Sheamus returns on tonight's episode of SmackDown

The Celtic Warrior is back to his old self
The Celtic Warrior is back to his old self

On tonight's episode of SmackDown, Sheamus returned to a WWE ring for the first time in almost a year after appearing in vignettes since November 29 where he teased his return. He entered the ring and laid out Shorty G with the Brogue Kick.

Sheamus' return

The Celtic Warrior returned to the Blue brand following a match between Shorty G and The Revival's Dash Wilder. Shorty G won the match after he made Wilder submit to the ankle lock.

However, Wilder's tag team partner, Scott Dawson entered the ring and took out Shorty G from behind with a chop block. Dawson and Wilder then proceeded to lay out a two on one beating on Shorty G and it was then when Sheamus' music hit the speakers in the arena.

The Great White then strutted down the aisle and made his way towards the ring. The Top Guys of WWE shoved Shorty G towards Sheamus and made their way out of the ring.

It seemed as if Sheamus was going after The Revival but he turned around and instead took out Shorty G with the Brogue Kick and then made his exit.

Before the match, Shorty G and Dash Wilder got into an argument in the locker room that led to their match where he rebutted Wilder's short jokes and said that he will "rise over size." Following the attack on Shorty G, Sheamus then took to Twitter to post a picture of the Celtic Cross pendant that he wears around his neck with the caption "Size matters."

It will be interesting to see if Shorty G has a response for that and Sheamus' attack on him.