Talking Smack Recap: 21 May, 2017

Tye Dillinger was on the show, discussing his future in the WWE

Talking Smack started with Renee Young and new panel member Peter Rosenberg freaking out over Jinder Mahal’s big upset win over Randy Orton. Peter commented on the shock and awe on the faces of the fans as Jinder celebrated with the WWE Championship and Renee replied that she had goosebumps at that moment.

Rosenberg recalled Jinder’s time in 3MB. Renee questioned Randy Orton’s future after the loss and Rosenberg said that it would be a tough road ahead for the Apex Predator. Sami Zayn then joined the panel for a discussion.

#1 Sami Zayn

Sami emphasised on the fact that Smackdown LIVE is the land of opportunity and a few good weeks helped Jinder claim the top prize in the company. Zayn said that he was having a rough couple of weeks and he was looking to turn the tables as well.

Zayn was of the opinion that after his win over Baron Corbin, he could go on to become the WWE Champion in six weeks. Rosenberg said that Sami’s win over Corbin was arguably his biggest win in the WWE. Sami agreed, saying that it was certainly his biggest win following the superstar shakeup.

Renee asked Sami about how he was feeling when he heard rumblings that Daniel Bryan and Shane McMahon were lobbying to have him over on Smackdown LIVE. Sami said that he was aware of it all and had even asked Mick Foley to move him to the blue brand.

Rosenberg felt that Sami had a chip on his shoulders to which the latter replied saying he did indeed have a point to prove to all his detractors. He mentioned that although his fans supported him, very few would have bet on him beating Baron Corbin that night. Renee added that she would always support Sami.

Rosenberg then asked Sami how he was holding up after the match to which Sami responded by saying that he was fine but not great.

Sami Zayn mentioned that he had his sights set on Money in The Bank and he could well be the surprise factor at the event. The hosts congratulated Sami and he left the panel making way for the next guest.

#2 Tye Dillinger

Renee asked Tye how it felt to compete in his first pay-per-view on the main roster. Tye claimed that he welcomed the reaction from the crowd. Rosenberg recalled an instance when Mark Henry told him that Tye was the most special guy in NXT and that he would make an impact on the main roster soon.

Just a month after that, Tye had beaten Aiden English for the third time in succession.

Dillinger revealed that he got his first opportunity back in 2006 and he could not make the most out of it, and had to wait for another four years to make an impact. Rosenberg added that watching someone like Jinder capture the WWE Championship may inspire him.

Tye said that he was gunning for Randy to win but applauded Jinder for his efforts. He mentioned that Jinder was a very driven individual.

Rosenberg said that he felt like going to the gym every time he saw Jinder and Tye responded by saying that he had put on a shirt for the same reason. Renee asked Tye what was next for him to which he said that he was over the ‘honeymoon period’ and now it was time to get real on the blue brand.

He teased a participation in the money in the bank ladder match. He asked how it to feel to see a Perfect 10 grab the Money in The Bank briefcase.


Tye then left the set and the duo of Renee and Peter discussed the involvement of the Singh brothers in the WWE Championship match. Rosenberg claimed that they play a big role in Jinder’s win over Randy and they would certainly be getting Rolex watches from the new WWE Champion for their sacrifices.

Renee then brought up the debut of Shinsuke Nakamura. Rosenberg said that he stayed on in the arena just to experience the fervor with which the WWE Universe welcomed one of NXT’s biggest superstars. Renee asked Rosenberg what the loss meant for Ziggler given that he really needed to win this one.

Rosenberg told Renee that the match was more about Nakamura and how he would deal with the pressure of making a main roster debut. He mentioned that Dolph has been through this in the past and he would surely find a way to get back up.

#3 Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens interrupted the hosts as they were talking. Rosenberg started a conversation with Owens but the United States champion shut him up with a simple, “Who are you?” Renee asked Owens how he was doing after his match with AJ Styles to which Owens said that he was a little beat up but he was still the champion.

Owens went on to say that taking a suplex at the edge of the ring nearly broke his back. Owens said that he was the better man and Renee cut him off with a question. He chided Renee for the interruption to which she apologised. Owens declared that his performance had laid to rest all doubts regarding who the better man was between him and AJ Styles.

Renee asked Owens if he wanted AJ to get back in the ring so that he could win the match fair and square to which Owens replied that he did win the match fairly and it was not his fault that Styles was physically inferior. Rosenberg tried to jibe in but Owens told him that he did not know him and it was the silence rule for Rosenberg.

Rosenberg then tried to ask a question to Owens through Renee and this further angered the champion. Owens said that Peter was the new guy and he did not respect him. Renee then asked Owens for his reaction on Jinder Mahal’s victory.

Owens said that he is the Face of America but that was not enough. He wanted to be the Face of the WWE and that would only be possible if he had the WWE Championship. Owens pointed out that he would look Jinder in the eye and say congratulations but he would also take the title at the first opportunity.

Owens then gave Rosenberg a chance to ask a question. Rosenberg said that he believed that AJ Styles was the best wrestler in the world and a count out win did not mean a lot for Owens. By this time, Owens had enough and he ripped off his headset and walked away, after which he returned and held the title in Rosenberg’s face.

Rosenberg clarified that he was not trying to be disrespectful. Owens returned with a piece of paper inscribed with “KO is the best in WWE” and asked Rosenberg to read it out aloud. Owens then left again, and Renee reminded the viewers that Owens did not have a very good history on the show.

Owens came back one last time and announced that not only was he the best WWE Superstar, the best man, and the greatest US Champion that the WWE has ever seen, he was also the greatest thing going for Talking Smack.

Owens closed the show with the announcement that Talking Smack would be called the Kevin Owens Show. He leaned into Rosenberg and said that he was the absolute best that the company had ever seen in its long history as the cameras went off the air.