5 superstars who will benefit from the Brand Split

AJ could be the face of one brand

WWE shocked the entire world when they announced their intentions to bring back the brand split. The idea of having two separate brands, two separate rosters, and two separate set of storylines is interesting and could bring back the glory days of WWE. While it the prospect makes the wrestling fans drool, the split is actually good for certain superstars.

These superstars, who would’ve slipped out of relevance if it was for a single roster, will probably flourish with the new system coming in. As we are busy discussing the brand split these days, here is one more discussion and a look at those superstars who’ll benefit from the brand split.


Sheamus could be in the main roster

Sheamus is a superstar that has some solid backing from the WWE backstage personnel. He was in and out of the main event scene for a long time but with names like Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, and others getting the limelight, Sheamus was pushed down the midcard. However, with the roster splitting up, the heel brilliance of Sheamus is likely to go straight into the main event scene.

He is a main event level star for sure and with the roster splitting up into two, Sheamus can be built up as a solid heel in one of the brands. This is apparently way better than how he was booked for all this time.

Apollo Crews

Crews can have a solid stay in the mid card

The situation with Apollo Crews is curious. The guy had a good stay on the NXT roster and was called up all of a sudden when he was still catching up with the crowd. He then was put into random mid-card matches on the roster and despite the brilliance, he possesses inside the ring, Apollo, didn’t get the push that he deserved.

The strong mid card did not help him either and he was bound to struggle for the longer run. However, with the brand split in place, the competition in the mid card for Apollo Crews is cut down in half and he will probably get to compete for a mid card championship.

Baron Corbin

Corbin could end up impressing

Baron Corbin has a similar situation to that of Apollo Crews. Corbin had a strong debut in the main roster when he won the Andre The Giant Battle Royal. Corbin then went on to have feud with Dolph Ziggler, where he had a strong booking. But if we go by the rumors, Corbin was going to be irrelevant after the same.

These decisions, however, would’ve been reshuffled thanks to the brand split and Corbin is likely to get a good push with respect to his brand. If he performs well, Corbin could get a place in the upper-mid card as well as a Goldberg-like character.

Dean Ambrose

Ambrose deserves to be in the main event scene

Dean Ambrose is often underrated when it comes to his push. Ambrose, who is just legendary when it comes to playing a heel, has been tied down as a baby face and at the same time, he has been kept away from the main event despite having the talent to be there. The main reason for his lack of luck with the main event scene is credited to the push that the current main event stars get.

But if WWE splits their brands, then, each brand would need talented names in the main event scene. And as Ambrose is a versatile superstar who could get over as a baby face and a heel, he is bound to have a great time during the brand split.

AJ Styles

AJ is saved

AJ Styles has been receiving some great booking ever since he made his debut on the main roster. He was put into an excellent feud with Chris Jericho to start off and secondly, he got into a great psychological feud with Roman Reigns. With the return of Seth Rollins, AJ’s main event status was in the air, but thanks to the brand split, AJ could remain in the main event.

He is probably the most over baby face on the current WWE roster considering that Reigns is not treated as a face by many fans out there. Such a fan following will be put to great use by whichever brand he falls into and AJ is going to make use of every opportunity he gets.