rocked him with a jumping enziguri and launched him to the middle of the ring with a super hurricanrana. Daivari was able to kick out, and he evaded a phoenix splash, driving Mendoza into the mat with a Rock Bottom-esque Uranagi.

Both men made it back to their feet and collided with a pair of running crossbodies. The two began trading blows, with Mendoza getting the better of Daivari. Mendoza avoided two Hammerlock Lariats and rolled up Daivari for the win.

Results: Raul Mendoza defeated Ariya Daivari via pinfall.

Joaquin Wilde impressed the WWE Universe in his 205 Live debut
Joaquin Wilde impressed the WWE Universe in his 205 Live debut

We were shown a vignette of Joaquin Wilde, one of the eight competitors from the Breakout Tournament in the summer. The Cosmic Superstar was impressive, but a terrible injury left him on the shelf for a few months.

Thankfully, though, he's back and ever than ever, and there's no better spot to place him than on 205 Live.

Joaquin Wilde vs James Tapia

Wilde easily outmaneuvered Tapia, all the while shouting his patented "air horn" noises. A headscissors takedown and a running hurricanrana left Tapia dazed. He avoided an attack in the corner and ascended the turnbuckle.

Tapia tried to slow him down but was instead launched off the second rope with a sunset flip powerbomb. A Codebreaker followed up by the pop-up double boots to the jaw, dubbed the Wilde Thing, was all it took to earn Wilde a victory.

Results: Joaquin Wilde defeated James Tapia via pinfall.

Wilde's speed is reminiscent of former NXT Cruiserweight Champion Lio Rush. The fast paced striker may pose a threat to Angel Garza's title reign, and it may be sooner rather than later.

The Guvnor isn't impressed with Nese's physique
The Guvnor isn't impressed with Nese's physique

Next week, 205 Live will begin the countdown of the greatest cruiserweight bouts from 2019. We saw some fantastic wars featuring the likes of Buddy Murphy, Cedric Alexander, Oney Lorcan, Drew Gulak, Tony Nese, Lio Rush and more. Tune in next week to see what matches make the cut!

Danny Burch vs Tony Nese

Burch brought Nese down with ease and teased the Premier Athlete with his signature biceps taunt. Nese's hand was crushed beneath Burch's boot as the Guvnor kept the former Cruiserweight Champion on the mat.

Nese had a hard time getting out of the gate, as Burch was able to cut him off at every path. Even sending Burch outside, the elite British Brawler was able to rock Nese with a roaring elbow strike. Nese was bounced off the barricade and struggled to get inside the ring.

Burch was finally dropped to the mat when he moved up to the second rope. Nese yanked his leg out, sending him crashing. Finally getting a chance to get in some offense, Nese was able to hit the springboard moonsault for a nearfall.

However, Nese's gloating allowed Burch to get back in the match, connecting with a missile dropkick to the chest of Nese. A series of back elbows and European uppercuts set up Burch for an exploder suplex and a powerful right hand to the jaw. Nese barely escaped the pinfall.

A headbutt stunned Nese, but he countered a German suplex attempt, landing on his feet and connecting with a pinpoint dropkick to Burch's head as he met the mat. Nese moved to the top for the 450 Splash, only for Burch to stop it. The Tower of London almost secured the win.

Nese was immediately trapped in a crossface. He eventually made it to the ropes. Nese then dumped Burch outside and followed up with the Fosbury Flop. Back on the inside, the 450 Splash missed.

Another crossface was locked in, with Nese in the middle of the ring. The former champion again managed to break away. Burch trapped him in a triangle choke, but Nese picked him up for a buckle bomb, following that with the Running Nese for the pinfall.

Results: Tony Nese defeated Danny Burch via pinfall.