NXT Results, video highlights, and analysis - 9 January 2019

NXT 2019 starts off with the most dominant stable in its history
NXT 2019 starts off with the most dominant stable in its history

The first official NXT of 2019 featured a double main event. EC3 and Adam Cole would face off in what would, possibly, be the final NXT match for EC3. The same goes for Nikki Cross, who faced off against Bianca Belair one more time.

Tonight also featured the debut of an NXT UK team, Fabian Aichner and Marcel Barthell, as well as a few announcements regarding NXT TakeOver: Phoenix.

Johnny Gargano issues a challenge to the NXT North American Champion
Gargano issues a challenge to the NXT North American Champion

Johnny Gargano opened NXT by talking about his run in 2018. Gargano said that success is measured by two things: wins and championships. "It doesn't matter how hard you try," said Gargano. "It doesn't matter how good of a person you are. It matters if you win or if you have a championship."

Gargano promised that in 2019, he'll become a champion in NXT. Gargano mentioned NXT Champion Tommaso Ciampa and attempted to dissuade the crowd from DIY chants. He said that their moment in the steel cage match meant absolutely nothing, and called Ciampa a piece of trash.

Gargano then set his sights on the NXT North American Championship and Ricochet. At this time, Ricochet interrupted. The champion said all Gargano had to do was ask, setting up their title bout at NXT TakeOver: Phoenix.

Ricochet teased Gargano over the beat down he gave to Aleister Black in the parking lot back in the summer. He said that there's One and Only one man that will leave with the title in Phoenix, and it's him.

Ciampa then came out to taunt Ricochet, but Gargano sent him away. Aleister Black's music hit, and he popped up on the screen, saying that Ciampa will Fade to Black. The lights went out, and Black assaulted Ciampa. Amidst all the confusion, Gargano caught Ricochet with a superkick, sending a message to the champion.

Bianca Belair had a hard time putting away the Twisted Sister of NXT
Bianca Belair had a hard time putting away the Twisted Sister of NXT

William Regal revealed on Twitter that the War Raiders will challenge the Undisputed Era for the NXT Tag Team Titles. With that, every single championship has officially been locked into a match at NXT TakeOver: Phoenix.

Bianca Belair vs Nikki Cross

Cross looked to finally take down Belair before leaving for the main roster
Cross looked to finally take down Belair before leaving for the main roster

Belair shoved Cross away to open the match, getting in her face, but Cross shoved her back and landed on her with a running crossbody. Belair and Cross traded blows, and Belair avoided a schoolboy roll-up.

Cross ran at Belair in the corner, but the Est. of NXT sent her outside. Cross pulled her into the apron and beat her down, similar to the attack Finlay used to pull. Cross went up top, but Belair stopped her, picking her up and dropping her in the middle of the ring with a Gorilla Press Slam, following up with a standing moonsault.

Cross kicked out at one and was locked into an abdominal stretch by Belair, who kept punching Cross in her abdomen. Belair then picked her up from the hold into a backbreaker, getting a two-count. Belair picked Cross up, continuing to punish her with some strong fists. Cross countered a suplex, though, into a DDT, and nearly got the win herself.

Cross took Belair down with another crossbody, then sent herself into Belair in the corner with a body splash, finishing up with a bulldog. Cross hit Belair with the Scorpion Death Drop, but Belair kicked out.

Belair avoided another roll-up attempt, sending Cross crashing down with a spear. Cross kicked out again, frustrating the #1 contender. Cross picked up her knees as Belair went for a body splash, and the Twisted Sister of NXT dropped her with The Purge. Belair rolled out of the ring to avoid the pinfall.

Outside, Cross tried to bring Belair back to the ring, but Belair dropped her onto the ramp in a similar spot to their first encounter. Both women made it back inside before the ten count, and met in the middle of the ring, coming to blows.

Cross avoided Belair, who ran shoulder first into the ring post. She then rolled up Belair, who managed to kick out at two. Cross, frustrated, pounded the mat. As they both made it back to their feet, a forearm from Belair dropped Cross.

Cross made it to the corner where Belair repeatedly rammed her into the turnbuckle with shoulder thrusts. Belair placed Cross at the top, trying to put her away. Cross fought her off and went for a flying cross body. Belair dodged and planted Cross with the K.O.D. for the victory.

Results: Bianca Beliar defeated Nikki Cross via pinfall.

Bianca Belair will go into NXT TakeOver: Phoenix undefeated, most likely. With momentum on her side, we just may see an upset on January 26th.

Aichner and Barthell are a dangerous duo
Aichner and Barthell are a dangerous duo

The Street Profits cut a promo stating that they'll be taking over NXT in 2019, saying that they'll be opening up doors. The Profits called out the War Raiders, Humberto & Raul, and the Undisputed Era. Dawkins and Ford will return to action next week

Fabian Aichner and Marcel Barthell vs Kunsman and Watts

Aichner and Barthell recently teamed up on NXT UK and looked to pick up some success on American soil.

Barthell took his opponent down quickly, but Kunsman would eventually make his way over to Watts. Both men were overpowered by Barthell, who wasn't caught off guard by Watts' speed. Barthell tagged in Aichner, who tanked a few chest chops. Watts escaped Aichner's grasp and made it to Kunsman.

Kunsman seemed to have Aichner on the ropes, but a heavy duty spinebuster planted him as Barthell tagged himself in. The duo dominated Kunsman in the corner, punishing him and leaving him in a heap at the bottom of the turnbuckle. Aichner held Kunsman on the apron while Barthell came in with a baseball slide to the face.

Barthell tried to keep Kunsman from tagging Watts, but Kunsman eventually fought off. Watts came in and stunned Aichner with some fast kicks. Barthell tagged himself in and sent Watts into Barthell for a brainbuster.

Barthell knocked Kunsman off of the apron, and Aichner hit their finish, a powerbomb into a German suplex, for the victory.

Results: Fabian Aichner & Marcel Barthell defeated Kunsman and Watts.

An already loaded tag team roster seems to have found some new competition.

Backstage, it was revealed that Tommaso Ciampa and Aleister Black were removed from NXT tonight following their brawl. Ricochet was outside, demanding a fight with Gargano, even if William Regal didn't approve it.

Keith Lee vs Kassius Ohno is set up for next week
Keith Lee vs Kassius Ohno is set up for next week

Sara Sleber spoke with Keith Lee backstage about the incident that took place between Kassius Ohno and Matt Riddle last week. Lee sent out a challenge to Ohno, stating that he'll ensure Ohno will have no choice but to bask in his glory.

EC3 vs Adam Cole

Adam Cole looked to rid himself of EC3
Adam Cole looked to rid himself of EC3

Cole forced EC3 into the corner early but backed away to gloat. EC3 forced Cole into the same corner and traded trash talk with Cole. Cole sent EC3 into the ropes and went for a leapfrog, but EC3 stopped dead in his tracks, dropping him with a knife-edge chop.

Cole went to the outside, goading EC3 into following him. An enziguri from Cole gave him the upper hand, and he sent EC3 into the steel steps. Back inside the ring, Cole put his feet to EC3, beating down the one percenter.

Cole locked EC3 down in the middle of the ring with a wrist lock, and cut him off when he attempted to break out, dropping him with a neckbreaker. On the apron, Cole tried to suplex EC3 to the outside. EC3 countered, bringing Cole in instead. EC3 took Cole down with an elbow smash and a body slam, followed by a running elbow drop.

EC3 drove Cole into the mat with the headlock STO, but Cole escaped a pinfall. Cole caught EC3 with a running boot, putting him back on top. Cole set up EC3 in the Fireman's Carry. EC3 fought out but was hit with a backstabber. Cole went for the Last Shot, but EC3 ducked, sending him over with a German suplex and nearly decapitating him with a clothesline.

Cole countered a suplex and arm wrench and hit the shoulder breaker. EC3 kicked out, forcing Cole to look for the cross arm breaker. EC3 fought out of it, countering into a powerbomb. All three members of the UE went in for the distraction. While EC3 was able to fight them off, it allowed Cole to connect with a superkick and the Last Call for the victory.

Results: Adam Cole defeated EC3 via pinfall.

Undisputed Era beat down EC3, but the group was stopped by the War Raiders. Rowe and Hanson handled the 4-on-2 fight pretty well, and Hanson completely dominated the Tag Team Champions by himself. The War Raiders drove Strong and Fish down with a power slam/powerbomb combo, then put away Kyle O'Reilly with the Fallout.