Rumours: WWE plans to unify US and Intercontinental championships

The United States Championship and The Intercontinental championship may become one title

With WWE Battleground just around the corner, the rumor is ripe that the WWE authorities are planning to unify The United States Championship and The Intercontinental Championship in the upcoming event.

The merging of WWE and World championship belts into one title has hogged lot of news which is currently been held by John Cena, and with no Intercontinental champion who can defend the title, the WWE authorities may be prompted to make the suggested move.

Sheamus may also enter the scene in his bid to not only defend his US championship title but also win the Intercontinental title if the move is made but what remains to be seen is whether Sheamus winning the title will force the WWE to unify them into one or totally remove the US championship.

The answers to all questions will only be provided after the conclusion of WWE Battleground which will be aired on 20th July from the Tampa Bay Times Forum in Tampa, Florida.