WWE 205 Live Results (18th October): Possible new title contender sends message to Lio Rush

Tony Nese dominated for a large part of the Triple Threat match
Tony Nese dominated for a large part of the Triple Threat match

205 Live had quite the show this week, although they had the distinct disadvantage of having their former Cruiserweight Champion Drew Gulak completely decimated on his debut on SmackDown by the 'Monster Among Men' Braun Strowman.

With Brian Kendrick having turned on his former allies recently, that was a major focus heading into this episode of 205 Live. After taking out Tozawa last week, he faced Jack Gallagher on tonight's show. WWE also announced that there would be quite some amazing new faces after the Draft from WWE NXT. Superstars might be regularly shared by 205 Live and NXT, which spells good fortune for the future of the show.

Brian Kendrick vs Jack Gallagher

Before the match could even start, Brian Kendrick attacked Jack Gallagher with the Kendo Stick to get the advantage.

Once the match started, that advantage worked in his favor as he had Gallagher down and out from before. His offense was specifically focused on Gallagher's injured ribs. With the body lock, he continued to get the elbow into the ribs and batter the already injured body part.

Gallagher somehow seemed to get his own back in the match, measuring Kendrick and taking him out on the outside. That was not all as he went back in the ring and hit the Missile Dropkick. This was followed by Jack Gallagher missing another Dropkick, with Kendrick locking the Captain's Hook in.

Gallagher almost reached the ropes, but it was all for naught, as Kendrick rolled the submission back. He managed to get out and got the Gentleman's Dropkick in, but Kendrick got his foot on the rope.

Kendrick managed to reverse Gallagher's offense out of nowhere and took out Gallagher with the help of Sliced Bread.

Results: Brian Kendrick defeated Jack Gallagher

Kendrick continued to mock Gallagher as he sat in the corner watching Kendrick dance and then walk away.

Singh Brothers vs Justin Alexander and Justin Morris

Justin Alexander mocked the Singh Brothers as he danced around copying what Samir Singh had done previously. He takes out Samir and then locks in the headlock. The local talents making their debut on 205 Live were soon down as Samir took down Justin Alexander and they stomped on him.

Sunil Singh hit the Bollywood Action elbow on Alexander and locked in the headlock again.

A knee lift to the mid-section saw Alexander hurt. Justin Morris came in and got hit with a Spinning Heel Kick. Samir came in next and they did a Superkick to the Side-Russian Leg Sweep combo. Sunil hit the Backbreaker on Morris as Samir went to the top rope to hit the Bollywood Blast and pick up the win.

Results: Singh Brothers defeated Justin Alexander and Justin Morris

The Singh Brothers continued to dance and celebrate their way around the ring, much to the apparent delight of the audience and the kids.

An announcement was made, indicating that Lio Rush will be returning next week to 205 Live.

Ariya Daivari vs Tony Nese vs Oney Lorcan

Ariya Daivari, Tony Nese, and Oney Lorcan all had prospective shots at the title if they were able to win the match. As it was a Triple Threat match, there is no disqualification or count-out.

Oney Lorcan found himself on the wrong side of a beatdown as Nese and Daivari had the advantage of numbers going in.

Nese and Lorcan did battle, as Nese managed to take Lorcan off his feet as if he were nothing. Daivari tried to take advantage of the situation, much to the disgust of Nese. He found the target on his back as both men began to strike him.

The team-up did not last long. Lorcan hit an uppercut to Daivari and then took out Nese with a flying uppercut. Nese caught Lorcan in the ropes when he was diving outside. Nese stayed on top of Lorcan, grounding him with a headlock. Lorcan came out of it with a Jawbreaker. He went for the half-and-half, but Daivari attacked Lorcan from behind.

Lorcan came back with an uppercut to Daivari. Lorcan got taken out by Nese. The continuous assault on Lorcan almost came in turns as both sides took advantage of the other facing Lorcan to recover. Daivari and Nese teamed up again. Nese beat up Lorcan continuously, and they hit a Double Vertical Stalling Suplex on Lorcan.

Daivari turned on Nese again and got an elbow from Lorcan. Lorcan sent both Nese and Daivari out and went for and hit the Plancha on both of them. He went to the top and hit a Diving Senton on both. He sent both men in and had them in opposite corners.

Lorcan hit them both with running knees and hit the Double Blockbuster for dual near-falls.

Nese hung up Lorcan and then hit the Springboard Moonsault for a near-fall. Daivari broke up the pin. Nese hit Daivari with a few good shots, but he countered with the Urinagi. Daivari stopped Lorcan with a Superkick and then dropped Nese on him for another near-fall. Daivari went for the Hammerlock, but Lorcan hit the Half-and-Half. Nese reversed Lorcan and then hit Daivari with a Plancha. He missed Lorcan with the 450, who then hit him with the Half-and-Half for the near-fall as Daivari broke it up.

Lorcan dumped Nese to the outside and hit the Superplex on Daivari. Nese came back out of nowhere and hit the Dead Eye to pick up the win.

Results: Tony Nese defeated Oney Lorcan and Ariya Daivari.

After the match, Tony Nese sent a loud message to Lio Rush saying that he was ready for him.

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