Who can replace CM Punk in the WWE?

CM Punk

CM Punk

The WWE really messed up this time. Just days after the Road to WresteMania 30 kicked off at The Royal Rumble, one of their top talents may deciding to walk away from the company for good. one report states that CM Punk walked out on The company after being informed that Batista would be headlining WrestleMania 30. Telling The Chairman of The WWE, Vince McMahon that he was “going home.”

Punk is most likely angry at the fact that for the third straight time, a part time superstar will be headlining WrestleMania, instead of a full time wrestler in the company. Punk has vocally made it a personal goal of his to headline “The Show of Shows,” but was yet again passed up for the spot when Batista returned last week.

Another report states that Punk walked out after arguing with backstage personnel over his scheduled segment for that Monday Night on Raw. Punk was apparently asked to cut a promo and tell The WWE Universe he suffered a concussion after being choke slammed through The Announce Table Sunday night at The Royal Rumble, and that he needed to take time off due to a concussion injury.

And yet another report states, that Punk was not happy and walked out Monday night, when he was informed that his WrestleMania 30 opponent would be Triple H. Apparently the thought of battling The CEO of The WWE wasn’t a very appealing idea to Punk, who had already feuded with Triple H back in late 2011 during The Summer of Punk storyline.

No matter how this apparently happened, it still could be one of the biggest blows to The WWE in recent memory. Punk is one of those few guys in the company that can really connect and antagonize the WWE Universe. Without him, The WWE will surely be at a lose both in the ring and on the microphone

The question now remains. Who can take Punk’s spot if this really is the end of his career? Who else in the company can embody the outlaw that he was? Who else can drop pipe bomb on The WWE Universe on a nightly basis? Who can fill the shoes of one of the most successful wrestlers of the modern era?

Dolph Ziggler:

Dolph Ziggler hasn't been given a push in quite a while

Dolph Ziggler hasn’t been given a push in quite a while

A few superstars come to mind when thinking of the obvious gaping hole that will need to be filled if or when Punk makes his retirement official. Dolph Ziggler remains a likely candidate in my mind, do to his ability to play such a great heel at times. His in ring maneuvers could use some polishing before pushing him to the top of the industry, but a move like the “zig-zag” certainly will make his matches exciting to watch for The WWE Universe.

Bray Wyatt:

Bray Wyatt has captivated the WWE Universe with his eerie appearance and promos

Bray Wyatt has captivated the WWE Universe with his eerie appearance and promos

The WWE has another great talent on the microphone in Bray Wyatt. Wyatt’s character of a crazed cult leader makes it easy for the NXT upstart to mystify the audience in a almost Charles Manson type manner. The Wyatt Family’s announcement of ” Were Here” before blowing out the lantern during their entrance is something that can quickly grab a audience’s attention before Bray Wyatt even touches a microphone.

Dean Ambrose:

With Roman Reigns getting a push, Dean Ambrose can't be far behind

With Roman Reigns getting a push, Dean Ambrose can’t be far behind

Another guy that lets his presence known on the microphone is Dean Ambrose. Ambrose has a almost chilling way of enouncing each word is his promos, that you start to believe if he’s serious about what he says he’s going to do. The man gives off a dangerous look, and that might just be what the WWE needs at this time.

Ambrose is by no means ready for this position as of right now. He will still need at least a year to perfect ability in the ring as a singles competitor. but given time, and a few changes to his current move set and pace of his matches, Ambrose could certainly begin to fill that void that Punk will leave in the WWE.


Ryback has struggled to be the Top Heel in the company

Ryback has struggled to be the Top Heel in the company

Ryback never really got a chance to be the best heel he could be the first time around. He was used as merely a placeholder to challenge John Cena until “Summerslam” came around . I believe Ryback had a very bad ass heel persona during his feud with John Cena back in June. If given a second chance by WWE management, I don’t see why Ryback couldn’t recreate that persona and become another Stone Cold Steve Austin type character in the Company.

Roman Reigns:

Roman Reigns is the next big thing in the industry

Roman Reigns is the next big thing in the industry

The most obvious choice of a superstar that would spectacular in a prime time role is Roman Reigns. He may not be that great at cutting a five star promo yet, but he does get a few chilling words in during promo’s with his fellow Shield Members. Reigns is a crowd pleaser with his agility and his ability to hit the spear out of nowhere, but only time will tell how the WWE decides to use him and other WWE Superstars in Punk’s absence.

To be completely honest, no one will ever fully replace Punk if he does decide to leave WWE for good. His in ring work was the stuff of magic, and his pipe bombs are some of the most memorable moments of both Raw and Smackdown. Maybe one day one or more of these superstars will be able to step up and begin to fill the momentous shoes of this great superstar, but I don’t see that happening anytime soon.