Opinion: Sasha Banks Has Every Right To Be Upset With WWE

Is Sasha Banks justified for being upset with WWE? Is Sasha Banks justified for being upset with WWE?
Is Sasha Banks justified for being upset with WWE? Is Sasha Banks justified for being upset with WWE?

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect Sportskeeda's views.

Misused. That is the only way to describe how Sasha Banks has been treated over the course of the last year or so and while that's not exactly the company's fault, they should have put more stock into her instead of just throwing it all away on the next shiny toy they see. Unfortunately for the WWE and its fans, it looks like The Boss might actually be done this time.

According to the latest rumors, Sasha Banks had a meltdown over WrestleMania 35 weekend when she found out that she and Bayley would be losing the Women's Tag Team Titles to The IIconics in what is being described as a last second decision. It was apparently so bad that it left Banks feeling blindsided and even caused her to cancel an upcoming appearance on The Wendy Williams Show.

As if that wasn't bad enough, she was also sent home by the company to think over her decision of wanting to leave WWE, which could essentially spell the end of Bank's career there. Of course, there is always the possibility of the two sides coming to terms and Banks riding out her contract, but what if she doesn't want to?

In all honesty, Banks has a right to be angry at WWE right now. Not only is that evident by the way they have seemingly forgotten about her over the course of the last year or so, but also by how little they have really done with her since then. If nothing else, its a bunch of wasted time and wasted potential, which kind of makes you want to side with Banks in this situation.

Think about it! While Charlotte and Becky Lynch are thriving in their new roles as a face and a heel at the top of the card, Banks and Bayley have spent the last year or so toiling away in the mid-card. And yeah, they got championship opportunities here and there, but those were all stop-gap positions at best and the company seemingly had no intention of putting the belts on them.

Couple that with WWE promising Banks and Bayley a solid run with the Women's Tag Team Titles and then putting them on The IIconics and you can pretty much see why Banks is upset right now. In fact, between WWE seemingly making the tag team titles into a joke in one fell swoop and blindsiding her in the process, she has every right to be livid.

In the end, WWE has two options here. They can either take stock and realize that Sasha Banks is the star that she says she is or they can let her go to a rival company and prove it herself. Of course, some fans are going to say that she is simply taking her ball and going home, but is that really the case with how many times she has been screwed over in the last year or so?

Seriously though. The decisions that the company has made in regards to Banks shows that they have very little confidence in her and don't really value her as anything more than mid-card fodder. Keep in mind that this was once one of the biggest women superstars on Monday Night Raw with multiple title runs to her name and you can start to see why she feels a little disenfranchised and also why she would feel justified in taking her talents elsewhere.

Again, whether she actually does or not is up to her and what the company thinks they should do with her moving forward. With that being said, however, WWE must really be blind if they don't see Banks for the charismatic showwoman she is and don't recognize all the talent that she has to offer the company.

Do you think WWE is mistreating Sasha? Should she do what's best for her and quit? Let us know in the comments below!