Why Finn Balor should be the new face of RAW

Finn Balor poses with Bayley
Finn Balor poses with Bayley

With last night's announcement about the sudden departure of Roman Reigns, everyone seems to be scratching their heads wondering who will be the new face of RAW.

Some could argue that WWE invested too much into Roman Reigns and weren’t prepared for him to potentially leave. That there was no back up plan. If there was, many WWE fans feel that the choice for successor would be obvious.

Lucky for the WWE they have some major events coming around the corner like Survivor Series and The Royal Rumble that have historically been used to help propel talent to the top of the card.

So even if they don't have a back up plan, there is time to build a story around someone that will lead them into the spot vacated by Roman Reigns. Now the question is, who should that be?

The answer…Finn Balor. Disagree? Here are 5 reasons why Finn Balor should be the new face of RAW.

#5 He deserves it

Finn Balor Universal Champion
Finn Balor Universal Champion

Everything Paul Heyman said about Roman Reigns on last night's RAW, about what a true WWE champion needs to be, we already know isn’t what Brock Lesnar is and Braun Strowman just isn’t there...yet.

When looking at the current RAW roster, the one wrestler that actually fits Paul Heyman’s description of a hard working, deserving champion is Finn Balor.

WWE hasn’t really done anything with Finn Balor in the past year, but night after night, he’s been there helping make other wrestlers look good, doing what he's asked to do, the whole while with a smile on his face.

While he also seems to have been pushed down to mid-card level, it wouldn't take much for Balor to climb back to the top. He is one of the hardest working wrestlers both inside and outside the ring.

#4 Second Opportunity

Finn Deserves A Shot
Finn Deserves A Shot

Finn Balor was one of the most popular champions in NXT and thanks to that title reign, there was no surprise when Finn Balor was first brought up to the main roster and given a major opportunity to become the Universal Champion.

The WWE Universe was ecstatic when Balor in turn won the title. That excitement turned to disappointment when the WWE Universe found out that he would have to give up the title the next day due to injury.

Upon returning from said injury, the WWE Universe has been waiting to see Finn Balor get another championship run, but for whatever reason it has yet to happen.

His first championship reign was pretty much a hiccup in his career and he deserves and has earned more than that.

Now is the perfect opportunity to give him another turn at being the face of the company.

#3 The Demon

The Demon
The Demon

One of the biggest pops at this year’s Summer Slam was for the return of Finn Balor’s alter ego, The Demon. When The Demon appears you know that Finn Balor is taking things to a whole new level.

It's not something he has done often since being brought up to the main roster, but some could argue that the right opportunity for The Demon to appear has not been there. As champion, Finn Balor may face challenges on a regular basis that might call for the demon. Who better to fight a monster or a beast then a demon?

With The Undertaker and Kane supposedly getting set to retire and finally leave in ring action to the next generation, will the WWE need a new phenom?

Could Finn Balor’s alter ego be the phenom for a new generation? From his entrance to his in ring fighting style, The Demon is captivating to those watching and devastating to those he's facing.

#2 There isn’t anyone else


Who else could fill the role? Seth Rollins? Drew McIntyre? Braun Strowman? Bobby Lashley? Dean Ambrose? The RAW roster is filled with some very talented hard working wrestlers, but are any of them really ready to be the new face of the company?

Dean Ambrose and Bobby Lashley have both just recently turned heel. It wouldn't make sense to turn either so soon, especially when the heel turn seems to be working in their favour.

Drew McIntyre and Braun Strowman fit the traditional big man role being the face of the WWE but are either of them really ready to be the face of the company? Right now, the WWE can’t seem to decide between the two of them, which one should be the heel and which one should be the face.

Finn Balor on the other hand has been to the top of the mountain before and is ready to be on top again.

#1 Bullet Club

Balor Club
Balor Club

No one knows what the plans are for Bullet Club Elite come January when their contracts with RoH and NJPW expire. One of the biggest rumours circulating is that Bullet Club are on their way to WWE and whether that is true or not, having Finn Balor as the face of the company come January would work in the WWE’s favour.

Finn Balor is the original leader and founder of Bullet Club. If The Elite don’t end up in the WWE, then having two former Bullet Club leaders (AJ Styles also led Bullet Club for a period) leading each brand will have the WWE in a good position to compete with whatever The Elite has planned.

The same can be said if The Elite shows up in the WWE. What better way to defend against a Bullet Club invasion than with having two former Bullet Club leaders as your champions?

What an even more exciting development will be is if both WWE champions turn on the WWE and return to Bullet Club.