Predicting the 20 entrants in the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal

This year’s edition of the Battle Royal needs to feel bigger than ever before

The Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal has been a regular fixture at WrestleMania ever since the 30th edition of the showcase of the immortals back in 2014. After transitioning from 30 entrants down to 20 last year, it seems as if that's going to be the common theme going forward with the match type, which is smart considering how clustered the first two years felt.

With so much mid card talent on WWE’s books right now, it seems baffling to consider that a majority of performers will miss out on this match, but it's true. The company needs to be treating this as a serious part of ‘Mania going forward, and stacking the deck full of well-known Superstars is the perfect way to start doing that.

Now there are of course going to be a few legends in the mix here and there, but that's part of the charm. If they increase the stakes behind the bout, we could see a number of top talents getting involved, which can only mean good things for WWE. Who knows, maybe we'll even see a few Cruiserweights show up.

So with that being said, it's time to predict the 20 entrants in the 2017 Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal.

#20 Big Cass

Big Cass
Cass has to be one of the favourites

Because it just has to happen. Big Cass is destined for greatness one day and that path could well start here because the big guy would likely be one of the favourites to win the whole thing. Whilst he may only get to the final three or four, it would be a fantastic platform for him to show the world what he's all about.

After all, he's probably one of the WWE's most promising future talents - and you can't teach that. Onto someone who's more on their way down as opposed to up.

#19 Curtis Axel

Curtis Axel
Axel is severely underrated in WWE

Curtis Axel has a love-hate relationship with Battle Royal matches, mainly because of his "non-elimination" back at the Royal Rumble a few years ago. It's no secret that he's been one of the most poorly booked talents in a long time, which is a shame considering how much potential the former Intercontinental Champion had.

Axel should have a relatively good showing here, potentially even lasting until the final five or six. From a former IC Champ to a likely future Tag Team Champ.

#18 Enzo Amore

Enzo Amore
Amore needs to bounce back from a tough few months

The second half of Enzo & Cass - the small and irritating one. The booking of Enzo Amore since the summer has been pretty baffling, to say the least, with WWE seemingly fixated on the idea of completely destroying his credibility.

With that said, Enzo still gets a solid reaction from the crowd which is all that'll matter to Vince. We could probably expect to see a relatively quick elimination here, though. Enzo is pretty unusual, but this next entry really takes the cake.

#17 Goldust

You can always count on Goldust to put in a solid performance

No - there will be no R-Truth in this list.

Goldust is a seasoned veteran and is a great person to bring out for these kinds of matches because you can always expect something resembling a pop when he enters the ring. His durability within the world of professional wrestling is pretty impressive, and it's a shame that he never got a full run at the top.

Goldy can eliminate one or two folks before joining them on the outside. From one Attitude Era regular to another.

#16 Mark Henry

Mark Henry
Henry is coming to the end of his impressive career

Mark Henry was a strong favourite to win the ATGMBR last year, however, things never quite came to fruition. The Texas native has given a lot to WWE during his tenure with the company, and you'd have to imagine that his time in the industry is slowly coming to a close.

Perhaps this could be the way to send him off, with the World's Strongest Man lasting until the final few competitors. Then again, maybe not. Onto yet another beast of a man on the WWE roster.

#15 Rusev

Can Rusev pick up one of the biggest wins of his career?

Rusev crush. The Bulgarian Brute has been on a downward slope ever since losing to John Cena at WrestleMania 31, which is a shame. He's one of the most natural heels on the WWE roster and could be a future world Champion if booked correctly.

Some may see this match as a step down, but there's no obvious match for him at ‘Mania aside from Angle, and if that doesn't happen then Rusev should be the man to win the Battle Royal. Fact.

Could Rusev eliminate our next high-profile entrant?

#14 Jake Roberts

Jake Roberts
Jake The Snake deserves one last moment in the sunshine

Everyone loves a good nostalgia spot, especially when it goes to someone as deserving as Jake "The Snake" Roberts. The WWE Hall of Famer has been through a lot over the years, with his long road to recovery from addiction being well documented in the media.

This could be the cherry on top of his journey, with Roberts and his beloved snake making one last appearance in a wrestling capacity in front of over 75,000 fans. From a legend to one of the best in-ring talents in WWE history.

#13 Shelton Benjamin

Shelton Benjamin
Benjamin’s return to WWE should come at WrestleMania

After his initial return was pushed back due to a shoulder injury, now seems like the perfect time for Shelton Benjamin to once again step into a WWE ring. It's uncertain whether he's fully healed, but let's assume that he has because The Gold Standard would be a welcome addition to this match.

He doesn't have to last too long, but it would make things feel a little more important with a former star being involved in the contest. Onto the next entrant who is also a veteran looking for one last hurrah.

#12 Kane

Kane could be a dark horse for victory

The Big Red Machine doesn't show up all too often these days, which makes sense given how many years he's had in the business. We should just be appreciating the sacrifices he's made for this business.

Kane can definitely still put on a good show and the story is there, given that he was the runner-up in this match at WrestleMania 32. From a company veteran to a man who could lead the future generation.

#11 Rich Swann

Rich Swann
Swann’s charisma will take him far in WWE

Can you handle this?

Probably not, because Rich Swann is one of the most charismatic stars in the world right now. Some will feel that he should be in the Cruiserweight Championship picture at WrestleMania, but we've already seen the Neville feud and he'll probably hold onto the belt for quite some time.

Swann could be an amusing addition to this match, and seeing a stadium full of people dancing along with him would be fun. We move on to a man who has had his fair share of run-ins with Swann.

#10 The Brian Kendrick

Brian Kendrick
Kendrick deserves another WrestleMania match

The Brian Kendrick hasn't really been doing much since dropping the Cruiserweight Title, and it's a shame given his veteran status. Kendrick can still do some great things within that division and deserves another storyline of some sorts in order to show what he's capable of.

He may not last too long in a match like this, but you could have him eliminate one of the slightly bigger guys in order to have something resembling a WrestleMania moment. From the Cruiserweights to another exceptional athlete.

#9 Apollo Crews

Apollo Crews
Can Crews rise to superstardom?

When you see how many Superstars have thrived on SmackDown Live, it's a shame to see that Apollo Crews hasn't really made the same kind of impact. Things are slowly starting to look up though, and the guy has the look and ability to succeed in WWE.

A strong performance in a match of this magnitude could be exactly what he needs to reach that next level, especially considering how well he could utilise his strength here. We go from one underachieving SD Live star to another.

#8 Curt Hawkins

Curt Hawkins
Hawkins’ recent run hasn't been great

Face the facts - Curt Hawkins' character isn't very good.

It seems as if the company brought Hawkins back into the fold with the sole intention of making him a jobber once again, which is a shame considering how talented he is. Hawkins deserves some form of spotlight during this match, even if he's just the first guy eliminated.

Curt could provide the small piece of comedy in an otherwise very serious match, which would be amusing to see.

From an Edgehead to a former Spirit Squad member.

#7 Dolph Ziggler

Dolph Ziggler
Ziggler has a renewed sense of importance as a heel

Heel Dolph Ziggler is a fun Dolph Ziggler, and he could have a really strong showing in this one. The Show-Off has been in the company for a long time now, and this current run could be his best yet if he can keep his momentum going on the blue brand.

It shouldn't be too hard to accomplish, given how well he portrays his heel character, and he could get as far as the final three in this one which would be a huge boost for him. Speaking of Ziggler, here's one of his former tag team partners.

#6 Jack Swagger

Jack Swagger
Swagger deserves another midcard run

Poor old Jack Swagger. Four years ago he was competing for the World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania 29, and now he's left trying to scrape into the Battle Royal. It's a shame to see how far he's fallen, but at the same time he probably wouldn't have made it all too far anyway.

Swagger will likely just be another body in there, but it's always good to have a former World Champion in the mix. From a wrestling expert to a man who is barely one.

#5 James Ellsworth

James Ellsworth
We all know it’s going to happen

Oh, Ellsworth. If WWE hadn't signed him to a two-year contract he'd be nowhere near this card. Alas, here we are. We saw at the Royal Rumble that he can provide an entertaining enough spot, so long as his time in the match doesn't last longer than about 15 seconds.

Ellsworth's time seems to have come and gone, however, some people feel that the Carmella storyline could revitalise his run. It probably won't, though. From the ultimate underdog to another smaller talent.

#4 Tyler Bate

Tyler Bate
Bate is the future of professional wrestling

The WWE United Kingdom Champion deserves a spot at WrestleMania, and this would be an interesting way in which to introduce him. Bate has a bucket load of potential in this business and he could become a big player in years to come, with his ‘Mania journey starting in Orlando.

You could have him face off with a number of the bigger Superstars, including our next competitor who he knows quite well.

Who is it, you ask? It's the Bruiserweight of course.

#3 Pete Dunne

Pete Dunne
Dunne could be a future main eventer

Pete Dunne was perhaps the stand out of the WWE UK Tournament, with the youngster putting on some incredible performances en-route to the final of the competition. Although he didn't win it, he proved to the world that he has what it takes to thrive on the biggest stage and there is nothing bigger than WrestleMania.

Dunne could have a strong run in the match, potentially even eliminating young Tyler Bate. From a hard hitter to a high flyer.

#2 Kalisto

Kalisto can pull off some fun spots in the match

Kalisto isn't everyone's cup of tea, but that's probably because of how much he's struggled with the WWE's booking. The King of Lucha Things hasn't really been pushed in terms of his character development, with many fans wanting more than just his impressive moveset.

Perhaps he could show a nastier side in this match, proving that the former United States Champion will do absolutely anything to get the win. We finish up with another foreign Superstar.

#1 Tajiri

Everybody loves Tajiri

In terms of fan favourites, Tajiri was right up there with the best of them during his prime. The Japanese sensation impressed during the Cruiserweight Classic back in the summer, and as a result it feels right to give him a place in the Battle Royal.

It's not like he'll get anywhere close to winning it, but once again it's a case of adding a bigger name in order to make things feel as special as possible - because that's what Andre The Giant's legacy deserves.

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