Will Stone Cold return for one more match?


During his appearance on Chris Jericho‘s new podcast, Chris Jericho spoke with Steve Austin about Austin coming back for one more match. Here is their back and forth…

Chris Jericho: “Would you ever go back for one more match?”

Steve Austin: “That’s the thing Chris. Why? To totally prepare for that – how long have you been out for now?

Chris Jericho: “I come and go, but I’ve been out for about five months, and every day people ask me when I’m going back.”

Steve Austin: “To totally get ready for a high caliber match like WrestleMania 30 I would need a three month training window. For timing, getting back in the ring, taking bumps; to do it right. So you bump for three months. You get into storylines. You go to Monday Night Raw, you do the creative, you have the big blast-off match at WrestleMania, and then… there it is. There’s the big match at WrestleMania. Then what? Then three months later you get your paycheck when all the PPV counts come back, and then you cash your check. Then what? Where do you go?

Chris Jericho: “Then the fans ask you, ‘when are you coming back?’”

Steve Austin: “You can make some money. But you get all revved up, you have your 30 minute window, then what? Then you’ve got to recover, because you’ve got yourself back in the mode. Anything is possible. Being involved in some capacity would be fun. But being very candid, I like the way I operated back then. I like the creative liberties and freedoms I had back then. I don’t know that walking back in there right now I would have those same freedoms, and I don’t know that I could operate in that system … I love my fans first and foremost. I know they’d like to see me in a match. But you’ve just got to understand the shoes I’m in, and where I’m at now. I love wrestling fans, and I love the WWE.”