The Miz puts speculations to rest: Turns Heel


The Miz finally turned heel. There is now no question about it. He is back to the role he played well, which led to him become WWE champion. The babyface role was quite a misfit (‘MIZfit?).

This Monday The Miz teamed up with Kofi Kingston to face the Real Americans. It was not at all shocking that the Miz turned heel but it was especially nice to see Miz turn heel soon after speculation had already begun.

In a Raw backstage Fallout clip, Miz is clearly dissatisfied at the audience not choosing him in the Raw active poll to face Randy Orton. And it was also reported that the Miz had pretty much given a heel promo on Kofi Kingston at a house show. So after all these indications, it was only a matter of time until Miz came back to the territory that he owned for quite some time- his heel-dom.

This can certainly lead to great possibilities. Miz TV can finally have an arrogant host who can get into the guests’ skin. But it all depends on the WWE and the kind of material they’ll give to the Miz as a heel.

There is no doubt that the Miz is one of the few superstars in the WWE who is all over the map in terms of publicizing the WWE. He’s in movies, TV Shows, B A Star Campaigns and he’s giving interviews round the clock. This just shows that the company trusts him to send the desired message across. So it can be said confidently that if and when he clicks with his character, he will get various opportunities to the top.

Now, the Miz will face Kofi Kingston at the pre-show event for Survivor Series. Two years ago he main evented Survivor Series with R-Truth as part of the Awesome Truth and predictably lost to John Cena and the Rock. This match was just a reason for The Rock’s first in-ring return in 8 years. But the Pay per view rates did not show the expected excitement. And it was reported that The Miz was blamed for the underwhelming numbers. As banal as that alleged accusation seems. Miz faced Punk and Del Rio in the Main Event at TLC and that was his last main event at a PPV. Since then he went and filmed a movie and then came back at MITB 2012 and won the Intercontinental title from Christian at Raw 1000.

He soon turned face- a turn that went hand in hand with Del Rio’s face turn. Both face turns turned out to be quite uneventful for both. But now, both of them are back to their closest characteristic role.

For now, it is better to just wait and watch where this new heel turn takes The Awesome One.