WrestleMania 11: Top 5 matches from the PPV

Yokozuna teams up with Owen Hart

The main event was a classic encounter After celebrating the glory of WrestleMania for a decade, the WWE launched the 11th edition of the event with even more enthusiasm and vigour. The eleventh annual WrestleMania pay-per-view event was held at the Hartford Civic Center in Hartford, Connecticut on April 2, 1995.After Hogan carried the industry on his shoulders for 10 long years, the responsibilities shifted to the young shoulders of the newer generation starts like Diesel, Michaels, Bret Hart, Owen Hart, The Undertaker and the rest of that class.With that being said, we will quickly go and recap some of the interesting things from WrestleMania 11 that had a blockbuster main event featuring Diesel and Shawn Michaels for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship-

#5 Owen Hart and Yokozuna vs. The Smokin\' Gunns

Yokozuna teams up with Owen Hart

Billy Gunn and Bart Gunn (The Smokin' Gunns) defended their WWF Tag Team Championship against Owen Hart and Yokozuna (Mystery partner). Yokozuna gained control of the match with his leg drop on Billy.

Owen accidentally hit Yokozuna in the match, which he didn’t take too seriously and moved on. Just when the momentum seemed to be shifting, Yokozuna delivered a Belly to Belly Suplex and followed it up with a Banzai drop from the second rope on Billy.

He pinned Billy for the win and Owen and Yokozuna became the new WWF Tag team Champions.

Winner: Owen Hart and Yokozuna

#4 Bret Hart vs. Bob Backlund

‘I Quit’ match

Bret Hart competed against Bob Backlund in an “I Quit” match with Roddy Piper as the special guest referee. Hart aimed at injuring Backlund’s legs and executed his plan to perfection.

He applied a Sharpshooter to Backlund and pressurized him to utter the words, but Bob kept his cool and countered the move. Once again Bret went for the kill, this time with a Figure 4, but Bob was tough enough to break the hold and started attacking Bret’s arm.

For a few minutes, the momentum hung in the balance.

Bob performed a Crossface Chickenwing to Bret and the latter reversed it. When Bob uttered something on the microphone, Piper considered it to be ‘I Quit’ and asked the timekeeper to ring the bell, who declared Bret Hart as the winner.

Winner: Bret Hart

#3 Razor Ramon vs. Jeff Jarrett

Jeff retains the IC Title

Jeff Jarrett defended his Intercontinental Championship against Razor Ramon in the second match of the night. Ramon had the 1-2-3 kids in his corner whereas Jeff had The Roadie by his side.

Initially, Jarrett applied a sleeper hold on Ramon and followed it up with a Figure 4. Razor reversed the move and after Jeff broke the hold, Razor delivered a Suplex on him. Just when Razor was setting the stage for the Razor’s Edge finisher, The Roadie entered the ring and got involved in the bout.

This forced the referee to call this a DQ and declared Razor as the winner. However, there was no title change.

Winner: Razor Ramon


#2 The Undertaker vs. King Kong Bundy

Taker goes up 4-0

Undertaker faced King Kong Bundy in his fourth WrestleMania outing. Ted DiBiase stood by the side of Bundy and the whole match revolved around the mystical urn. DiBiase was in possession of the urn and played mind games with Taker.

Initially, both superstars exchanged blows and clotheslines that knocked each other out. Taker then took away the urn from DiBiase\, but Kama came into the match from backstage and in turn, took away the urn from Taker.

Bundy capitalized on the distraction and delivered a powerslam followed by an Avalanche Splash on Undertaker. This didn’t bring the dead man down as he rose again and delivered a powerslam and clothesline of his own to pin the monster for the win.

Winner: The Undertaker

#1 Diesel vs. Shawn Michaels

Diesel retained the WWF title

Diesel defended his WWF World Heavyweight Championship against the "Heart Break Kid", Shawn Michaels. In a match that lasted for more than 20 minutes, both the superstars put together a visual treat for the WWF fans.

The crowd was lucky enough to witness some top quality wrestling action inside the ring in a match that saw a perfect blend of contrasting styles. This was a game of Agility vs. Strength, where Diesel showcased his immense strength and HBK exposed his quick in-ring movements.

Most of the action took place outside the ring and both men were physically drained by the end of the bout. During the closing moments of the match, Michaels gave the feeling that he would win the title after delivering a superkick to Diesel.

Diesel was saved in the nick of time, thanks to Sid – Michaels' bodyguard – who pulled the referee out of the ring during the count and Diesel capitalized on this opportunity. He quickly delivered a Jackknife Powerbomb to Michaels and covered him for the win.

Winner: Diesel