Popular stable to make major heel turn, joining enemy - 4 ways Sheamus could turn on Drew McIntyre ahead of WWE WrestleMania Hollywood

Sheamus could turn on Drew McIntyre before WWE WrestleMania
Sheamus could turn on Drew McIntyre before WWE WrestleMania

A major WWE WrestleMania Hollywood match could be on the horizon if rumors are to be believed. The bout is a sure-to-be epic one, with the three stars all vying for the coveted Intercontinental Championship.

Gunther is allegedly set to defend his title against his biggest rival from the main roster, Sheamus, and The Celtic Warrior's friend-turned-foe-turned-friend Drew McIntyre in a Triple Threat Match at The Show Of Shows.

The powerful Austrian has been champion for several months now, on his way to beating modern records with the title.

While there's no guarantee that this bout will actually take place, there's plenty of reason to believe that it could. All three stars battled at the WWE Royal Rumble, and Gunther has plenty of history with Sheamus.

The question, however, is will Sheamus or Drew McIntyre turn on the other ahead of the big event if the bout does get booked?

While McIntyre could betray Sheamus, history has proven that The Celtic Warrior is much more likely to be the villain heading into the match. If the Irish star does turn on his friend, how might he do it? What might the Irish star do to cement himself as a villain?

Below are four ways Sheamus could turn on Drew McIntyre ahead of WWE WrestleMania Hollywood.

#4. Sheamus could be jealous if Drew McIntyre has a WWE Intercontinental Championship match

Gunther is the Intercontinental Champion
Gunther is the Intercontinental Champion

Sheamus has one goal in mind: to become WWE Intercontinental Champion. A wrestler like The Celtic Warrior does whatever it takes to make his dream become a reality. For somebody such as the Irish wrestler, the end always justifies the means.

Nothing would be more frustrating for Sheamus than to not only be unable to fulfill his goal but to see somebody he's friends with go on and do it instead. The fact that he and Drew McIntyre have a friendly rivalry will only make it more frustrating.

If the former WWE Champion discovers that McIntyre has a title opportunity and he doesn't, Sheamus may snap to try to prevent the Scottish wrestler from reaching the goal before him. If he attacks Drew, maybe he'd take his spot in the title match. The thought process is warped, but jealousy does a lot to people.

#3. The Brawling Brutes could all viciously assault The Scottish Psychopath

The Brawling Brutes & Drew McIntyre
The Brawling Brutes & Drew McIntyre

The Brawling Brutes have worked with McIntyre ever since the build-up to WWE Survivor Series WarGames 2022. McIntyre and Sheamus got over their issues to become friends again.

Meanwhile, both Ridge Holland and Butch recognized that they had common enemies in The Bloodline.

Still, Butch and Ridge clearly share some animosity towards McIntyre. When they appeared on WWE's The Bump a few weeks ago, they brought a dart board with Drew's face on it, stabbing at it repeatedly. While most just saw it being played for laughs, there was obvious resentment between the Brutes and the Scottish star.

It likely wouldn't be difficult to convince either star to turn on a guy they already dislike. Sheamus could lead the charge, and all three could brutally hurt and dispose of McIntyre to make sure he can't make it to WrestleMania.

#2. Sheamus could shockingly join Imperium

Imperium is an incredible stable. All three members of the group, Gunther, Giovanni Vinci, and Ludwid Kaiser, are fantastic professional wrestlers who can deliver in the ring as well or better than almost anybody else in WWE.

Sheamus has had more than his fair share of run-ins with the group. He and The Brawling Brutes battled them multiple times in late summer and early fall. The Celtic Warrior maintained his own against them but also fell victim to the group at times too.

A shocking turn could see the former WWE Champion not only betray his friend Drew McIntyre but do so by joining the most dangerous group on SmackDown besides The Bloodline.

If The Celtic Warrior joins Imperium, it would both be shocking to also make a Triple Threat Match at WrestleMania even more intriguing. Would he and Gunther just double-team McIntyre? Time may tell.

#1. The Celtic Warrior could try to secretly prevent McIntyre from being added to the WrestleMania match

Sheamus hasn't exactly made his goal in WWE a secret. He's held almost every title there is to hold during his time in the company, oftentimes multiple times over. He's a four-time world champion, a three-time tag team champion, and a five-time tag team champion.

Still, there's a key title he's yet to hold that he desperately wants. Sheamus wants to be the Intercontinental Champion more than anything. His battles with Gunther over the title were legendary, and he wants another bout with the big man.

If both stars are up for a potential title shot at WrestleMania, Sheamus may sabotage McIntyre's attempts at earning a title opportunity. He could do so by politicking to management or by "accidentally" costing Drew a big win. His true colors may come out when he's in danger of not reaching his goal.