Top 10 wasted WWE talents in recent times

John Cena and Randy Orton have been working in the company for almost 12 years now. Sooner or later, the time will arrive when they have to hang up their boots and the new talent will have to step up and maintain the company’s legacy. The problem is that WWE has ignoring this fact for a long time. There is so much talent that are getting wasted on the current roster and their characters are going directionless.Guys like Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and “The Wyatt Family” have been groomed correctly and they are already on the main event status. But there are plenty others who can be utilized better than they are now, which can ultimately help in developing a great roster for the company. Here is a list of 10 wasted talents who are not utilized at present to their full potential.

#10 Ryback

Once considered as a main event guy, Ryback is now nothing more than the one half of tag team “RybAxel”. He was expected to be the next big thing post WrestleMania 29, but things have gone bad since his heel turn. After headlining two PPVs against Cena, his career never seems to fly since then. Moreover, his performance as a heel is far from convincing.

Although his team work with Curtis Axel is appreciated in recent months, his future as a singles competitor remains doubtful.

#9 Titus O\'Neil

Titus O'Neil

After moving on with the Prime Time Players, career of Titus O'Neil as a singles Superstar in the company seemed promising to everyone. His mic skills are highly impressive and he has the potential to go big time. So what went wrong?

It seems like WWE is not interested in engaging him with a solid storyline. He has a charismatic personality and he is pretty decent in the ring. Recently he joined Heath Slater to form tag-team “Slater-Gator”, but a push as singles competitor is what he needs right now. It is the right time to utilize his full potential.

#8 Emma


Her pairing with Santino Marella was nice and crowd enjoyed their mixed tag matches with Summer Rae and Fandango. After her arrest for an incident involving "misdemeanor larceny in the sixth degree", things got worse. After a few days of her release, Marella announced his retirement. WWE creative since then doesn’t seem to involve her in some solid feuds. Her television appearances are made limited and her losses to Paige only helped in losing her ground in the roster.

The present scenario is showing some of the best works in Divas division and Emma is the right person to fit in a great angle.

#7 Fandango


His “ballroom dancer” gimmick caught the attention of the crowd and he defeated Chris Jericho at WrestleMania 29. His feuds in 2013 had some nice matches but since the start of 2014, it seems that the management is not getting any direction on how to move his character further. His love triangle storyline with Summer Rae and Layla also provided no good stuff for his character. After the two ladies formed an alliance, the direction of his career movement is unclear.

He has some nice in-ring skills and he is capable of cutting good promos. WWE needs to provide him with some solid stuff and save him from falling into a jobber status.

#6 Adam Rose

Adam Rose

His debut on television was least impressive and WWE creative has not found anything good for him till now. The result is that fans are not interested anymore in this party-loving guy and he is on the verge of moving to a lower status soon. The low-level opportunities provided to him by the management has created a career burial situation for him right now. Moreover, his absence on WWE TV only made the things worse.

WWE creative needs to invest in his character to see his true potential.

#5 Kofi Kingston

Kofi Kingston

So here is a guy who is mainly remembered for his Royal Rumble/Battle Royal acrobat acts. The problem with Kofi Kingston is that WWE never experimented with his character since his debut in 2007. He is always seen as a babyface without showing his mic skills. WWE needs to utilize him effectively rather than using him as a midcard talent.

A heel turn could possibly turn the tables. A good tag team partner and a challenge to the Tag team titles could also work out great in terms of his character.

#4 Zack Ryder

It is somewhat difficult to understand that a guy who pushes himself so hard every time wouldn’t able to find the affection of WWE creative. Zack Ryder is the guy whose 15 seconds of fame are over like the blink of an eye. Packaged alongside Curt Hawkins as "Edge Heads", the guy is never fully utilized by the WWE. He became a sensation on Youtube after creating the popular series Z! True Long Island Story. He is always popular in front of the crowd and has a huge twitter fan following, but he never received the momentum he needed in order to become a top talent.

He is still 29 and has a lot of potential, but all he needs to get is a shift from his jobber status.

#3 Damien Sandow

This guy had just everything going in his favour until the end of 2013. And then, it seems like everything ended so fast as it never happened. A guy of amazing momentum is now used as a jobber, who works every Monday night with a gimmick of finding his identity. It doesn’t seem right in any way.

Damien Sandow has shown some amazing promo skills in the past. His ring work is also good. What’s more? He was Mr. Money in the bank 2013. It is tough to examine why WWE creative put a break to what could have been a great push. Sandow has good capabilities to pull off something big, provided he will get an opportunity in the near future.

#2 Big E

Big E

Since he lost the WWE Intercontinental Championship to Wade Barrett at extreme rules, his character has seemed directionless in recent months. His feud with Rusev (by making an alliance with Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston) was also not worth mentioning. There is a lot of potential in this young wrestler.

His initial run alongside AJ Lee and Dolph Ziggler as a big muscle guy was amazing and he is capable of working as a dominant wrestler on the roster.

#1 Cesaro


A slot in the elimination chamber this year amongst the top stars of the company, Winner of Andre the Giant Battle Royal at WrestleMania 30, having Paul Heyman as a manager – Cesaro had just everything in the right place this year. But since the return of Lesnar, everything went downhill for him. He is working now as a midcard talent without any solid storylines and his alliance with Paul Heyman ended abruptly without any explanation.

There are some serious concerns regarding his push from the management, otherwise his career will suffer in a big way. He has superb in-ring talent and he has the capability to be a main event superstar. You don’t believe? Watch his matches with John Cena earlier this year.