4 Superstars Who Might Have Attacked Aleister Black

The mystery unfolds
The mystery unfolds

While NXT managed to avoid injury led storylines in NXT to promote the likes of Hideo Itami and Drew McIntyre. NXT hedged an intriguing bet with the latest injured star in Aleister Black, building on an intriguing story who his attacker is.

That a relatively still in NXT, Nikki Cross being used to parlay this storyline is just the icing on the cake. She's been on fire, going around accusing a host of superstars regarding their involvement in the incident. It's a twisted murder mystery style plot that unravelled with consequence for Cross on this week's NXT.

For the first time, the diminutive psychopath had to face the rage of Black. The usually unnerving Cross who rattled the slick Velveteen Dream and stern Ciampa, go eaten up by the voracious fire of Black until she whispered her secrets to him. He thus went on the hunt, propelling the narrative further for weeks to come.

Who is the man who attacked Aleister Black? Is it even a man? Or is Nikki Cross playing her own twisted games?

This concerns NXT because this is NXT. So let's try to figure it out.

Who Didn't Attack Aleister Black?

Nikki Cross knows who did it, or does she?
Nikki Cross knows who did it, or does she?

Before we get to the culprit or culprits, it's important to parse out the players that couldn't in any form have attacked Black. Top of the list is big star individuals far removed from this case. It isn't the just about floating EC3, though he is in desperate need of a programme. It isn't the honourable Ricochet or British bruiser Pete Dunne. Nor is it Keith Lee, Kassius Ohno or even the soon to debut Matt Riddle.

The onus to prove themselves then falls upon few elements that were in orbit of Black around the time of his reign and fall. He just about beat an enraged Lars Sullivan, but Sullivan doesn't seem like the man to seek revenge in this fashion.

The same weirdly applies to Tomasso Ciampa, the champion might have found it easier to tackle just Gargano instead of with Black. Yet, Ciampa is definitely one to boast about an attack on Black if he were responsible for it. This goes double for the anarchic Undisputed ERA, already absolved of the crime and far removed from it.

In any case, one can say Nikki hasn't done it but she definitely either helped or saw it. Or she's just messing with Black for her own insane agenda. Which is, we'll never know until we know who hit Aleister Black? One thing is clear, individually it's none of the above.

4. Bonus: All of the Above

The ERA is whole again, time to shock the system?!
The ERA is whole again, time to shock the system?!

Sure this might contradict the earlier statement if it weren't for the fact that it's mentioned individually that none of the NXT men caused the attack. Yet what if all of the superstars orbiting this tale attacked Black?

It would then make sense as to why Nikki Cross is able to rattle the cages of the men around the narrative. From Velveteen Dream to Tomasso Ciampa, Nikki Cross has been able to push each of their buttons and questions their actions implicit to the crime.

She portrays a cooky version of Detective Poirot while all others enact the role of suspicious attackers aboard the NXT express. Each one, of course, has their reasons and could have pulled it off together or individually one by one. The question being why all of them together? Surely one man is enough to deal with Black. That's why this is a bonus.

However by placing multiple individuals at the scene of the crime. This would make Black quite a powerful entity. In many ways, he is the Undertaker of NXT, barely beaten fair in the ring. Destroying him is like destroying the greatest challenge to the roster. However, earning his ire is a trip straight to hell.

Nikki better watch out the flames don't catch her, especially if this is all a game.

3. Punishment Martinez

A new face lurks in the darkness
A new face lurks in the darkness

Sure Nikki Cross has targeted a slew of performers on her path to Aleister Black. Yet, what if it's all a red herring on the part of the Scots-woman. What if the attack on Black is by someone else entirely new. Maybe management sees this as an opportunity to reset Cross after the promotion of SANITY.

She could find another ruthless partner in the incoming Punishment Martinez. The big man isn't much of a character coming in from ROH, one of the oddest Indie wrestlers to fit perfectly into the WWE mould at least physique wise. He could become a muscle for Cross, while the latter a voice for him. A dominant duo much to court chaos in NXT. The perfect recipe would be to target anyone and everyone, rattle their cages.

Make a statement on their destruction, by destroying Aleister Black. After all Black despite losing his NXT Championship is the big fish of the yellow brand. He's yet to lose fairly and could be the perfect first opponent for Martinez to tackle. For now, this seems like the only agenda that might push someone as erratic as Cross on the warpath of Aleister Black.

2. Velveteen Dream

Destined to do this forever
Destined to do this forever

Of all the options discussed orbiting this story, the one conveniently absent is Velveteen Dream. While the likes of Ciampa and Undisputed ERA are perfect candidates for such an attack, Dream is an oddly fitting choice. Sure he is off to an intriguing face turn (if it is deemed that) but it feels more of a character alignment to the narrative with Ciampa.

Remember of all the individuals involved, Dream has the greatest narrative with Black. It was Dream's perverse pursuit of Black, that put the young man on the NXT radar. It was also there when beaten by Black that Dream found a form of validation. Dream lives for the adulation and fan response might be high, but the passion spewed forth from Black's mouth when he named Dream could be enough.

It's what Velveteen may seek en route to trying to capture NXT gold. He wants Black all to himself. It's a twisted Batman-Joker style narrative that places two of the most eccentric characters at the centre of the championship quest. Velveteen Dream loves Aleister Black and if Black will continue just feeding him scraps, then Dream's going to the whole hog to have the whole meal. The best way, get Black's attention to an escalating point of volcanic erupting rage.

1. Johnny Gargano

Before embarking on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.
Before embarking on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.

Sometimes the most obvious choice is the best, this is because Johnny Gargano's pursuit of Ciampa just makes his antagonism with Black organic. It was due to Gargano's fault that Black lost his title and Ciampa gained it. That same passion drove Gargano to a match with Ciampa and Black. However then Black got attacked.

The champion denies it and it's believable, Gargano, however, hasn't much to say. He's lost favour with the crowd over his actions in costing Black and his thirst for revenge on Ciampa has turned him into the very same devil he faces. In many ways, Gargano will provide the most interesting and subversive arc for any face of NXT.

Much like Sami Zayn before him, he is an underdog with a ruthless friend turned foe. There is heartbreak there but there is also a drive to destroy Ciampa to the point of mutual ruination. Black got caught in that turmoil and Gargano wanting to right his wrongs, did the greatest wrong he ever could.

Gargano attacked Black and there are no two ways about it. Once revealed he will face the consequences. There's no heel and face here, there's just a character, a man seeking vengeance, losing his soul and hopefully one-day finding redemption in his actions.

That's the day that once again fans shall chant 'Johnny Wrestling'. Till then Gargano better jumps quick into the black mass in this abyss of a downfall of his own making.