What should happen during this week's "Superstar Shake-up"

Vince made the announcement last week on Raw that there would be a shake-up!

Vince McMahon completely rocked the professional wrestling world when he purchased WCW in 2001. Because of the acquisition, many of the former WCW wrestlers would make the move over to the WWE, giving them a large roster. This would result in the very first WWE brand extension which took place in 2002.

Over 15 years after the first draft, the WWE landscape changed again with one in July 2016. With NXT emerging as more of a third brand than a developmental territory, it gave the WWE a larger roster for another brand split.

The draft and the decision of moving SmackDown to Tuesdays live have both given some life to the show. It has enabled some stars to shine where they wouldn’t previously with no split.

Just last week, Vince announced that there would be a Shake-up in the roster. It makes a lot of sense to do it right after WrestleMania because the fans see this exact time as a reset period, as the WWE heads towards New Orleans for WrestleMania 34 next year.

This article will take a look at who SHOULD move brands to help make the product great going forward over the next 12 months...

Sami Zayn to SmackDown LIVE

Separating Sami Zayn from Kevin Owens could make their next long feud even more special

Once the draft took place last year, I was hoping that there would be some immediate trading. The immediate Superstar that needed to be moved was Sami Zayn. Nine months after the draft, I have more than enough proof that this move should take place.

Zayn deserves to be pushed as one of the top stars within the company, but there have been times where he’s been absent for pay per views. The last example is when Zayn didn’t have a feud or match at WrestleMania and ended up in the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal.

Also read: WWE Rumors: WWE potentially spoils two names for the Superstar Shakeup

A move to SmackDown LIVE would be very beneficial for Zayn. Some great feuds he could have on the blue brand would include AJ Styles, Randy Orton, Bray Wyatt, and Shinsuke Nakamura.

The Miz (and Maryse) to Monday Night Raw

The Miz is ready to be back in the main event scene and deserves to be on Raw

Ever since Maryse returned to the WWE the night after WrestleMania last year, The Miz has had a renewed focus. From his in-ring work to his promos, everything he’s done has been on fire over the past year.

Oddly enough, the improved Miz (1-time WWE Champion, 6-time IC and Tag Team Champion) hasn’t been led to a main event push yet. A change in brands could possibly help the Miz become a world champion once again. He only has one world title to his credit when he cashed in Money In The Bank to beat Randy Orton in 2010.

Currently, Brock Lesnar has the WWE Universal Championship, but he’s not set to defend it until June. While it’s uncertain who will feud with Lesnar to take the title from him, but at any time in 2017, Miz should win the belt.

Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows to SmackDown LIVE

It is always best for business when The Club are together

The Club has been apart for long enough! Not only should AJ Styles stay on SmackDown LIVE, Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson should move to the blue brand for a reunion that will be “too sweet”.

The tag team division on SmackDown LIVE was off to a strong start after the WWE Draft, but injuries and releases have thinned the division out. Gallows and Anderson would help the division tremendously.

It appears that Styles has turned face after showing respect and shaking Shane McMahon’s hand last week. You can have Gallows and Anderson be good guys as well and feud with the Usos right away for the SmackDown LIVE Tag Team Championships.

Carmella (and James Ellsworth) to Monday Night Raw

Carmella has done well on the main roster, now is the time to move her to Raw

There are a couple of reasons (both in-ring and outside of the ring) why moving Carmella to SmackDown LIVE would be great.

As most people are aware, Carmella is currently dating Big Cass. I’m a firm believer of placing wrestlers who are in a long-term relationship on the same show’s roster, especially if it is something they prefer.

Inside the ring, there are a few things you can do with Carmella on Monday Night Raw. She can turn babyface and join up with Enzo and Cass as she did in NXT, or you can have her be the reason for the split between the two.

Sasha Banks to SmackDown LIVE

To help the women’s division, Sasha needs to be separated from Bayley and Charlotte

The women’s division on Monday Night Raw has been in a rut with the same people in the main event scene. It has become stale and the build to the title match at WrestleMania 33 was pretty lacklustre.

Separating Sasha Banks from Charlotte and Bayley would go a long way to help freshen things up. We have seen some combination of these three for several years now, going back to NXT.

If you put Sasha on SmackDown LIVE, a feud with Becky Lynch would be fresh since they’ve been apart for nearly a year. It would be a feud that would work for WrestleMania next year as Sasha is due for a heel turn.

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