WWE Wrestlemania 32 Predictions and Match Analysis

Will WrestleMania 32 end up being a dismal failure or a historic spectacle?

I think it’s safe to say we are all praying for a miracle to happen.

Hopefully, when the dust settles, WWE leaves Dallas and the matches have reached their zenith, there will be plenty to talk about and look forward to. Right now, however, it seems there will be griping more than celebrating.

For everything that is usually anticipated from the company’s biggest event of the year, fans and wrestling media feel a little empty inside, like we are waiting to either be dazzled for the damn thing to be over with. The show in Dallas in AT&T Stadium will either knock us over with excitement or we will still yell for a new revolution.

It’s quite possible we will get neither. All the while, Vince McMahon will still swear he knows what he is doing and everyone else will hope someone other than the 70-year old wrestling tycoon was running the asylum.

It is rumored that Steve Austin, Shawn Michaels and even Goldberg are supposed to be at the event, but how they factor in the show is anyone’s guess. And to make matters more interesting, we still cannot smell what The Rock is cooking.

There are 10 matches slated on a card that starts two hours before the real action starts. Here are my predictions of how this should all go down.

Triple H (c) vs. Roman Reigns for the World Heavyweight Championship

Reigns turning heel is best for busniess!

This will close out the event, so I am hoping for it to be better than everyone hopes it will be. With Reigns winning a foregone conclusion, there has to be a hook to make fans fall in love with him as the champion.

If you want to get as far-fetched as possible about an outcome, how about The Rock coming down to the ring once Reigns is crowned champion and the new leader of the WWE turning on his own flesh and blood?

This is the kind of heat Reigns needs during this title run.

The Undertaker vs. Shane McMahon in a “Hell In a Cell” Match

If McMahon wins, he will control Monday Night Raw and Taker will not fight at WrestleMania again.

Will the old rivalry be rekindled?

You know McMahon won’t win this match clean. And for all we know, Undertaker is just doing Vince McMahon’s bidding.

It would seem this will be the last WrestleMania for the Dead Man, but how the company comes to this conclusion is still up in the air. Shane McMahon has wowed the crowds with his aerial assault so expect more of the same …. Until.

I would suspect there will be interference in this match (even in the cage) – with either side scoring a pinfall. This might be where Shawn Michaels enters. This might also be where Goldberg shows up. Steve Austin is rumored to be involved, and we all know he just loves Vince and his personality.

If you all like this scenario, give me a “Hell Yeah!”

Brock Lesnar vs. Dean Ambrose in a No Holds Barred Street Fight

A bloodfest awaits!

I don’t know why, but watching these two in a match where there will be blood reminds of Tommy Rich and Buzz Sawyer in the “Battle of Atlanta.” While the feud doesn’t really compare, it shall be settled in a Street Fight where I could see plenty of veterans (Terry Funk, Mick Foley) getting themselves involved in this one.

Wouldn’t it be amazing if Kurt Angle somehow showed up in Dallas?

There is no way on earth Ambrose is supposed to win this match as the deck is stacked against him in this one. Lesnar is just too big, just too powerful. In the end, however, I think Ambrose finds a way to win, which gives him momentum toward another run toward Reigns.

Charlotte (c) vs. Becky Lynch, Sasha Banks in the Divas Championship Triple Threat Match

The actual revolution begins!

This should be the start of a real revolution. Notice I did not say “Divas” as the current title will be retired after WrestleMania and the “Women’s Championship” will return to the company. This is a huge win for the women of this division.

So much as has been made of the attempt to give the women on the roster a more solid footing, opening with the addition of these three women. It has worked to some extent, but it has not gotten the buzz it needed to be successful.

Now, as the fans watch all three go after it in Dallas with the title on the line, this has the potential to be the best match of the night. I am predicting Sasha Banks walks out with the title, setting up a one-on-one title match with Charlotte.

Chris Jericho vs. A.J. Styles

The possible showstealer of the night

This should be the best match of the night and rightfully so.

There are times when feuds start and we wonder why the heck did they begin in the first place. This time, two superstars were matched and what ensued was magic. As cliché as it sounds, these two were supposed to wrestle each other, mixing the current Jericho with a mirror image of how he used to be.

Their styles are similar, with AJ proving he belongs on the biggest stage in wrestling.

I suspect this will be another case of Jericho putting Styles over and then he moves on to face Kevin Owens. What happens with Jericho is still a mystery. I would love to see a program with him and Dolph Ziggler or maybe even a tease of challenging Kalisto or Ryback.

Kevin Owens (c) vs. Dolph Ziggler, Sami Zayn, The Miz, Stardust, Sin Cara, Zack Ryder in the Intercontinental Championship Ladder Match

Will this match top last year’s ladder spectacle?

For Owens, this might be the best way to showcase how great he is. This might not be the best match of the night, but it should be one of the more entertaining ones. There is plenty of intrigue since everyone has to climb the ladder to grab the strap.

Remember last year’s match was one of the best ladder matches in quite a while. The question isn’t much about Owens retaining, but what feuds come out of this match? What happens to Sami Zayn? Will Zack Ryder get more of a push and what happens to the rest of the performers in this match?

Kalisto (c) vs. Ryback for the United States Championship

Will the lack of build-up ruin this match?

I have little interest in this match, so my comments will be brief. It’s hard to get excited about a championship match where there is little drama and lots of unexplained promotion.

Ryback is trying to establish himself as the new bully on the block. Kalisto is the little man with the big heart – WWE’s new version of Rey Mysterio. Ryback should win this match, but not before Kalisto shows off and flies through the air.

If Ryback does win, will he face John Cena when he turns and drop the U.S. Title back to its rightful owner?

League of Nations vs. New Day Handicap Match (4 vs. 3)

A dumb-founding match booking-wise

I cannot decide if New Day is getting over with the crowd as a face tag team, or their shtick is now old and stale.

The League of Nations need this win to remain a viable force as a heel stable. With it being a Handicap match, you figure the numbers will prevail. This is not for the World Tag Team Championship, but it should be.


The Dudley Boyz vs. The Usos

From the division’s centrepiece to being relegated to the pre-show!

This match, which would be shown before the actual event, proves just how far these two tag teams have fallen. The Dudley’s should have already won tag team gold once again. Now, they just seem like they are veteran jobbers and stale performers.

The Usos somehow have fallen out of the tag team title picture. This could be a solid tag match, but the build of it is just awful.

Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal

Who’s win the worthless trophy this time around?

Chalk this one up to Kane meeting Big Show as the last two participants and call it a day. Move along, there is nothing to see here.

Natalya, Paige, Brie, Alicia, Eva vs. Lana, Naomi, Tamina, Summer Rae, Emma

Will Lana be the surprise package in the cocktail of unused Divas of the roster?

Another attempt to get as many superstars involved in the show as possible. The response the crowd gave Eva the other night was unexpected by WWE officials. The fact Emma looks to be every bit a bad ass as she can be adds some intrigue.

I am interested to see if Lana actually gets in the ring and wrestles.