ROH Results (07/30/2017): Jay White faces Punishment Martinez in the Main Event

An action-packed show, as always!

#1 Flip Gordon vs. Jonathan Gresham

Both participants engaged in the usual hold-and-switch routine before distancing themselves. They locked up again, with Gresham locking Gordon in a wrist hold. Gordon tried rolling his way out of the hold before finally getting out with a kip up.

Gresham hit Gordon with a Single Leg Takedown before applying a side headlock takedown. Gordon escaped the hold via head scissors. They continued the headlock-head scissors pattern for a few moments before breaking it up and distancing themselves.

Gresham dropkicked Gordon into the corner. He tried hitting Gordon with the boot but missed. Gordon manoeuvred his way out of the corner, avoided a clothesline, and hit the dropkick on Gresham. Gordon hit Gresham with handspring back elbow and followed it up with a standing moonsault for a near fall.

Gresham finally regained control after hitting Gordon with the boot in the corner and went up the turnbuckle and hit a seated splash on Gordon.

After a brief commercial break, Gresham and Gordon began exchanging forearms. Gordon hit Gresham with an uppercut and then followed it up with a springboard slide. Gordon hit a bunch of high-flying moves before Gresham gained control and hit an elbow drop for a near fall.

Gresham jumped off the top rope to hit a cross body, but Gordon reversed him for a near fall; the latter hit a Spinning Death Valley Driver followed by a superkick for a two count. Gresham recovered and hit Gordon with the rana for a near fall.

In the closing moments of the match, Gresham uppercut Gordon's arm to weaken it and then trapped him in the octopus stretch for the win.

Result: Johnathan Gresham def. Flip Gordon via Submission

Post-match, Alex Shelly – one-half of the Motor City Machine Guns – came to the ring and invited Flip Gordon to come back to the ring. He praised Gordon for his match and informed him that ROH needs talent like him and that he will try to help Gordon in any way possible.

Video package of the Marty Scurll-Kushida match, wherein Adam Cole interfered and cost Marty the ROH TV Title.

They showed a video package of Josh Woods before going backstage for an interview with him. Woods claimed that he was next in line for the ROH TV Championship as he had won the Top Prospect Tourney. He said that he wanted to have a challenge since Kushida was in Japan. He challenged Jay Briscoe for a match.

#2 Silas Young vs. Bobby Fish

Silas Young

Young tried blindsiding Fish before the bell rang, but Fish avoided his assault; Fish tried applying the kneebar, but Young took the powder. Fish went outside after Young, but the latter rushed back in and kicked an incoming Fish.

Fish hit Young with a barrage of knees and punches, but before he could cap it off with a slingshot senton, Young rolled out of the ring.

Fish followed him to the outside and then smashed him through the guardrails; Fish kicked him and then pushed him into the guardrails again. Back in the ring, Young clotheslined Fish; Fish avoided getting hit with Misery and retaliated with a knee strike. Fish began working Young's arm before getting slapped on the chest with a forearm.

Also read: Bobby Fish in NXT

Young Irish-whipped Fish to the turnbuckle for a near fall and choked Fish on the ropes before suplexing him for a near fall. Young attempted to go for a Full Nelson Slam; Fish switched his position to slam Young with a German Suplex, but Young rolled Fish up for a near fall.

Young began assaulting Fish with a barrage of power moves, but couldn't pin him successfully. Both exchanged an array of kicks and punches.

Young, who had gained complete control of the match, finished off Fish with a combination of Full Nelson Slam, a knee to the chest, and then Misery for the three count.

Result: Silas Young def. Bobby Fish

Fish recently made his NXT debut at the recent tapings and is set to wrap up his ROH commitments before setting sail to Full Sail.

#3 Jay White vs. Punishment Martinez

Jay White won against Punishment Martinez

White attempted to take down his big opponent with a shoulder tackle, but Martinez sent White flying to the corner. He tried booting him on the corner but missed. White sent Martinez out of the ring via a clothesline. White came off with a forearm off the apron.

After they returned to the ring, White dropkicked Martinez for a near fall. White attempted a European Uppercut, but couldn't connect and got walloped with a spinning kick from Martinez.

Martinez took charge of the match by hammering White with a barrage of knee strikes, clotheslines, and elbow drops. Martinez slammed White for a near fall.

White began making his comeback; he drove Martinez into the ground via a German Suplex, Flatliner, and then another German Suplex for a near fall. The action spilled to the outside, where Martinez choke slammed White onto the apron. He sent White back into the ring and then slammed him with a Falcon Arrow for a near fall.

White recovered and then connected with an uranage for a near fall. White tried the Kiwi Crusher, but Martinez blocked his attempts.

In the final moments, Martinez tried finishing off White with a kick, but White avoided it and rolled up Martinez for the three count.

Result: Jay White def. Punishment Martinez

Post-match, Punishment Martinez in a fit of anger powerbombed White through the ringside table.