205 Live Results: Mansoor and Grey steal the show; Huge interference proves to be deciding factor in main event

Bolly-Rise fights for survival, Mansoor's undefeated streak on the line
Bolly-Rise fights for survival, Mansoor's undefeated streak on the line

Tonight's episode of 205 Live had the potential to change the landscape of its weekly line-up. Tony Nese and Ariya Daivari, the 205 Live OGs as they love to call themselves, faced off with Chase Parker and Sunil Singh of the supergroup Bolly-Rise. If Parker and Singh lost, Bolly-Rise would split forever.

Considering their record together on the Purple Brand, it seemed likely that this was their last night together. Still, crazier things have happened.

We kicked the night off with one of 205 Live's exciting young recruits, August Grey, taking on the only undefeated star on 205 Live, Mansoor. Would Grey be the first one to hand Mansoor a loss?

August Grey vs Mansoor on 205 Live

August Grey got a series of takedowns on the seemingly unbeatable 205 Live star. Mansoor managed to lock Grey into a continuous series of arm drags, but one was eventually countered into a side headlock.

Mansoor rolled through a victory roll, hitting a standing moonsault for a two-count. Grey responded with a release back suplex that dropped Mansoor on his face. It wasn't enough, and a lariat nearly took Grey's head off.

Mansoor got a bit more intense than we'd seen in previous months on 205 Live. Every time Grey kicked out, frustration began to build. The kicks had a little extra oomph added to them, the chin locks wrenched just a bit harder, but nothing would keep Grey down.

August Grey sent Mansoor to the floor, following up with a suicide dive that drove him into the plexiglass. The rope-walking crossbody connected, as did the jawbreaker/neckbreaker combination.

Mansoor and Grey slid out of each other's big maneuvers, leading to a series of close pinfalls. A running boot dazed Grey, leaving an opening for the German suplex. Grey's Tornado DDT was countered, but as Mansoor went for a triangle dropkick, Grey caught him on the first jump for a slingshot Russian legsweep.

Mansoor avoided the back suplex and spun Grey around for a unique facebuster. Again, Grey kicked out. He hit a snug superkick, followed by his back-to-back back suplex and So Much Prettier, and that would've done it had Mansoor not rolled out of the ring.

The ref nearly got to the ten count, but Grey broke it up, refusing to get a win over the Unbeaten 205 Live star like that.

That was a shame, too, because thanks to that Mansoor managed to roll Grey up in a small package for the win.

Results: Mansoor defeated August Grey via pinfall on 205 Live.

Grade: B+

After the match, Grey shook the hand of Mansoor but was quite upset with the result. On 205 Live, Mansoor is still undefeated.

Was this the last ride of Bolly-Rise?
Was this the last ride of Bolly-Rise?

Tony Nese and Ariya Daivari vs Bolly-Rise w/Samir Singh and Matt Martel on 205 Live

The 205 Live OGs looked to finally rid themselves of Bolly-Rise tonight. That's right, if Sunil Singh and Chase Parker failed in the 205 Live main event, it would be the end for their alliance for good.

Sunil caught Tony Nese with a great arm drag, holding him down and going for the shoulder. Chase Parker tagged in, snapping Nese's arm with a series of arm breakers. Bolly-Rise zeroed in on that weakness, hoping to break down 205 Live's Premier Athlete.

Sunil tagged in but was sent to the floor where Ariya Daivari rocked him with a cheap shot. Samir and Martel ran over but were held off by the referee. Daivari Dinero battered Singh and rocketed him chest first into the top turnbuckle Bret Hart style.

A spinning back kick from Nese nearly sent Singh's teeth flying. Daivari locked in a sleeper, but a distraction from Parker allowed Singh to respond with a flying wheel kick. Parker tagged in, as did Nese, and the former ran wild on the 205 Live OGs. A slingshot elbow drop sent Daivari to the floor.

A Gory Bomb from Parker and a diving elbow drop from Sunil would've ended the match, but Daivari just managed to break up the pin. Nese caught Sunil with a throat chop and hung him up on the top rope. A triangle moonsault landed, as did Daivari's Persian Splash.

Parker broke the pin up and he and Nese fought to the floor. Samir Singh tossed Daivari's chain in, distracting the ref and Dinero and allowing Sunil to roll him up with the schoolboy.

Results: Bolly-Rise defeated Ariya Daivari and Tony Nese via pinfall on 205 Live.

Grade: B

Bolly-Rise finally picked up a win on 205 Live, and it was over the OGs of all people. That's gotta be embarrassing.