Thank You, Kofi: The New Day star shows us why we love pro wrestling!

Kofi Kingston
Kofi Kingston

As tonight's WWE Elimination Chamber draws to a close and we are left feeling emotionally exhausted, the vast majority of the WWE Universe is feeling hurt, upset and angry over the end result. I'm writing this to simply say a big thank you to Kofi Kingston for a job well done.

Yes, Kofi did not win the WWE Championship tonight and failed to capture that infamous Cinderella moment that a majority of us were clamoring and hoping for. Everything this man has done and achieved from the events of SmackDown Live through tonight's Elimination Chamber will forever be etched in the history books of WWE and a huge thumbprint on the career of Kofi Kingston.

Deservingly so, Kingston should become the WWE Champion someday down the road before he calls it a day. A small part of me wouldn't mind to see a New Day split, with perhaps Xavier and Big E turning heel out of jealousy toward Kofi to set the wheels in motion for Kofi to have a more permanent fixture in the WWE Championship scene with the likes of Daniel Bryan, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Randy Orton and so on.

This is by far the closest that Kofi Kingston has come to achieving his ultimate dream. As both a wrestling fan and a pro wrestling journalist respectively, I feel that Kofi will achieve his dream one day; perhaps sooner than we all would ever expect.

There is still the Money in the Bank. WWE can still build Kofi Kingston up for next year's Royal Rumble, have him win it all, move on to WrestleMania and capture the gold at WrestleMania 36. Among many other different scenarios and paths one could create and conjure up with a little imagination, smart booking and creativity.

In conclusion, matches like this is exactly why I am a wrestling fan and I am proud of the sport (or, "Sports Entertainment" if you will). No matter how you view the art of professional wrestling, even on its good days and very bad, we have matches like we've seen tonight that suspend our disbelief, makes us forget about thinking of how or which way WWE or any other company will go with certain angles and storylines. All we care about at that moment in time, is the beauty and the art form of the match at hand.

Thank you again, Kofi Kingston, for keeping the dream alive and for giving us wrestling fans a night to remember!