Top 5 wrestlers who can carry the WWE on their shoulders in the future


WWE is wholesome in terms of talent, no doubt about it. They recently have lost CM Punk, but there are still wrestlers on the WWE Roster who are wasted with no reason, and if they are probably used in something better, WWE could recover the loss of CM Punk within no time. Here are 5 wrestlers who can carry the WWE on their shoulders if used properly-

Daniel Bryan

This man doesn’t need much description. Just seeing the name, we know what’s at stake. This man is WWE’s future. He’s the future John Cena. He’s more talented than any other wrestler on the WWE Roster. The way the WWE Universe chants his name tells every story. They need to push Daniel Bryan. He deserves more than a meaningless rivalry with Bray Wyatt. He deserves more than losing time and again to Randy Orton. He deserves more than being the #3 guy in the company.

The determination in the guy’s eyes tells you exactly how confident he is. In the start of his career rise, he was given a nice platform and a rivalry. But his bad time started since the team Hell No came into the picture. But from what he’s getting now, this guy will fall so bad in the future, that he would never rise again. He could even be the next CM Punk.

WWE shouldn’t just open training centers and keep bringing new superstars from the NXT, they need to give the guy what he deserves. They need to recognize the talent in this young man. Bryan winning the elimination chamber match could seriously push him and a match against the returning animal Batista at the grandest PPV of all, WrestleMania is just what he needs.

Roman Reigns

Roman_Reigns_November_2013Roman Reigns is the powerhouse and top wrestler in the Shield. The story he’s getting now is worthless. He’s no more the guy who just lifts up an opponent for the triple powerbomb. After following Dean Ambrose as the side guy in the shield, he got some fame. While the rumors of the Shield splitting up are almost confirmed, WWE has the last chance to provide Reigns what he deserves.

Ambrose and Seth Rollins could form a team and enter the tag team division, which needs more talent after the departure of some good teams; and the New Age Outlaws failure. Reigns, after leaving the shield, could have a number of other stories. A rivalry with some good superstar, a face turn, or winning a worthy title are the options.

Antonio Cesaro

399px-United_States_Champion_Antonio_Cesaro_Antonio Cesaro is an uncontrollable powerhouse. The recent talent WWE has is more in the powerhouse section than any other. Swinging superstars 25 times straight, neutralizing superstars like Brodus Clay and the Great Khali, are just some of his strengths. Along with being powerful, Cesaro is also agile and fast.

The Real Americans thing was decent just for the first time, but now it is getting ridiculous. Jack Swagger is playing the lead right now, and Cesaro is just used as a side superstar. Their team, too, isn’t getting any more importance. This is the perfect time for the WWE to end this team, and provide a good story to him on an individual basis.

With the unification of both titles, the options are less for superstars to win a title. A quality story and rivalry can do the trick this time for Cesaro.


397px-Ryback_Jan_2013Well, what’s the cheesiest of them all – Ryback joining Paul Heyman and parting ways within a month or an unstoppable force like Ryback teaming up with some guy who’s in the WWE just because of his father and becoming practically a jobber; losing to guys like R-Truth and Xavier Woods? But that guy really has talent. Power or talent, whatever you call it, that’s best for business.

He has the potential of making it big in the WWE. This guy certainly needs better than teaming up with some random guy like Curtis Axel. He could have made it pretty big if his useless heel turn hadn’t happened the day after WM-29. Anyways, wastage of superstars like this is not a new thing in the WWE. They need to come up with better plots. WWE Creatives, can you hear me? Sure enough, they should come up with better plots for talented superstars like these and just try to replace the Cenas and the Ortons.

Bray Wyatt

BrayWyattJune2013Bray Wyatt is one of those superstars who took the WWE Universe by storm even before making his in-ring debut. He and the Wyatt Family had just been Awesome. That was just tolerable until a decent period of time. That’s the way the Shield did, and from what point I’ve been noticing myself, I think I’m getting kind of saturated.

I guess we all have had enough of the Wyatts interrupting the main event and attacking the superstars, and a great match gets converted into some lame disqualification. And from the way things are going, I’m pretty sure that the Wyatts have particularly no future in the WWE, at least as a team. Rowan and Harper aren’t pretty much talented to make it in the big scene. Wyatt still has a chance but only if he has a good feud. And I don’t think the WWE is eager to ruin a superstar just for free.