The top 10 WWE entrances of all time

Every great wrestler today who has made it to the top would never have made it there if not for their unique entry into the ring. One of the most exciting aspects of watching your favorite wrestler be a part of a match is to watch him enter the ring.

With special effects such as dim lights and pyrotechnics at the ready to make the entrance all the more enthralling, looking at one’s favorite wrestler enter the ring is indeed something that every WWE fan takes pleasure from.

Here’s a list of the top ten ring entrances of WWE wrestlers who have made an impact in the world of WWE.

10. Goldust

‘A Shattered Dreams Production’ along with golden confetti falling from the sky meant it was time we witnessed Goldust. A wrestler with huge potential for entertainment had without doubt one of the greatest entrances of all time.

Once into the ring he removed his robe and wig seductively and this made both the opponents and fans feel uneasy. Well, if you can bring about such reactions your entrance is no doubt effective. The fact that he was hugely sidelined and never brought into the main event storyline did not allow a lot of fans to take notice of his entrance.

Here’s Goldust making one of his most memorable entrances in Wrestlemania 18.


9. Eddie Gurrero

‘Viva La Raza’ Eddie Gurrero was simply brilliant. He, during his prime, managed to attract a lot of crowd and was without a doubt one of the most exhilarating entertainers in WWE.

The moment Eddie entered the arena with his low-rider, you could hear the crowd go crazy. During his reign as the WWE Champion, Eddie was known for the way he could make the crowd pop. The fact that he had to leave us all so early is indeed disappointing but he will always be remembered by fans all across the WWE Universe.

Though there are other wrestlers like JBL and Alberto Del Rio who use cars, Eddie had a sense of rarity in his entrances that made him a part of this list.

Here’s a typical Eddie Gurrero low-rider entrance.


8. Ultimate warrior

If you are a person who enjoys flashy entrances, then mind you this is not an entrance you will enjoy. But despite having nothing flashy about it, the Ultimate Warrior’s entrance had a lot of energy.

A very quick entrance, The Ultimate Warrior ran into the ring from the screen and managed to maintain the energy once inside the ring too. He would enter the ring and start shaking the top rope which the crowd really enjoyed. His Wrestlemania 6 entrance was without doubt one of the greatest ever. Considered to be one of the most popular wrestlers ever, Ultimate Warrior’s entrance was nothing but pure adrenaline which he managed to carry into the match as well.

Ultimate Warrior’s Wrestlemania 6 main event entrance


7. Stone Cold Steve Austin

Who hasn’t seen the ‘Rattle Snake’ enter the arena and not felt excited? Stone Cold Steve Austin’s entrance was without doubt one of the most exciting ones in sports entertainment. Austin’s entertainment did not have anything flashy and that I feel was the key to it becoming so popular.

During the prime time of WWE in the Attitude Era, Austin was one of the most loved wrestlers around and the moment we heard glass shatter, the crowd in the arena erupted. Even I jumped around the seat in anticipation of seeing one of the greatest wrestlers of WWE. The music and Austin’s unbelievable expressions complimented very well and this made it one of the most entertaining entrances of all time.

Here’s the toughest and the nastiest S.O.B in WWE history entering the ring.


6. Razor ramon ( Scott Hall)

Scott Hall was one of the most celebrated heels of WWE. Yes, heel and celebrated seem to be an oxymoron but the presence of Scott Hall was so intimidating that people loved him even though he was a heel. In fact, he was called ‘The Bad Guy’ Razor Ramon.

With a toothpick in his mouth and the words ‘Say hello to the bad guy’, Razor Ramon’s entrance had the necessary style to drive the crowd crazy. His characteristic walk towards the ring along with his charming smile was not something one couldn’t admire. This would end with fireworks blazing around him in the middle of the ring making the entrance all the more exciting.

So say hello to the bad guy as he makes his entrance into the ring


5. Goldberg

One of the best things WCW could boast about during their final years was Bill Goldberg. Goldberg, infamous for his undefeated streak of 173-0, had enjoyed the best of time in Pro-Wrestling. Apart from this streak the thing that set him apart was his entrance. Goldberg’s entrance was one of the most enthralling ones and literally got everyone in the arena or behind the TV on their feet.

Goldberg’s entrance was highly unusual and was one of a kind. Despite the fact that it was long, every moment of the entrance was entertaining. The music would start long before Goldberg’s entrance. The crowd would start the Goldberg chants and the entrance will start from his room backstage. The chants would continue right till the end which clearly indicated how much the fans loved watching this superstar enter.

Here’s an intimidating entrance video of Bill Goldberg.


4. Undertaker

As a WWE fan, there is no way that you will not have seen Undertaker’s entrance. Considered to be one of the most famous WWE entrances of all time, Undertaker brought upon a sense of fear in the entire arena with his entrance. While we have seen plenty of different entrances of The Undertaker, each one of them have been an amazing sight for fans. Frankly, I don’t think there is anything more intimidating than Undertaker’s entry especially in Wrestlemania, where he holds an undefeated 20-0 streak.

The moment you hear the gong, you know for sure what is going to happen next. Despite the awareness, the darkening of the arena and the purple lights does somehow make it a spine chilling affair. As the gong continues one after the other and then with a long trench coat and hat, down comes The Undertaker to make his descent towards the ring. The most successful part of his entrance is the way Undertaker has managed to carry the gimmick right from his entry.

Witness the Dead Man making his way into the ring in this video.


3. Sandman

Known as the ‘Hardcore Icon’, Sandman is known to generate the greatest reaction from the crowd during his entrance. In fact, fans are so excited to see this extreme wrestler that they literally sing out his entrance theme.

His entrance theme ‘Enter Sandman’ by Metallica is widely remembered as fans loved singing it as he made his entrance. Sandman was known for his unusual entrances as he never made them through the conventional way. Instead, Sandman would appear somewhere in the middle of the crowd and then drink beer and smash the beer can on his head multiple times.

His ECW ‘One Night Stand’ entrance in 2005 was one of the most memorable ones and Tommy Dreamer’s reaction in this video says it all.


2. DX With the New Age Outlaws

Well no matter what list you make, you just can’t keep these people out can you? The New Age Outlaws, or more preferably, the DX had one of the most reactive entrances of all time. They never had anything flashy in their entrance, neither did they have a great entrance music. The thing that made it for them was their so called entrance speech.

An attitude era fan would die for this entrance as it was one that would drive him crazy. The words “Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, and the children of all ages, D-generation X proudly brings to you the Road Dogg Jesse James the bad ass Billy Gunn – the NEW AGE OUTLAWS. If your not down with that ,we got two words for you, S*** IT” is the loudest thing I have heard till date as every soul in the arena would go about screaming these words as Outlaws recited them.

Here’s one of their greatest entrances and without doubt one of the greatest entrances in WWE history.


1. The Brood

Personally, I would consider this the greatest entrance in WWE. Every time I saw Gangrel, Edge and Christian enter, it made me blasphemous. These three surely knew what they represented, there was a time when I believed them to be vampires (Gangrel especially, as he spit blood out of his mouth).

The way The Brood rose into the stage on a platform seriously did make a lot of people feel they were rising from hell. With the intimidating presence of Gangrel and his wicked smile, everything in this entrance was a complete epic. The music, the lighting and the fire surrounding these three men’s platform as they rose everything perfectly matched their gimmick.

The Brood was one of the most remembered faction around mainly because it threw spotlight on two future wrestlers namely Edge and Christian. Gangrel’s act of drinking blood from the chalice and spitting it out is very similar to what Triple H does with the water today.

Witness this epic entrance in the video below.


Entrances that also deserved to be on the list.

Triple H

I know a lot of you must be protesting the non-inclusion of Triple H in this list and frankly Triple H’s entrances were by far one of the best. But there were ten other better than this. Triple H has given us some great entrances in Wrestlemania and I thoroughly enjoyed them. But I had to think otherwise when it came to his entrance’s inclusion in the Top 10.

Triple H’s entrance theme by Motorhead is without doubt one of the most commonly listened to and I, as a kid, loved singing it along during his entrance. His legendary act of spitting out water has made me try and enact the same several times in the shower and I hope it’s the same with you. To all HHH fans. Here’s the Cerebral Assassin’s entrance for you.


nWo (New World Order)

There is only one term that can be synonymous to the nWo and that is swag. Every time they entered, they brought along a great deal of heat. Despite the fact that they were the best heels, they generated a lot of noise in every entrance of theirs.

Known for their unpredictability, the New World Order had a very simple entrance but the coolness and attitude that each wrestler in this faction brought especially Hogan, Hall and Nash gave their entrances a completely different look.

With cigars in their mouth and swag written all over their entrance it is sad that we will not witness anything this cool ever again in the WWE today. Here’s the baddest stable in WWE history to make their way to the ring. Hopefully they weren’t as high as they seem in this video.
