What If Stone Cold never retired in 2003?

Austin has not wrestled in over 15 years
Austin has not wrestled in over 15 years

Steve Austin wrestled his last match on March 30th, 2003 at WrestleMania 19 against The Rock. It was not billed as Austin’s retirement match, and only a select few knew that this was ‘Stone Cold’s’ farewell. Austin’s troublesome neck finally gave out on him. ‘The Rattlesnake’ had been on borrowed time, ever since Owen Hart dropped him on his head at SummerSlam 1997.

In retrospect, Austin’s time at the top was short. Factoring in his many layoffs due to injury and Austin’s eight-month hiatus after walking out in June 2002, ‘Stone Cold’ was only on top for about three years.

It’s incredible that Austin was able to have the career he had in such limited time, but what if his career didn’t end after losing to The Rock at WM19?

Austin was only 38 when he had to call it quits; there was still a lot he could’ve done inside the squared circle.

Let’s imagine that Austin’s neck was magically cured after his third ‘Mania match with The Rock. With that scenario in mind, this is how his career in WWE post WM19 may have looked.

Challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship

Austin and Triple H are pals here, but they wouldn't have been if 'Stone Cold' never retired
Austin and Triple H are pals here, but they wouldn't have been if 'Stone Cold' never retired

The night after WrestleMania 19, Austin would have turned his attention to a man he was very familiar with and to a title steeped in history: Triple H and the World Heavyweight Championship.

Austin never held the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. It was the one major singles title that alluded him.

While Austin was on the losing end at ‘Mania, ‘The Rattlesnake’ had a big enough name to warrant a shot at Triple H’s big gold belt. 'Stone Cold’ would have challenged for RAW’s top title in the Spring of 2003, whether in one-on-one bouts with Triple H or as a part of multiple person matches.

However, Austin wouldn’t have gotten his hands on the World Heavyweight Championship, as that title was reserved for another bald ass-kicker.

Austin vs Goldberg at WrestleMania 20

If Austin had been healthy, he would have been wearing black trunks at WM 20, and not jean shorts.
If Austin had been healthy, he would have been wearing black trunks at WM 20, and not jean shorts.

Goldberg debuted on the RAW after WrestleMania 19. The two Monday Night War legends just missed each other by a day. If Austin were still able to wrestle, Goldberg and Austin wouldn’t have clashed as soon as people would have hoped. Goldberg would have gone through The Rock, Chris Jericho, and Triple H like he did in actuality, but the Austin vs Goldberg clash would have been saved for WrestleMania 20.

WM20 was WWE’s biggest show to date. The PPV was scheduled for a gargantuan 5 hours. WWE started promoting the show the second WM19 ended, the tagline of “Where It All Begins…Again” was uttered multiple times on programming. There was no bigger match to have held then the dream match fans had been clamoring for since 1998.

Instead of Brock Lesnar, Goldberg would have been slotted to face Austin. The build-up would have started after Goldberg dropped the World Heavyweight Title to Triple H. Goldberg would have been portrayed as the subtle heel before being turned into a full-blown villain, especially after WWE realized that ‘Da Man’ had no intention of staying for more than his one year contract.

In real life, Austin was in the ring with Lesnar and Goldberg at WrestleMania 20 – as the special guest referee. The actual match was a disaster due to WWE’s poor layout and the fans negative reaction to both Superstars leaving the company. If Austin and Goldberg had clashed, then the rowdy New York crowd would have responded just as WWE had hoped. New York would have been 100% behind ‘Stone Cold’. Austin surely would have had his hand raised against his former WCW counterpart.

Move into acting

Austin was always destined to swap the ring for the big screen.
Austin was always destined to swap the ring for the big screen.

After dispensing Goldberg at WM20, Austin would have noticed the changing landscape around him and emerging stars such as John Cena and Randy Orton. Instead of risking being moved down the card, Austin would have done what he did in reality: transition into acting.

Austin’s acting career hasn’t been as noteworthy as his former adversary, Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson’s, but ‘Stone Cold’ has been able to find plenty of work – albeit, mostly low-budget flicks and reality shows. Austin has said that he prefers to work these low-profile projects, as he is granted a lot of creative control and doesn’t have to do anything out of his wheelhouse. Even if Austin weren’t forced to retire, he would have left the squared circle for a short while to pursue acting.

‘Stone Cold’ would have no longer wrestled a full-time schedule, but there would have been a few intriguing scenarios that may have convinced ‘The Rattlesnake’ to don the black jacket from time to time.

The Streak - WrestleMania 25

The Streak would've claimed Austin as a victim, if he was able to wrestle.
The Streak would've claimed Austin as a victim, if he was able to wrestle.

There was one prize in WWE that was more valuable than any championship; it was ending The Undertaker’s undefeated streak at WrestleMania. The Streak slowly grew from a trivia fact to hallowed record.

‘Stone Cold’ and The Undertaker had clashed many times, but never at WrestleMania. The prestige of The Streak would’ve been enough to entice Austin to come back for one last slug fest with ‘The Deadman.’ If it were to have occurred, the bout would have taken place at WrestleMania 25, which took place in Texas, home state of both Austin and The Undertaker. The Undertaker would have been the one to get his hand raised that night, as it wouldn’t be time for The Streak to end.

After facing The Deadman at ‘Mania, Austin would disappear from WWE television, but an outspoken star displaying the same rebellious spirit would have gotten Austin’s attention.

Generational Clash - WrestleMania 29

Punk was a 'Stone Cold' fan growing up.
Punk was a 'Stone Cold' fan growing up.

When CM Punk sat cross-legged and delivered his now famous ‘Pipe Bomb’ promo, many may not have noticed Punk’s choice of clothing. He wasn’t wearing one of his branded tees. Instead, he donned a ‘Stone Cold’ t-shirt.

The two were ready-made opponents. One was a beer swilling redneck, while the other preached sobriety. The two had a heated discussion in a promotional video for the WWE 2K13 game that had many hoping for a clash.

If Austin were able, the two would have had a match, and it would have been at WrestleMania 29, as Punk was white hot then. There wouldn’t have been a better opponent for Punk then ‘Stone Cold.’ The promos between the two would have been some of the best in wrestling history.

Austin and Punk could have had a long-running feud, but Punk’s insistence on taking time off after that year’s WrestleMania would have scrapped that plan.

After Punk walked out in early 2014, another unconventional superstar who was greatly influenced by Austin would have emerged.

Stun Owens Stun

Owens has made it no secret that he was a huge 'Stone Cold' fan growing up
Owens has made it no secret that he was a huge 'Stone Cold' fan growing up

When then-independent star Kevin Steen ran into Steve Austin at an airport, he asked the legend for advice. Austin advised Steen to, “Just run your mouth. Just never stop running your mouth.” Steen took those words to heart, and that advice helped in Kevin Steen’s transition to Kevin Owens.

The fast-talking Owens came into the main roster like a ball of fire. He defeated John Cena in his debut match at the Elimination Chamber PPV on May 2015. Owens flamed out soon after that, but Austin would have stepped in and offered to face K.O.

A feud with ‘Stone Cold’ would have helped carry Owens' momentum forward and would have solidified Owens' place in the main event scene. Austin was never known to be generous with wins and losses, but ‘Stone Cold’ may have softened in his old age and allowed Owens to be the one to have his hand raised.

Riding off into the sunset - WrestleMania 32

WrestleMania 32 would've been the perfect place for Austin to retire
WrestleMania 32 would've been the perfect place for Austin to retire

By 2016, Austin would have been 51 and despite only wrestling sparingly in the last decade, Father Time would have caught up to ‘Ole’ Stone Cold.’

Austin took great pride in his work, and he knew not to outstay his welcome. A perfect place for Austin’s retirement would have been at WrestleMania 32, which took place in his home state, in front of the largest crowd in history, at the AT&T Stadium Dallas, Texas.

Who would get the honor of wrestling Austin in his last match? There were a plethora of possible opponents. Kevin Owens would have made an appropriate opponent for Austin’s swansong, but so would John Cena in an Attitude Era vs Ruthless Aggression clash.

Austin's most likely opponent would have been Roman Reigns, who ‘retired’ The Undertaker at that same show (The Deadman would return a year later).

WWE was solidly behind Reigns as “The Guy” at that time and the accolade of retiring ‘Stone Cold’ would be another that WWE would have likely bestowed on Reigns, regardless of how enraged fans would be.

Money Talks - A one-off return in Saudi Arabia

Austin would've found it hard to turn down a seven-figure payday
Austin would've found it hard to turn down a seven-figure payday

In 2018, WWE struck a highly lucrative deal with the Saudi General Sports Authority to produce two live events per year in Saudi Arabia.

These events suddenly became WWE’s top priority, even above WrestleMania due to the amount of money they generated for the company. Apparently, the Saudi Prince has an affinity for the stars of the ’90s. He reportedly requested Yokozuna and The Ultimate Warrior for the Greatest Royal Rumble show.

After numerous refusals, WWE was able to convince Shawn Michaels with a seven-figure payday to step back into the ring for the Crown Jewel event in Riyadh.

A healthy ‘Stone Cold’ would have also been contacted about a few matches in the Middle East, and most likely paired against fellow legends like Triple H, The Undertaker, and Goldberg.

This is where our alternative post-2003 timeline merges with reality, as there is a chance that 'Stone Cold' may indeed make a comeback. Austin recently said on his podcast that he “physically” could have one more match. If an Austin comeback were to occur, then there is no better time than now for ‘Stone Cold’ to make a huge payday.

How do you think Austin’s career post-2003, would have gone and if ‘Stone Cold’ were to make a comeback, who would you like to see him wrestle? Tell us what you think in the comments below!