205 Live Results: Huge upset in main event; August Grey confronted by OGs

August Grey and Jake Atlas look great in 205 Live opener
August Grey and Jake Atlas look great in 205 Live opener

On NXT, Legado Del Fantasma ran roughshod over Kushida and MSK. Santos Escobar wanted to prove that, regardless of that Cruiserweight Title, he's the king of NXT and 205 Live. It would be nice if they would show up on the Purple brand more than once every three months, but I digress.

205 Live kicked off with the first of two tag team matches for the night. The Singh Brothers faced off against the makeshift duo of August Grey and Jake Atlas.

Jake Atlas and August Grey vs The Bollywood Boys on 205 Live

August Grey started the bout off with 205 Live veteran, Sunil Singh. Samir tagged in and was immediately brought down by Jake Atlas. The makeshift tag team dominated Samir, with Atlas and Grey working over the midsection.

A sternum first launch into the corner, Bret Hart style, left Samir gasping for air in this 205 Live opener. Eventually, Sunil was able to get the hot tag, and he flew around the ring at blinding speed to take out Grey and Atlas.

Sunil hit a quick rolling heel kick on Jake for the near-fall. Samir rocked Grey with a flying elbow as Sunil dropped Atlas with a hangman's neckbreaker. Jake Atlas was able to barely kick out of the diving elbow drop.

Sunil's run was ended after a superkick from Atlas nearly kicked his head off. Grey followed up with his rope-walking crossbody for the win.

Results: August Grey and Jake Atlas defeated The Bollywood Boyz via pinfall on 205 Live.

Grade: B-

The 205 Live OGs made their way out as the victors moved up the ramp. They've had issues with Grey over the past...well...ever since August got to 205 Live, really.

It looked like tonight would be about one-upsmanship. Would they be able to defeat the other half of Bolly-Rise, Matt Martel and Chase Parker?

Ariya Daivari and Tony Nese vs Ever-Rise on 205 Live

The OGs went toe-to-toe with Ever-Rise, a team that's had a lot of shine on them over the past year between 205 Live and NXT. That being said, much like The Bollywood Boyz, they've struggled to pick up many wins.

Tony Nese and Ariya Daivari dominated this main event early, hammering Matt Martel with the heavy-handed strikes they're both known for. During the beatdown, Daivari rocked Chase Parker on the apron with a cheap shot, which fired up Martel. A boot and a DDT dropped Daivari.

Tony Nese yanked Parker off the apron, though, and the 205 Live veterans continued to wear down Martel.

Eventually, thanks to a back-body drop on Nese, Martel was able to get to his partner. Parker hit a slingshot elbow on Daivari and a Gory Bomb on Nese for a near fall.

Nese took advantage of a hesitation and took Parker up top. Chase countered the superplex, though, hitting a spinning neckbreaker.

Ever-Rise went for their finish, but Daivari broke it up and targeted the again legal Martel. Though Matt Martel fought off Nese, Daivari caught him with a reverse DDT.

The 205 Live OGs wore Martel down, but he was able to break away for one final chance to get to his partner. Nese couldn't stop it, and they hit an air raid crash/diving neckbreaker combination. Martel dropped Tony with a powerbomb and transitioned into a Boston Crab.

Before Nese could tap, Ariya Daivari broke it up with the superkick. Parker dropped Daivari Dinero with one as well.

After a big shmoz, Ever-Rise managed to drop Nese with the Sweet Taste. With that, Martel and Parker picked up a win over two of the best superstars on 205 Live.

Results: Ever-Rise defeated Tony Nese and Ariya Daivari via pinfall on 205 Live.

Grade: A