TNA Impact Wrestling Results 1/5/17

Impact Wrestling’s first show of the year was a strong buildup to the One Night Only pay per view

Eddie Edwards, Bobby Lashley, and EC3 open the first show of the year

TNA Impact Wrestling kicked off the New Year with the First show of the Anthem Era at the Universal Studios in Orlando.

A video package of TNA World Champion Eddie Edwards was aired to kick off the show portraying his recent title defense against Bobby Lashley and EC3. Josh Matthews and the Pope ushered in the new beginning for TNA hopes for new opportunities. Eddie Edwards entered the ring and wished the audience a happy new year. In a passionate promo, Edwards said that he was aware of the fact that he had a target on his back. He mentioned that he wanted to carry the company on his back and make 2017 the year of Impact Wrestling.

Bobby Lashley interrupted Eddie Edwards and demanded a rematch for the title that he felt he deserves. He announced that he was tired of being screwed over by careless referees and wanted that 16 pounds of gold around his waist. Ethan Carter III then made his way down to the ring, and after a few humorous exchanges, he got down to business. He got into Edwards’ face and demanded a rematch.

Edwards then offered to have a triple threat match for the championship later that night and ended by saying that he had a surprise waiting for everyone.

Moose Defends the Impact Grand Championship against The Miracle Mike Bennett

This match was under Grand Championship rules. Three 3 minute rounds with a ten point must system scored by 3 separate judges.

Bennett entered the ring accompanied by Maria Kanellis. Moose barged into the ring and got down to business straight away. Moose grabbed the initiative early on in the first round but Bennett downed Moose with a high knee and kept working on him for the last few seconds of the round.

Round One Scorecard - Judge 1 scored the round 10-9 for Bennett, Judge 2 scored the round 10-9 for Moose, Judge 3 scored the round 10-9 for The Miracle.

Moose came back in round two with two power bombs on Bennett, a senton followed by a moonsault off the second rope. The Miracle hit three discus punches to Moose but Moose countered to hit the game changer. Moose covered Bennett for the pinfall but time expired in the round.

Round Two Scorecard - Judge 1 scored the round 10-9 for Moose, Judge 2 scored the round 10-9 for Bennett, Judge 3 scored the round 10-9 for Moose.

Moose covered Benet early in round three after delivering a sky high for a near fall. There was another near fall when Benett hit Moose with the piledriver but Moose kicked out. Time ran out in the third round with both men on the ground after a lot of back and forth in the last few seconds of the third round.time expires in the round.

Round Three Scorecard - Judge 1 scored the round 10-9 in favor of Moose, Judge 2 scored the round 10-9 in favor of Bennett, Judge 3 scored the round for Moose.

Result: Moose defeated Mike Bennett by way of a split decision to retain the Impact Grand Championship

Backstage segment with Swoggle and the Broken Hardys

In an interesting segment, Swoggle met the Hardys where Broken Matt Hardy asked Swoggle if he had gone to Total Nonstop Deletion at the behest of his dastardly father Meek Mahon. Swoggle told Broken Matt that he is not McMahon’s actual son which is met with surprise from The Broken One.

Rockstar Spud made his way down to the ring claiming to start a winning streak in 2017. He had a quick match with Swoggle who was cheered by the crowd at the Universal Studios. Swoggle made short work of Spud with a spear, a German suplex, and The Celtic Cross to pick up the victory.

Result: Swoggle defeated Rockstar Spud

Following the loss, Spud claimed that TNA was a poor wrestling promotion as he seemed to quit the company with the fans jeering him with the Goodbye song. In another backstage segment, an irate Bennett challenged Moose for an anything goes match for TNA's one night only pay-per-view. Moose smiled and accepted the challenge.

Will Eli Drake get deleted?

Eli Drake made his way to the ring for the Fact of Life show. Drake called on the Hardys to the ring while the fervent crowd chanted “Delete”. During the segment, Eli accused Matt of not inviting him to Total Nonstop Deletion. Matt roared back saying that he had invited everyone from all of space and time to the event. Broken Matt Hardy went on to say that perhaps Eli was afraid and compared him to Meek Mahon’s “Day of New” and the loudmouth rapscallions “The Bucks of Youth".

Brother Nero entered the fray as the Hardys mocked Eli Drake. Eli retaliated by ridiculing the Hardys’ drones, explosions, and magic. He pointed out that the Hardys were afraid that he would change Total Nonstop Deletion to Total Nonstop Dummy. Drake finally challenged the Hardys to a tag team championship match at the One Night Only pay per view with a partner of his own choosing.

Hardy promised to delete Drake at the pay per view. Drake tried to take a cheap shot at Broken Matt by he was stopped in his tracks by the Hardys.

The Helms Dynasty take on the Decay

The Helms family with Shane Helms looked poised to beat the Decay. An all out brawl started between the four men to kick off the match. The Dynasty double teamed Steve with Abyss out of the ring. Everett hit a shooting star press on Steve for a two count. Abyss got himself into the match with a tag a hit a double lariat to turn the Dynasty inside out. Everett tried to springboard into the ring but got caught and choke slammed by Abyss. Abyss covered Everett to get the victory for Decay.

Result: The Decay defeated the Helms Dynasty

The DDC’s countdown music hit as the Decay were celebrating their win. For a moment the lights went out and DCC were standing behind Decay when the lights came back on. DCC cracked beer bottles on the heads of Abyss and Steve. DCC unmasked to reveal James Storm, Bram, and Eddie Kingston celebrating their actions.

The action then shifted backstage where Maria was showing Allie the highlights of the latter’s win over Laurel Van Ness on her I-Pad.

Sienna with Maria & Laurel Van Ness vs. Allie

Maria Kanellis took center stage in the ring when she announced that she and her husband Mike Bennett saved TNA Impact Wrestling. She called out Allie to the ring and challenged her to wrestle Sienna.

Braxton Sutter made his way down to the ring to support his girlfriend Allie. Allie got a near fall with a basement dropkick. Sienna suplexed Allie for another two count. The match saw a number of distractions as Laurel grabbed Sutter when Allie was gaining momentum. Allie came back into the match with two straight clotheslines and a crossbody on Sienna. On the outside of the ring, Laurel wrapped herself around Sutter and distracted Allie. Sienna took advantage of the distraction to hit Allie with the Silence and pick up the win.

Result: Sienna defeated Allie

Sutter is then escorted out of the arena by Laurel.

Triple Threat match for the TNA World Championship

In a standard triple threat match, Lashley grabs the initiative as he downs Edwards and Carter early on. The duo of Edwards and Carter tried to team up against Lashley but their efforts were in vain as Lashley hit them both with a double suplex. Ethan and Eddie continued in their efforts to take out Lashley and finally succeded in taking the action outside the ring.

With Lashley outside the ring, Carter and Edwards turned the match into a one on one. The match went back and forth with Lashley’s attempts to get back into the ring being thwarted by Carter and Edwards successively. Lashley finally made it back to the ring and unleashed hell on Carter and Edwards. He power slammed both of them and then speared Carter.

Lashley ripped off the turnbuckles on one of the corners and started striking Edwards. The TNA World Champion countered and hit Lashley with an Enziguri. Carter too followed suit and got an Enziguri on Lashley. EC3 and Edwards teamed up again to hit Lashley with a double suplex and then teed off at one another. Eddie was in touching distance of a win with a Blue Thunder Bomb on EC3 but Lashley broke the count.

The crowd was pumped with the intense action inside the ring as Lashley speared EC3 and Edwards into the exposed turnbuckles. Lashley then took the action outside the ring and speared EC3 on the floor. Edwards then jumped to the outside taking down Lashley in the process. Another spear later, Eddie rolled to the outside of the ring on pure instinct as a frustrated Bobby Lashley grabbed the belt.

In a surprising moment, Davey Richards came down to the ring and pulled the title away from Lashley before the latter could hit Edwards with it. Edwards used the distraction and nailed Lashley with the Boston Knee Party for the win.

Result: Eddie Edwards defeated Bobby Lashley and Ethan Carter III to retain the TNA World Championship