The RAW Report – 8th April

Hello everyone! Welcome to The RAW report for the April 8th edition of Monday Night RAW! RAW came to us live from the Izod Center in East Rutherford, New Jersey. This RAW followed WrestleMania 29, so you will be guaranteed of seeing the aftershocks of the PPV. Before we got to RAW, there were reports online just a few hours prior to the show that The Rock wasn’t going to be at the venue, as he flew back to Miami. Then there were more updates that he had suffered some injury, and flew back to get it checked, as he has other movies lined up for release in near future. This not only caused chaos in the locker room as the next feud for The Rock was already set up, causing dramatic changes to the script, but also outraged the fans who were waiting to see The Rock on RAW.

When the smoke and dust settled, we finally got to RAW, which kick started with shots of the crowd who were anxiously anticipating the start of the show. To kick things off, Cena, the new WWE champion made his way out to boos, or in WWE’s terms, a ‘mixed reaction’. I’d like to see the NJ crowd getting inducted into the Hall of Fame next year. Anyway, Cena made his way down to the ring and got on the mic. The crowd was booing him, and he played to the crowd’s reaction. He teased a ‘heel’ turn, but that was in the literal sense. During his promo, the crowd chanted ‘Boring’ and ‘Same old s***’, much to the amusement of the champion. I absolutely loved the crowd, and the announcers were stunned. Only if they knew what was to follow.

Mark Henry came out to interrupt Cena, as he said he’d defend the title against anyone. Booker said Cena will face Henry tonight, and if Henry wins, he will get a title shot in the future. It was an entertaining opening segment because of the participation of the crowd in the war of words between the two, which set up the rest of the show.

Big E Langston (With Ziggler and AJ) defeated Daniel Bryan (With Kane)

Crowd was loud for Bryan. This was a short encounter to make Big E look credible after his team lost at WrestleMania. Big E made short work of Bryan to win the match with the Big Ending.

Wade Barrett defeated The Miz for the WWE Intercontinental Championship

This was a rematch for the IC title that Miz had won the previous evening during the pre-show. The crowd was firmly behind Wade, with the ‘Let’s go Barrett’ chant. It was a solid TV match that got about 15 minutes, and the end saw Barrett winning back the IC title. The crowd popped huge for that. I guess they didn’t like Miz beating Barrett at WrestleMania. As I predicted, they just put the title on Miz to hype up the crowd for the rest of the show at WM.

Backstage, both Sheamus and Orton tried to convince Vickie and Booker respectively to give them a match against Show.

Alberto Del Rio (With Ricardo) defeated Jack Swagger and Zeb Coulter in a 2 on 1 Handicap match

Next bout was between ADR and the team of Swagger and Coulter. Why did they make this match? Seems like they wanted to defy logic somehow. Anyway, this ‘match’ got about 13 minutes, and was an angle to set up what followed. The crowd wasn’t really into the match, and they chanted ‘We want Ziggler’ in parts of the bout. Post match, ADR was selling his knee injury due to the Patriot Act. Immediately, Dolph’s music played as the place erupted! Ziggler came out to cash – in his MITB brief case!

Dolph Ziggler (With Big E and AJ) defeated ADR (With Ricardo) for the World Heavyweight Championship

The crowd was going wild as Ziggler wanted ADR to get up. Although ADR tried to make a comeback, Ziggler finished him off with the Zig Zag to pin him and win the World Heavyweight Championship, much to the elation of the crowd. The place went wild as Ziggler celebrated with Big E and AJ! Congratulations to Dolph, I’m generally happy for him. He finally cashed in his brief case!

The Undertaker came out to cut a promo. Loud ‘Undertaker’ chants erupted from the crowd. He said he dedicated his WM match to Paul Bearer. Before he could add anything else, The Shield came out. As they stalked Taker in the ring, Kane’s music played, and his pyro knocked them off the apron. Kane and Daniel Bryan came running down to even the odds as the Shield retreated. The crowd shouted out loud ‘Yes!’ chants. I’d mark out if there was a 6 man tag team match between these two stables.

R – Truth, Santino and Zack Ryder defeated 3 MB (Slater, Mahal and McIntyre)

A basic 6 man tag to see which was the better J. O. B squad. The three minute encounter ended when Santino hit the Cobra on Slater for the pin and the win.

Sheamus came out to ask the fans for their vote, for him to face Show. Apparently, there’ll be voting now. Orton came next. There was a funny instance when Randy forgot his line. ‘What’s my line?’, he asked Sheamus multiple times. He had two lines to say, but anyway, Orton won the voting. Then Vickie and Booker announced an Orton vs Sheamus match, with the winner facing Show. But then why was there a voting? Oh yes, no logic in the WWE Universe.

Randy Orton faced Sheamus to a No Contest

The highlight of the match was the crowd! There were most random chants you could ever hear, and both Sheamus and Orton were confused throughout the match. Crowd took turns in chanting ‘Boring’, ‘Soccer/Ole ole’, ‘RVD’, ‘ECW’, ‘JBL’, ‘Jerry’, ‘Michael Cole’ and ‘Randy Savage’ chants! They even did the wave to which the announcers burst out into laughter. Show interfered to cause a no contest, and the crowd chanted ‘Thank you Big Show’. Show attacked both the performers, and took out his aggression on Orton, bringing out ‘Cotton Candy’ chants by the crowd. As Show threw Orton over the announcer’s table, there was a ‘We are awesome’ chant. They were having a blast! Show tried to throw two chairs into the ring, but couldn’t. ‘One more time’ and ‘One more chair’ ensued after this as Show left. Hilarious!

Fandango defeated Kofi Kingston by DQ

Fandango came out first to a huge pop! The crowd started singing his song with the ‘Do do… do do do do do.. do do… do do do do do’. Absolutely amazing scenes, as Fandango took advantage while Jericho ran in to cause a DQ. He absolutely destroyed Fandango as the crowd chanted ‘Lionheart’, which brought out a smirk from Jericho. Post beatdown, Fandango said his name and during his music, fans started humming along. I love this NJ crowd.

In the backstage segment with Heyman, he said both of his ‘clients’ lost at WM, and we’ll see Punk next week.

Tons of Funk and Funkadactyles defeated The Rhodes Scholars and Bella Twins

This match was supposed to happen at WM, but was taken off the card at the last minute. Crowd was happy singing Fandango’s music, as this ‘match’ went on for 2 minutes, which saw Tons of Funk and the ‘Dactyles picking up the victory.

John Cena defeated Mark Henry by Count out

The main event saw Henry taking on Cena. The bout went on for 4 minutes, and the end came when Henry was thrown into the steel steps, and he failed to make it back for the 10 count. Post match, Henry attacked Cena and laid him out with the WSS and posed with the title. Ryback’s music hit as he came out and took out Henry with the meat hook clothesline and a Spine buster. ‘Feed me more’ chants by the NJ crowd. Ryback laid his eyes on Cena and helped him up to boos by the fans. He then clotheslined him as the crowd erupted. He delivered a Shell shocked to Cena to end the show by posing with the WWE title.

Rating of RAW: **** (Out of 5 stars)

What an exciting RAW! Exciting because of the great NJ crowd. NY NJ crowd is right up there as my favourite bunch, along with Chicago, Philadelphia, Miami and Toronto crowds. Absolutely surreal atmosphere! Well, that does it from me. Hope you enjoyed the show.