Unfortunate update on WWE Hall of Famer Jerry Lawler - Reports

The Hall of Famer has recieved bad news. [Images via WWE.com]
The Hall of Famer has recieved bad news. [Images via WWE.com]

There's an unfortunate personal update surrounding Jerry Lawler. The WWE legend will be disappointed.

Jerry Lawler had brought a lawsuit over the death of Brian Lawler, aka Grandmaster Sexay, during his time in WWE. The suit was looking for $3 million in damages and also a court order that was going to force Hardeman County to immediately make changes to prevent prisoners from committing suicide in custody. On July 29, 2018, Lawler's son was found hanging in his cell in Bolivar after a DUI arrest and was taken off life support later that day.

As per a report by PWInsider, the lawsuit by WWE Hall of Famer Jerry Lawler that had been brought against Hardeman County surrounding the death of his son was dismissed earlier this month.

The ruling by the appellate court stated that Jerry Lawler's lawsuit failed to present evidence from which a jury could find that the officers responsible knew that there was a likelihood of Brian Lawler committing suicide.

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"Plaintiff had failed to present evidence from which a jury could find that the individual officers knew that the Decedent possessed a “strong likelihood” of suicide, and disregarded that knowledge; therefore, Plaintiff could not show that the individual defendants were subjectively aware of such a risk."

The original lawsuit had been allowed to continue based on a 2021 precedent. However, the ruling now found that the case was to be dismissed as the precedent had ruled in favor of the defendants.

What happened with Jerry Lawler's son, Brian Christopher Lawler?

Brian Lawler, an ex-WWE star himself and known for his team with Scotty 2 Hotty and Rikishi, was arrested on July 7, 2018, for driving under the influence and evading police.

However, later that same month, he was found hanging in a cell early in the morning of July 29, 2018. He was taken to the hospital, where he was taken off life support after his father arrived at the hospital. He died at only 46.