WWE 205 Live Results (August 21st, 2020): Winners, Grades, and Video Highlights

The Best of 205 Live vs the Future put on a fantastic main event
The Best of 205 Live vs the Future put on a fantastic main event

It's time for 205 Live, the second show in the new Thunderdome Era. The Purple Brand had a pretty great show this week, giving us two hard-fought singles bouts, including an exceptional match between Tony Nese and Jake Atlas.

Tony Nese attempted to help Isaiah "Swerve" Scott over the past few months. However, following NXT this week, the 205 Live veteran felt that Swerve had abandoned him to join up with Breezango.

Because of that, he's abandoned his attempt to mentor the younger 205 Live stars, including his opponent for tonight, Jake Atlas.

We started the night, though, with former 205 Live GM Drake Maverick. The fan-favorite got the opportunity to shut up the incredibly brash and annoying Tehuti Miles in the opener of the show.

Drake Maverick vs Tehuti Miles on 205 Live

Drake Maverick was incredibly frustrated with Tehuti Miles, who looked to fix his hair and handle his wardrobe a bit at the beginning of the match. Eventually, Maverick had enough and took out Miles with a big dive off the apron.

Miles managed to send Maverick face-first into the apron, getting the upper hand. Maverick was shot spine first into the ring post and brought back inside where Miles attempted to wrench the fight out of the former 205 Live GM with a chin lock.

Maverick was able to escape a Boston Crab attempt and rolled Miles up for a near fall. Miles delivered a big clothesline, nearly turning the lights out on Maverick. After suffering some more punishment, Maverick had enough and fired up. Right hands and leaping kicks left Miles in the corner for a clothesline/bulldog combination.

The new heart of 205 Live, Maverick began building up some steam in the ThunderDome for a big diving elbow. The Underdog planted Miles for a clean 1-2-3.

Results: Drake Maverick defeated Tehuti Miles via pinfall on 205 Live.

Grade: B-

Jake Atlas vs Tony Nese on 205 Live

For anyone keeping track, Tony Nese came out as a heel once again, stating that he and Isaiah "Swerve" Scott were done. The former 205 Live Cruiserweight Champion seemed to have the young upstart on the ropes, but Jake Atlas was able to use his unorthodox offense to get Nese on uneven ground.

Atlas caught the Premier Athlete in a cravate hold, trapping Nese in the middle of the ring. A crucifix pin led to a near fall, with the new bright star of 205 Live taking it to Nese.

However, Nese finally broke away from Atlas with a belly-to-back suplex. After battering Atlas, Nese went for a suplex, but couldn't hoist him up. However, Nese was able to escape a sunset flip for a spinning back kick to the jaw, nearly getting the win there.

Nese seemingly had it in the bag and set up for the Running Nese by launching Atlas into the corner. Atlas wasn't having any of it and rebounded with a big clothesline. The 205 Live vet was taken out with a big springboard blockbuster but kicked out.

Nese responded with another kick to the dome and followed up with a springboard moonsault. Still, he couldn't put Atlas away. The two men traded rights and chops, leading to Nese's chasing forearm. Atlas sent Nese to the floor and hit a suicide dive, launching Nese into the 205 Live announcer's desk.

Back inside the ring, Atlas moved up for a dive. Nese rolled to the apron and caught Atlas with a cheap right to the jaw. Drew Gulak complimented the move, which Nese had to turn to because, of course, he loves praise.

This allowed Atlas to roll him up for a three count.

Results: Jake Atlas defeated Tony Nese via pinfall on 205 Live.

Grade: A

After the match, the 205 Live original laid out Atlas with a Running Nese before moving over to the announcer's desk. "The 205 Live brand is crap without Tony Nese."